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DOH! (check your radio settings before flight!)

3689489158?profile=originalJust got back from the park, was going to do some FPV.

Everything looked good, lifted off, corrected for a bit of lean to the rear, it got worse, corrected more, hit full forward and quad continued to accelerate in reverse, killed throttle and rolled it breaking a prop. 

New prop, lifted off and it started again. This time all that air time training I've got with my new Hubsan X4 kicked in and I flew it backwards and landed it. 

At first I thought my radio config got hosed, then I remembered that I've been finishing building my flying wing. Checked the radio and sure enough, it was set to "Slinger". Set the radio back to UFO, and my quad flew fine. Another item for the pre-flight. DOH!

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Princeton: Mapping Africa


Slightly off topic for the minute but there is a UA element soon. Lyndon is a friend of mine and it was with him many years ago that this entire UAS interest (pun warning) took off for me. At the time Lyndon was looking for antelope in Kenya and other people were watching Lions we figured their had to be a better way.

Lyndon needs volunteers to look at satellite images and tag them..

Here’s the issue: right now, our understanding of where people are farming is limited. Though we have a pretty good idea of where people are farming in Europe and North America, there is much to learn about the rest of the world. Of particular note is Africa, which is predicted to experience an explosion in agriculture in the coming decades.

The best data that we have so far is not incredibly accurate and relied on outdated satellite images. The data are prone to overestimating and underestimating farmland in various locations. Due to the wide range of error and the unreliability of the data, it is difficult to conduct investigations or make predictions based on this data. As a result, we have launched an initiative in the hopes of getting a better idea of the farmland distribution in Africa. We are trying to map all of Sub-Saharan Africa using the power of the Internet.


So please sign up if you have time.

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3D Robotics

New alternative Arduino IDE

3689489083?profile=originalAs much as we love Arduino, the IDE could use some improvement. So one user did something about it, with this new IDE that should be 100% compatible, but adds these features:

  • Runs over Arduino install: MariaMole uses the Arduino software that you have installed, so all your Arduino configurations are kept. You can still use the original Arduino side-by-side to MariaMole, if you want,.
  • Workspace support multiple projects at the same time. Workspaces are special folders where you can group any number of projects. This helps you keep the projects organized, and allows working with several projects at the same time. If you have used Visual Studio, CodeLite, Code::Blocks, Eclipse or any other modern IDE, you know that this makes a difference. Specially if you're designing a system with multiple Arduino boards talking each other, you're gonna love the workspace feature!
  • Multiple serial port consoles at the same time: And more: Once you open a serial console, it's always available. You don't have to close or re-open it again to upload your project to Arduino
  • Files use open-formats: All project informatio and configuration are stored on a single XML file (Except for code!)
  • Building process configurable: The Arduino IDE does a great job behind the scenes, but, sometimes, you're gonna need to fine-tune the building sequence, add or replace libraries or change the compiler options. Of cource, unless you ask for it, MariaMole works the same way as Arduino, building the whole project for you.
  • Imports Arduino examples and sketches: You won't have any problems to reuse your old sketches.
  • Easily import Arduino libraries: A Wizard windows helps you with that. And also with adding new files to projects, importing other files, configuring the projects, etc.
  • Color-themes: Do you prefer a dark color-scheme for code editing? No problem. This is the default for MariaMole. Or do you prefer writing your code against a white background? No problem yet! MariaMole comes with a light theme too. And you cand design your own theme!

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Prepping for the Drone Olympics


Andreas and I will be at the Drone Olympics this Saturday.  We received our loaner ar.drone and started fiddling with it.  Chris of course is judging, but is anybody else going to be there?  We can wear the diydrones colors to identify ourselves!

I've started some notes here.  There's some good information for getting node.js, ardrone, etc libraries set up.

Here's an image captured off of the ar.drone front camera, sent to node.js, with facial recognition courtesy of Open CV.  I think it's Andreas!

I'm trying to get it to recognize image highlights so that it can follow a light source.  Andreas is working on a node.js PID package. Embarrassingly, when I test with my webcam nothing shines more brightly than my forehead!

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Configure LEDs and beeper in Mission Planner

Hello community!

The beauty of open source is that if you don't like something, you can change it. So here I am showing you my last changes to both: Mission Planner and ArduCopter (in the future it could be moved to library to be used by all Ardu* projects).


Before I start I would like to gather all threads about the subject that encouraged me to make all those changes:

* U4eake's showleds, arming and low battery warning leds

* Copter LEDS with APM2?

* 3,2,1... Blink !!!

* Adding External LED Indicators and a Piezo Beeper for Arm and GPS Status

* GPS Fix external led

* Navigation Lights with digital RGB LEDs together with an APM 2.5

* LED stripe setup

* jD-IOBoard

So of course there is jD-IOBoard for $16.00 but we are in DIY community and as we can see in above threads many of us prefer simpler and much cheaper solution (like 8x Darlington for less than $1). So IOBoard is ready out of the box solution but there is still demand on some hacky stuff and this is to address that.


