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Hi all,

I am unable to find exact information about servo tolerance.

For example very popular Futaba 3001 tend to have a lot of loose because ot the gear precision, yet when they run all is ok (besides that they are slow).

On the other hand Hitec HS-425 appears to me to have null loose.

Hitec HS-225 have little loose and is very fast servo, but in order to hold its position requires huge power.

Most digital servos tend to be either slow and fast, but have precise gears. Yet, they consume a lot of power to hold their position.

My question is: how to find a servo that will not be buzzing, and will hold its precision with minimal current draw, without any slop on control surfaces. Typical RC modeler budget.

Any ideas what is the rule of finding such servos? Even brand names give me bad surprises. I guess the solution would be with some specific gear ratio+tight gear tolerance, but how to define it? Hitec and Futaba preferred, I would like to find the rule rather than example.

Is the gear precision deteriorating with global economy progressing?

My fav looks HS-425BB, but I don;t know why so cheap for the purpose, and where is the catch thah other servos cannot get this precision at this price levels.

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The Hague, Netherlands, 20th March 2012


Dutch engineer is the first man in history to fly like a bird with self- built wings

Engineer Jarno Smeets (31) is the first man in history to have made a successful short flight with his self-built wings modeled on the movement and structure of real bird wings. Assisted by an electronic system of his own design, Smeets took off from the ground in a park in The Hague last sunday 18th of March 2012. The flight of an estimated hundred meters lasted about a minute, after which Smeets landed safely.

Until now people had assumed that it was impossible to fly with bird-like wings using human muscle power. Smeets designed his own system to solve this problem, using two Wii controllers, the accelerometers from a HTC Wildfire S smartphone and Turnigy motors. This combined mechanism provided Smeets with extra power to move his 17m2 wings and allowed him to move his arms freely without any risk of breaking them. The system is a wireless (haptic) concept. The wing itself was built out of a kite and carbon windsurf masts (as flightpins).

Human Bird Wings is an independent project initiated from the personal ambition and vision of Dutch engineer Jarno Smeets. “Ever since I was a little boy I have been inspired by pioneers like Otto Lilienthal, Leonardo da Vinci and also my own grandfather”. Six months ago Smeets started researching. Smeets has developed and realized his wings with support from an independent team assembled under the Human Bird Wings project, sharing his progress through a well documented blog and YouTube channel. He has offered his followers an open source concept in building bird wings. Aided by helpful suggestions of his audience he was able to successfully finish his bird wings concept.

With this project Smeets has proven that modern technology and robotica can create realistic futures from seemingly impossible engineering dreams to fly like a bird


If you'd like more information about the project or contact Jarno Smeets directly you can call this phonenumber +31 618369328 or send an e-mail to

For photo's and background information, please consult my projectwebsite: Website:

YouTube channel: Twitter:

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Drone Summit: Killing and Spying by Remote Control

Washington DC, April 28-29, 2012

The peace group CODEPINK and the legal advocacy organizations Reprieve, and the Center for Constitutional Rights are hosting the first international drone summit.

On Saturday, April 28, we are bringing together human rights advocates, robotics technology experts, lawyers, journalists and activists for a summit to inform the American public about the widespread and rapidly expanding deployment of both lethal and surveillance drones, including drone use in the United States. Participants will also have the opportunity to listen to the personal stories of Pakistani drone-strike victims.

  • Time: 9:00am-6:30pm

  • Location: Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church, 900 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20001

  • Register here!

On Sunday, April 29 we will have a strategy session to network, discuss and plan advocacy efforts focused on various aspects of drones, including surveillance and targeted killings.

  • Time: 10:00am-4:00pm
  • Location: United Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20001

Sunday’s session is for representatives of organizations and individuals who want to be actively involved in this work. If you are interested in attending Sunday’s session, please email Ramah Kudaimi at


Topics will include:

  • the impact of drones on human lives and prospects for peace
  • the lack of transparency and accountability for drone operations, including targeted killings
  • disputed legality of drone warfare
  • compensation for victims
  • the future of domestic drone surveillance
  • development of autonomous drones
  • drone use along U.S. borders.

