Anthony Bee's Discussions (55)

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Need help with Ardu 3DR Esc setup!

So I just got the 3dr quad copter but im having issues getting the escs to calabrate?

Ive tried Auto calabration and manual more than twice each, and I cant get the motors respond after calabration? Durring the ESC calabration the motors will spin up,

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Choosing an ArduCopter?

Hello, I am trying to research ArduCopters for my next UAV, but Im not sure whats the differance between the ArduCopter V1 with motors $326, and the ArduCopter 3DR with motors $295?

Im not sure what kind of battery, motor size, or props I need either.

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I was sitting in the hanger today thinking about I can use $600 a apm Uav, to preform a job
 a multithousand $ aircraft dose…
Could I start a small business performing arial advertising using a apm Uav system?

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Pond Racer UAV

Hello!I would like to build scaled down version of the Experimental Pond Racer.I believe it is a Swedish designed aircraft built and designed to win air races!At first glance it resembles a P-38 but much smaller.The Pond Racer is a twin engine aircra

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Adru-Tank Mini Ripsaw concepts

Hello,I want to build a about a 3ftunmanned long, 2 and a half foot wide mini ripsaw style Uav tank powered by apm!Will feature autonomous navigationAutonomous target aqusision and engagement via "paintball sentry"Long range fpv and remote computingS

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APM Simulation using Flight gear???


     So Im ready to run a full hardware in the loop simulation to test my APM, however the APM manual only talks about how to set up a simulation in X-Plane 9, but the planner Dose support Flightgear?

Can anyone help me set up my APM for a fligh

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Can AMP power a quad-tilt wing?!


    Im am seeing these exotic flying wings that can hover like a quad, and fly like a plane both on here, and on! I want to build/ design my own for APM.. But can APM do that? Can APM control quad functions with the APM veritcal up

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Beeler UAV Geobat Flight 2!

So far, so great!

Ive had two secsessful flights with my Geobat UAV nicknamed "IFO" or (Identifed Flying Object).

In this video:

At first I was fighting what seems to be a slight tail heavy tendensy, but I finally straightened it out with the propper am

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Re-evolutuion in DIY Ground control

So, i have a general knollege now of the APM, how it works, and trouble shooting it on different platforms. However, I dont know alot about the Mission planner/ground control...

Since I have been building ALOT of scratch made planes for rc/APM =]

I wan

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APM Elevon mixxing help???? please =]

Alright, so I got my APM on a flying wing (F-117), however...

I have already played aroun with the dip switches to get the elevons to mix right or not via APM.

However... When I go into manual mode, the plane thinks that it is NOT using elevons, and th

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