There are 2 main areas that the new tab is trying to cover:

1) beeper

2) LEDs

Of course one could attach other elements like relays to those pins but I'll stick to default version.


So LEDs part is nothing new (yet). It's just user interface to already existing LED_MODE variable that you can alter via Advanced parameters tab. Instead of calculating bitmask you can now use simple checkboxes. However, I introduced LED_STYLE variable (combobox) to allow me adding more fancy LED behavior leaving "Legacy" one as backward compatible with the current version. This is still work-in-progress.


The brand new stuff is beeper part. Currently the beeper is controlled by one bit in LED bitmask enabling or disabling its functionality. With my changes we now have BEEPER_MODE bitmask with 8 functions (I already have idea for 9th one - failsafe - but it will require 2 bytes for the bitfield so it's postponed for now). You can see those 8 features on the attached screen - should be self explanatory. Selecting beeper pin should be possible with incoming changes to the code - for now it's disabled and it's hardcoded as AN5.


Every feature has different beep pattern and I tried to keep them quick but recognizable. The code is no longer using delay() function which is very bad (freezing uC code is not what we want it such application).

The changes are still in my branch and we'll see if dev will merge it into trunk to be available for all. If you are willing to test it you will have to grab it from here and flash APM (tested only on APM2 so far) as it adds variables in EEPROM. New Mission Planner is also there.

In the future plans there are other LED styles allowing more flexible LED behaviors. Any suggestions are welcomed.

Hope you like it.

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Just spent a couple of hours getting my head around the MultiWii V2.1 serial protocol.  This involved looking at EOSBandi's MW-WinGUI Visual Studio c# code and adapting the essential bits I need to a simple test VB 2010 app.  The app sends the commands to get the GPS bearing and distance to home as well as the Baro altitude.  The BT module connected to the Pairs MultiWii board sends back the info I requested and shows these values in textboxes on a basic form.

That's part one out of the way.

Next phase will be adapting that code, now that I understand how it is done, to Arduino code.

The code will output PWM on two digital ports to drive two servo's to position the patch antenna.  Rather than use the short range BT module I will set the MultiWii code to use 57600 rather than 115200 and hook up my XBee Pro module.  The other XBee will be connected to the Arduino tracker.  So the tracking Arduino will be asking the Hexacopter where it is and with any luck the Hexacopter will say "here I am".

If anyone is a VB programmer I can post the important bits here if they want to roll their own PC based MultiWii ground station.  Very easy to code once you know the binary protocol.

If I get the Arduino code happening in the next few days I'll post it here.

Also, if anyone is aware of an existing tracker for the MultiWii controller which uses the V2.1 protocol (not via OSD's fitted with GPS's and telemetry sent via audio) please let me know about it.  

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3D Robotics

Hybrid quad can roll or fly

3689489031?profile=originalFrom Gizmag:

A team at the Robotics Lab at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) has come up with another take on the caged flying robots like the spherical air vehicle developed by Japan’s Ministry of Defense (JMD) and the more recent Kyosho Space Ball. However, instead of a spherical shape, the the outer protective cage of the HyTAQ (Hybrid Terrestrial and Aerial Quadrotor) is cylindrical and is attached to the quadrotor via a shaft connected by two rotating joints, thereby providing the HyTAQ with the ability to fly or roll over the ground.

With the quadrotors providing thrust for both aerial and terrestrial locomotion, there's no requirement for additional actuators that would increase the weight of the system. When on the ground, the rolling cage means the robot only needs to overcome rolling resistance to move forward, and when it encounters an obstacle to difficult to roll over, it can simply take to the air to jump over it.

The developers say the robot’s hybrid nature makes it much more energy efficient than aerial-only systems, with the ability to operate almost six times as long and travel a distance four times greater than such systems. Experiments conducted by the team showed that for aerial-only travel, its battery lasted five minutes and it traveled 1,969 ft (600 m), but rolling over a smooth surface saw its endurance extend to 27 minutes and the distance traveled increase to 7,874 ft (2,400 m).

The cage itself is constructed out of polycarbonate and carbon fiber making it both flexible and strong enough to withstand crashing. The development team has tested the HyTAQ’s ground performance over various types of terrain, including flat indoor surfaces and sand and grass outdoors. The ground locomotion capabilities also allow the robot to move when it’s too windy for flight.

Like its spherical kin, the reconnaissance and search and rescue potential of the camera-equipped robot are obvious and the team is now in the process of patenting the design and hopes to attract commercial interest.

The HyTAQ robot can be seen in action in the following video.

