"Assuming you are correct that they have EXACTLY the same weight the 3800mah 4 cell has an 1.3% advantage. So almost nothing. Comes down then to what you have and or which has a cost advantage. If they are not the same weight, I would go with the…"
I pressed the update button in Mission Planner when it said and update was available. Now MP will not load. I get an box that says FATAL Program, along with a bunch of stuff I don't understand. Any help is appreciated!
"Looks like it flys well to me. Use those sticks to maintain position and then adjust trims if required. Air movement will always cause them to drift around."
"The throttle has to be advanced to initiate takeoff. It is a safety feature designed to avoid accidentally hitting a switch that activates auto mode. Both have to be done. auto mode, followed by advancing the throttle. "
"I'm having the same issue. I'm using an xbee set that works perfectly in other apps and seem to be communicating. However, when connected to APM2 mavlink will not connect. I have the correct USB port selected, I have the baud rate set to 1152000.…"