Speakers will include:

  • Clive Stafford Smith, director of UK legal group Reprieve that represents drone victims
  • Medea Benjamin, author of forthcoming book Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control
  • Pardiss Kebriaei, attorney with Center for Constitutional Rights
  • Shahzad Akbar, attorney with Pakistani Foundation for Fundamental Fights
  • Rafia Zakaria, Amnesty International-USA Board of Directors
  • Sarah Holewinski, director of Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
  • Hina Shamsi, ACLU national security expert
  • Jay Stanley, ACLU privacy expert
  • Tom Barry, drone border expert with Center for International Policy
  • David Glazier, law professor who served 21 years as a US Navy surface warfare officer
  • Amie Stepanovich, legal counsel at Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).
  • Peter Asaro and Noel Sharkey from the International Committee for Robot Arms Control (ICRAC).
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As a participant in the Harvard University Robobees Project, our primary task at Centeye is to develop a vision sensor system that will fit into a small flying robot about 2cm in size. The target weight budget for the vision system is 25 milligrams. While we still have a ways to go before achieving this, we are continually looking for new techniques to minimize the processing power and memory required to extract motion from images.


In a previous post, Geof (my boss) demonstrated how a single Stonyman vision chip and a flat, printed pinhole could be used to integrate motion along 4 degrees of freedom. He used the Arduino MEGA 2560 for this demonstration, which features 256Kb Flash Memory, 8Kb SRAM, 4Kb EEPROM, and a giant 100-pin package.


Our current goal is to make a standalone vision system with two Stonyman vision chips mounted back-to-back that can detect motion along all 6 degrees of freedom in as light a package as possible. The ArduEye and Arduino Uno is a convenient platform to prototype such a sensor, since it uses the small MEGA 328P microcontroller. With 32Kb Flash, 2Kb SRAM, 1Kb EEPROM, and a more reasonable 32-pin package, it provides the best trade-off between size and capacity in the Atmel line.


In order to calculate optical flow we need to store two sets of images in memory. The MEGA 2560 can handle this for two vision chips, but not the smaller MEGA 328. Two-dimensional images are costly, and it is much cheaper to store and process one-dimensional images. Therefore, instead of using a conventional pinhole, we use a horizontal and vertical slit. The slit functions roughly the same as a pinhole in the direction perpendicular to the slit, while optically blurring everything along the other axis. This allows us to take a one-dimensional row or column image while capturing much of the information in the scene. In place of taking an 8x8 image under a pinhole and calculating 2D optical flow, we can take an 1x8 image under the vertical slit to calculate horizontal optical flow and an 8x1 image under the horizontal slit to calculate vertical optical flow. Using slits instead of pinholes allows us to do more optical flow with less pixels.



Printed pinhole (left) vs. slits (right)


Our flat printed optics provide a wide field of view of around 150 degrees. Two vision chips mounted back-to-back cover most of the visual field, leaving only a blind spot (a ring actually) in the corner of the field of view of both vision chips. By taking five 1D images in the horizontal slit (in the vertical direction) and five 1D images in the vertical slit (in the horizontal direction), we can calculate local optical flow vectors in different regions of space.


Each vision chip has a vertical and horizontal slit,

and 10 regions of 8 pixels are taken as shown

Wide Angle Image Regions from one Vision Chip

Locations of the 5 image regions where optical flow is calculated

Looking down, the wide field of view is shown in the horizontal plane

By taking a weighted sum of the five optical flow regions for a single sensor, we can compute 4 degrees of freedom (X, Y, Curl, and Divergence). With two back-to-back sensors and five regions per sensor, we can compute 6 degrees of freedom (X, Y, Z, and rotation on X, Y, and Z axes). The graphs below demonstrate that motion along all six axes can be detected. Translational motions were done on an air-track, while a turntable was used for rotational motions. You can see a video of this in the single sensor, 4DOF prototype.


By using 1D images, we can detect motion along six degrees-of-freedom by only taking 80 pixels per sensor, for a total of 160 pixels per frame. The prototype version only runs at around 10Hz as of now, but optimization could probably speed it up another 50%. This isn’t fast enough to stabilize a quadrotor (yet), but coupled with an IMU it could handle drift in the horizontal plane. By squeezing this into the constraints of the MEGA 328P, we can build this with a total parts count of one microcontroller, two vision chips, an oscillator, a voltage regulator (if necessary) and a couple caps. It would be a very small (around 1 cm square) and lightweight system. Not light enough to go on the Robobee quite yet, but getting there...

