"There are so many more obstacles than determining a frame for something this large. Do you have xperience building fixed wing systems? The whole concept is impractical- you ll need so much redundancy- definitely more than one autopilot running in…"
"you'll need a transmitter- I dont think flight without one is available with the firmware. Also be weary about going large- you'll have to fly in biigger places and flying near people/things becomes way more dangerous, and crashes can be more costly"
"no idea what the spec of the airspeed sensor is, but given it relies on pressure, there is certainly a minimum speed threshold and you may have found it. but I think the code utilizes both airspeed sensor and gps data together to get an accurate…"
"i agree with Rob, ive been using the pixhawk (after learning on apm) and I have only had successes, never a failure- 25% seems way too high- and I am truley amazed at the versitility and ability of the open source system. which of course is always…"
"Jason- Does it go all the way off or do the motor just turn off? If its just the motors (and lights under arms) than you are on immediate cutoff (motors stop when throttle = 0). In the naza software you can change from immediate to intelligent so…"
"before you replace the gps - check your gps wires for continuity, check the antenna connection- ive had wires break and the gps antenna connection come loose"