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3D Robotics

3689489063?profile=originalAs a dad, this is the kind of thing I can get behind. A Kickstarter project for an iPad (and eventually other platforms) game to teach the principles of aeronautics through simulating bird flight. Called AERO, you can get a copy of the game when it's done for a $10 contribution. 

From the listing:

Seeing a plane or bird in soar in the sky is amazing to behold. But the aerodynamics and physics behind the miracle of flight are difficult to grasp. There are several forces engaged when a bird or plane flies, and here on earth we're unable to see any of them. But never fear!  Bill Nye andGameDesk have a revolutionary idea! With your help we can complete a game that teaches the physics behind flight by allowing players to literally become a bird and experience those scientific principles in their own hands. 

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MyGeekShow's New APM Airplane


The USA trip is back in focus! (I had taken a few weeks off to do a side project)


I'm also announcing a new airplane, the Polaris; a combination of the Nova and Shrike. It will feature a longer endurance airframe and power supply, and, of course, full automation through APM.


I'll capture the build process while I build the Polaris, and present it as a build log for others to follow along.


More about the USA trip:


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How About Open Source?


Yesterday HK released a video about their new 433Mhz LRS modules.
And i shocked. Because it is unauthorized copy of my OpenLRS !

OpenLRS is an Opensource RC and i'm the developer of that system.

Stop the video on 1:08 and check the receiver.
And check the pinout or something.

Only the difference is 6 pin ICSP. We don't need that because of our production procedure.

Now the question is "What can i do?"
If i cant find an answer about that, i will stop to designing open source hardware.

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3D Robotics

Adding Node.js sensors to the AR.Drone


If you're thinking of competing in this weekend's Drone Olympics in San Francisco, this tutorial will come in handy. Or even better, replace the AR.Drone's closed-source controller with the open source PX4, and make a real drone!

From Hackaday:

[Max Ogden] wanted the option to add sensors to his Parrot AR Drone. This a commercially available quadcopter which runs Linux. This makes it rather easy for him to use Node.js to read the sensors from an Arduino board. The use of the Arduino is merely for easy prototyping. It is only needed to bridge the drone’s serial port with a sensor’s delivery method, so just about any microcontroller could be substituted for it.

There are some hardware considerations to take into account. The manufacturer was nice enough to populate a 0.1″ pitch pin socket on the serial port (if only this kind of invitation to mess with hardware was an industry standard). But the device expects 3.3V levels so pick your hardware accordingly. There is one commenter who tried the project for themselves and found that the drone wouldn’t boot up with the Arduino already connect — he had to boot and then complete connections. Troubles aside this makes adding your own sensor payload very simple and you don’t have to wait until landing to get at the data.

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3D Robotics

3689488865?profile=originalArsTechnica has a good primer on UAV control theory and machine learning. The good stuff starts around page 2. Here's an excerpt (citing this Stanford research):

The helicopter is performing an entire airshow sequence, but the flights in the video are completely automated! As the helicopter flies through the various maneuvers, the computer has to deal with all kinds of complicated aerodynamics and aero-elastic effects. The rotor blades flex and twist and the helicopter has to fly through turbulence generated by its own rotor. These things are hard to measure and almost impossible to model mathematically with accuracy.

Given how nasty the aerodynamics get, the Stanford researchers couldn’t design the controller the same way as the quadrotor designs we talked about above. Instead, the Stanford team turned to the best authority they could find on helicopter flight: a skilled human radio-control (RC) pilot. They had the helicopter learn to fly by watching the pilot and flying itself using machine learning.

Again, there were two parts to this process, low-level control, and high-level trajectory generation. The researchers needed control algorithms that could keep the helicopter stable and in control during the kind of extreme flights they wanted to perform. They also had to come up with some way to represent the sequence airshow maneuvers to fly.

For the control algorithms, the team used a technique known as reinforcement learning, or RL. They started by recording the position, orientation, and speed of the helicopter, plus control data like joystick and throttle positions from a skilled human pilot. Then they took a basic model of the helicopter in simulation and paired it with a basic control algorithm, and simulated the flights thousands of times. Each time, the computer adjusted the model and the control algorithms to try to get the simulated angles and speeds closer to the real flight from the human pilot. By running the flights in simulation but with real data, they were able to learn a control algorithm that could fly helicopter at the extreme conditions for the aerobatics, as well as a model for how the helicopter behaves in those conditions.

Now, to get the helicopter to perform the extreme maneuvers shown in the video, the research team also had to specify the angles and positions of the helicopter (just like the paths generated for the quadrotors before. But this turns out to be quite complicated).

During these flights, the helicopter is performing in a highly nonlinear way. This is engineer-speak for being very unpredictable: as the helicopter spins and pirouettes, it flies through its own prop wash and turns through large angles. In this case, the aerodynamics get so complicated that it’s impossible to do what we talked about before: picking out desired intermediate points and having the computer simply connect the dots. If the helicopter doesn’t exit one maneuver with the right speed and orientation, it won’t be able to complete the next one. The whole sequence is an intricate, interdependent chain.