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I've ported MinimOSD to Remzibi's hardware

3689448888?profile=originalHello everyone. Recently I port the MinimOSD to the Remzibi OSD's harware, so a poor man can enjoy MinimOSD's convenience now (no need to modify APM's software anymore).

Because of the limited flash space of Atmega16, the code of OSD is slightly changed, and it is not compatible with Michael's original config tool. So I adapt the config tool as well.

The Remzibi's OSD uses Megaload bootloader, so please use the Megaload programmer to upload the firmware. (The config tool can also upload the firmware, but I have to admit that it is not quite good right now.)

Anyway, here is the firmware and config tool, and here is the source code.

Thank binzi for providing the hardware.

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Recently I have joined this community. However, I am not working on building a UAV but a DIY autonomous sailing boat. It might not fly but such a boat can use the technology developed for UAVs.

With a lot of help from a good friend I have been able to design a small sailing boot made from PVC, which has no electronics in it, yet. It only sails in one direction :D.

The reason we are building it from scratch and haven’t bought a RC boot is because we want to make it as cheap and accessible as possible. The little PVC boat is designed very generic or modular. In that way every one who is interested in building one can adjust the size or the position of the parts as they wish to. Anyway you can see the boat and how it is made here. It is an instructable.

Our next step is towards make an autonomous sailing is to make the current boat remote controlled. I think the main requirements for this step are that it should stay modular and waterproof. So the simplest idea is to put all the servos in a waterproof lunchbox, make very small holes to attach the servos to the moving parts, using thin ropes. And finally find a way to attach the box to the boat.

I will post the PVC RC boat as soon as I have successfully tested it. Nevertheless I would be very glad to receive tips or examples, which can help me to make the next step.

I’ll keep you updated. And please don’t hesitate to give feedback.



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GoPro fun in the park, quadcopter with ACv2.5


Had a little fun flying in a local park here in Johannesburg, South Africa. Used a GoPro Hero on my own design anti-vibration mount and my quad running the newly released v2.5 firmware. Click on the photo to go to the youtube video.

Quad specs:


KDA20-22L motors from Hobbyking, 11x4.7 APC SF props

2 x Super Simple 25-30A ESC's from Hobbyking, two more on the way

2 x Hexfet 25A ESC's from Hobbyking (2 of 4 were DOA)

3S 3000mAh Turnigy 25C

X525 frame


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Australia leads the way again

If you are planning a commercial UAS operation down under new proposed guidelines are on the table for simple RPAS flight.

Away from built up areas, within VLOS below 400' and outside of CAS. Much the sort of thing that might come into place in the USA eventually. 

Its the first qualification in the civil sector that I know of that is so well defined. Fifteen units to pass.

If you think things might happen like this soon in the USA you should look at the NextGen roadmap recently released. Some dates that are quite far away in there. I will let you read it for yourselves....

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MinimOSD Setup Video

Hi Everyone. Above is an intro video to the minimosd. It still needs a tiny bit of tailoring but I figured I would send it out to the community for review. A video series like this could be beneficial for our community to grow in the future. Open to adding on a distributor logo for some help supporting my own hobby/builds.

Of course the video is open to criticism and input. They are compiled from scratch in Adobe After Effects/Premiere.


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Er9x transmitter now with MavLink


The er9x transmitter now will display MavLink data on the LCD.

Gerard Valade a DIYdrones member wrote the software and myself who was the principal debugger.

Works at 19200 and 38400 baud. Still have a problem with 57600 baud. Some kind of timing issue yet.

Here is a pic of the arduplane 2.30 MavLink display on the er9x.

There is an Xbee inside the er9x to receive the MaveLink data from the APN2.0 purple board.

We will post the er9x firmware soon.


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3689448688?profile=originalMosaic Only Mode! Unknown flight platform and controller. :) No geo reference. Thanks Hazelden.

Hey everyone,

It has been a crazy week! Thanks so much for all the help testing and great data. Ironed out a lot of bugs and added some new features. I can't thank the beta testers enough for the ideas, suggestions and patience! You guys rock. :)

  • The Mikrokoter workflow is solid and generates great maps. Thanks Martin R.
  • The Arudplane/Copter workflow is in progress and working good. It needs work still. Thanks Rigel, Irving Stafford and Jeff Taylor for the help.
  • The MAVinci and Pteryx workflows are solid and generating good maps. Thanks guys!
  • I am pretty sure we can accept any sort of log file with associated imagery, we are calling that "generic". 
  • Today I finished a "mosaic only" mode, which will just accept imagery. No flight data or anything. It simply builds a mosaic and downloadable geotiff. This is great for people with just aerial imagery! Thanks Hazelden for the images and idea. (still super rough, just the framework is completed)
  • We have a new feature which calculates the area of each tile and also the estimated area of the entire mosaic.
  • Almost finished a workflow which builds an SRTM3 DEM underlay with contour lines of your flight area. Your mosaic is the top layer.
  • Tons of more features and bug fixes. Memcache for the win on the UI! 
  • Many performance improvements.
  • Thanks DIYDRONES!

Re-deployed to a larger dedicated EC2 instance.

Shoot me a message with some information about your flight platform or if you just have aerial imagery you'd like to build maps from. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments! 

On a side note, I finally got my 3DR quad flying. So cool! Lost a few more props but it is very stable, my only issue at this point is wobble on descent. :D

3689448613?profile=originalMikrokopter Flight, Showing Area of Tile

3689448821?profile=originalArea of Imagery

3689448634?profile=originalMK Flight with SRTM3 DEM Underlay, Contour Lines Every 10m, Shaded Relief Added

3689448647?profile=originalArduPlane Flight from Irvin Stafford. Blended Mosaic



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Yet another Frsky Android project (IOIO inside ;) )



here is the last project I'm working on. I'm trying to build myself my own RC transmitter with my android phone (geeksphone zero) as configurator.

I first try to get a working ppm out of my custom IOIO board, but it was not working very well :

So I decided to add another chip (pic18f46j50) to my IOIO to generate a nice PPM signal.

After that I used nearly the same board to catch Accelerometer, gyroscope, barometric pressure and temperature (ms5607) and GPS and to send it in the Frsky receiver, and plugged the frsky transmitter to the IOIO board.


So I'm able to retrieve the data sent according to the frsky protocol and data from my custom hub and display it on a custom android app :

.2012.03.16-14.49.15_m.jpgNow I'm planing on remaking a complete pcb including the IOIO chip and my ppm chip, potentiometer, switchs, ...

and a prototype of my new radio...

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Power Distribution Board


The soldering of PDB was not very difficult thanks to the detailed manual. However, I feel that soldering the Female Dean’s Receptacle first might be convenient as the narrow gauge wires won't came in the path of soldering gun. Though this is not a big issue.


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Building the Raptor


This week I got a great start on building the Raptor - a 48 inch wingspan flying wing. I learned an enormous amount of information:


1.) 3M 90 Spray foam Melts XPS Foam...

2.) Loctite Foam Board Adhesive Is a great foam, give it plenty of time (24 hours+) to dry/cure

3.) When cutting out flying wings with a hot wire cutter, both sides of the wing (if using a two template method) need to communicate very well

4.) A 12v car battery or 12v small power supply isn't really enough to cut a wing with a 30in of Ni-chrome wire, you need more power (more on this next week)


As you can see, I wasn't able to finish it this week, but I think we've got the hardest part figured out.


See you next week!

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3D Robotics

3689448588?profile=originalSome of you may know the history of this site, which began with a project I did back in 2007 with my kids to try to get a Lego Mindstorms robotics kit to fly a plane (it worked). That was part of a series of science/tech projects I did with the kids, and the search for other good ideas led to the site GeekDad, which is now part of the Wired empire and has spawned three books, including a New York Times bestseller.

Now the GeekDad/DIY Drones connection has come full circle, with a GeekDad community site, based on the same Ning platform as we're using here at DIY Drones. If you've got kids, this is well worth joining. Plus note the cute little-kid-flying-a-quadcopter we put in the header graphic above!

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