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Tower Android App

I use the Tower App for communication between my drones and my Android phone. I uninstalled it recently by mistake and I can no longer find it on the Play Store to re-install it. The earlier versions of Droid Planner  are not there either. Is there a

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6 Replies · Reply by Austin Webber Mar 20

Monocopter build

I'm trying to build a monocopter. It has one wing, one motor and one servo. Show Betaflight setup for a monocopter. Monocopter has one wing. Monocopter has one motor EDF. Monocopter has one servo. Servo moves Hiller flap at 90 degrees to wing axis. M

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Drone Building Course

Hello Everyone:

My name is Ward and I am brand new to the Forum. I am also brand new to drone building and I am looking to design and build my own drones. I did take Electronis Engineering in College about a million years ago (when almost everything w

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7 Replies · Reply by Ronald Pandolfi Feb 20

PhD Research

I'm writing a PhD thesis on the civilian adoption of drones in the UK and how they are altering power relationships. As part of this wider research, I'm looking for insights from the modifying/operating community. If you have a spare two minutes coul

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3 Replies · Reply by Callum Hamilton Feb 17

Fleet management

Hello all, 

This whole concept of drones has gone to the very high level. With plenty of players in the market already, the idea of managing a fleet of drones has become crucial which will help the users/makers/leasers manage their drones. I am trying

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2 Replies · Reply by Cole Byrne Jan 30


Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can

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4 Replies · Reply by William Byrd Jan 15

Dream Set-Up


So imagine you had no financial restrictions whatsoever.

What would be your wildest dream set-up. I want you guys to really go over the top, but compinents have to be available on the market right now.

Let's hear what you got!

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2 Replies · Reply by Harri Munoz Jan 14

Pixhawk Bicopter

Hi all,
Im facing issue in bicopter flying through pixhawk.
whenever I try to take off from the ground the bicopter spins (yaw) in both the directions.

I calibrate all the required things and done the integration according to ardupilot web page:
M1 - Thr

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0 Replies · Reply by Adam Kris Jan 10


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