To get around this, the Stanford team again turned to their human expert pilot. They had the pilot take the helicopter through the entire airshow routine again and again, giving the helicopter a set of examples. However, this was just the start. The human pilot isn’t perfect; every performance differs slightly from the others. Sometimes turns are cut a little short, or a flip is faster than the pilot might have wanted. But each flight has thousands of data points, each with different angles and positions. So how do you know which part of each routine is correct?

In this case, you can’t combine the trajectories and try to average out the error. Some maneuvers were performed slightly faster or slower, and it’s almost impossible to line things up. Simply cutting and pasting different maneuvers and stunts from different flights get nonsensical results: the start of a flip may depend on the speed coming out of the loop before, and the slightest error means the difference between a completed maneuver and a crash. You can’t simply take a flip from one flight and a loop from another and just hope they work together.

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APM test flight of the Ace Quad Copter

  This is my first real test flight of the APM 2.5 on my Ace Quad copter.


Its a pretty good demo of what it can do. During the manual control I switch back and forth between stabilize and loiter modes.


0:00 - 1:30 warm up
1:30 start auto mode following waypoints
2:30 max altitude of about 60 meters
3:00 start heading back still in auto mode
3:45 if you watch in HD you can see me waving on the ground
4:00 back to manual control and free style flight

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A very good reading for successful PCB grounding

3689488888?profile=originalHi guys,

Please find hereafter some very usefull links for "Succesful PCB grounding". I think it is a very good "know how" on how to design groung paths on your PCBs.




Best regards

Nick Arsov

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3D Robotics


From Gawker:

TMZ today responded to a widely circulated report recently published in the San Francisco Chronicle claiming the gossip site was among the myriad public and private entities flooding the Federal Aviation Administration with applications for their own private drones.

"TMZ is NOT getting in the DRONE business," the website exclaimed in its statement. "We don't have a drone; we don't want a drone; we never applied for a drone; despite a bogus report to the contrary."

According to the Chronicle story, which was linked to earlier today by Drudge, a rush by the government to allow domestic use of drones has resulted in the FAA being inundated with applications "from police departments, universities, private corporations and even the celebrity gossip site TMZ."

"Truth is," TMZ says, "while drones are, in fact, awesome, it just ain't true."

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3689488752?profile=originalSmall light Open Source/HW electro-permanent 10kg (ideal) cargo holding magnet for the DIY multicopter drone and robotics communities

I stumbled upon this idea by reading this great article by Travis Deyle about electro-permanent magnets. These magnets are programmed (on off) with a current pulse. No static energy is required. Changing the magnetic field does require energy and is in the hundreds of mJ for our purposes. These electro-permanent magnets are just as strong as Neodymium magnets.

pdf link to the PHD thesis covering this is on the project page

there been a lot of concern of magnetic interfence with the compass, so here is the spiel

there should be no external field since the field lines are closed through the cargo iron in the on state or through the iron in the device itself.
in the prototype the iron goes beyond its saturation, the thickness should 1mm not 0.5mm same goes for the target. looking at the theoretical performance and the prototypes performance about half the field leaks, eg are not going through the metal. i expect the leakage to go down to below 10%.
a laser cut iron cover covering the magnet itself with some distance in the 5mm range,  less 0.1mm thick will absorb the rest of the leakage. we should have a factor of 100 maybe 1000 that we can reduce the external field before one has to invent crazy things. mu metal might give us a few orders of magnitude more, but since its low saturation and some other factors i need to the math to get a quantitative idea on its performance.

long story short simple easy to implement shielding with proper construction should allow one to mount the compass right on top of the magnet

I hope you like my project and am looking forward to some feedback

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Quadrocopter Rebuild


Hello Community, After a crash from 600 meters, i needed to rebuild my small Quadrocopter.


it's based on:

APM 2.0

ESC: Mystery Blue Series 20A Flashed with WiiESC

Motors: robbe roxxy 2827-35 (760kV)

Props: Graupner E-Props 11x5 (to small for 3S Lipo i need 12x5 or 13x4.5)

Lightcontroll ESC: Its a Old ESC reflashed with my Own Lightcontroll Software :)

Front (RED), Back (Green) and Position (White) LEDs are separately Controlled

With the Lightcontroll ESC i can monitoring the voltage and let blink the LEDs to show the Battery are Empty.

Weight Of Copter: 550 gramm without Battery


almost finished....


For fast ESC Reflash i Build  a "Benchstand", now i can flash my ESC in 5min without any Solder...


This is one of the First Lightcontroll Version I write, its just the Startup lightshow :D

and here it Flys

And I have still more fun with my Ardupilot than with my Mikrokopter :)

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