I'm new to PX4 and drones. I am trying to connect my raspberry pi 3 to PX4 wirelessly. I connect the PX4 hotspot WiFi to the Raspberry pi (Ardupilot). I have installed MAVProxy version 1.6.1 on the raspberry pi together with all the de
I have recently purchased a Tarot 680Pro and plan on extending the arms to an 800. I have also bought a Canon 6D with several lens for a steal($500) from a person of Craigslist. I plan on using the drone for photogrammetry missions. I am currently lo
I have a fixed wing drone that is competing at the 2017 AUVSI student competition in Maryland, and I am having trouble setting up the failsafe requirements.
Here are the requirements:
The UAS must have either autonomous return to home (RTH) or return
Has anyone used this charger? After studying FPV/UAV stuff I decided to go with a FX-79 2m plane with a 3S 16000 since this battery weighs about what two 3S 5000 yet has more than 1/3 watt hours. My next issue was charging the monster battery,
I have recently bought a second hand 3D Robotics Quad. Looks quite old and it came with a ArduMega V1.4 Flight controller which is red and then another board that sits on top from DIY Drones
I cannot find one gimbal that will hold a Canon EOS 6D. I have a tarot 680pro that I am beefing up to an 800. I've been looking for weeks with no luck.. Can someone help me with this issue.
thanks to everyone in advance for the help. I want to compile Mission Planner solution without making any changes to the code. I followed the guide in:
We are trying to run a simple takeoff command using DroneKit-Python. We have a lidar and an optical flow (PX4 flow) camera connected. We have disabled GPS and have successfully achieved loiter mode with no GPS. We're running APM 3.4.6. The craft succ
For the fail safe I have already set-up, the short fail safe is for the plane to circle after 1.5 seconds of communication lost, and the long fail safe is for the plane to RTL after 30 seconds of communicatio
For the fail safe I have already set-up, the short fail safe is for the plane to circle after 1.5 seconds of communication lost, and the long fail safe is for the plane to RTL after 30 seconds of communicatio
I need to know that everything i need to complete this build is on this list. Are any components/hardware missing for the sensors? Hoping that everything is compatible here and after i order and everything arrives I will have everything i need and no
I have recently purchased a Teraranger One with the i2c adapter cable. It's all wired up and configured, but the sonar range on the Mission Planner flight display simply reads 0.
Here are the things I have already checked/tried/configured: