i have just seen the release of the new Sony Cameras for Smartphones (QX-10 + QX-100) - isn't this almost what we would need to make the perfect camera for a copter ?
after having bothered the forum for quite a bit and quite some issues setting the copter up (took months, before it worked), many many crashes and broken equipment, i got one arducopter flying. - Unfortunately not for long as it shortl
i have just downloaded both the zipped as well as the 64 bit MSI version of the APM 1.1.79 and now it does not start anymore. I get the following in the console, i assume it got to do with directx.
first of all - a general warning - always make sure you disarm your copter before getting your hands into it. -->> Also make sure to test if it really has been disarmed by e.g. pulling the throttle again up before approaching. <<--. I
i have done a APM 2.0 flight test today, unfortunately, during two tests, the copter flipped over without even lifting off. - Even the video is quite funny, i would like to find out what may be wrong and fix it.
i have two questions which hopefully somebody can answer:
First question:
- If i have a PC and a TG9x with the ER9x- Ardupilot Firmware, is it possible to connect both the PC (Mission Planner) as well as the Remote Control (TG9x) to the