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I have uploaded a new revision of APM to the trunk repository (r3665) with automatic flap functionality. I am really pressed for time so am hoping some community members can do some flight testing on it and report back.


Flap functionality can be assigned to channel 5 or 6, using the rc_5_funct and rc_6_funct parameters (similar to setting up differential ailerons).  The value to assign for automatic flaps is RC_6_FUNCT_FLAP_AUTO (in your config file) or 2 in the GCS parameter.


Flaps will function manually in flight modes of MANUAL through FLY_BY_WIRE_B, and will be set automatically for flight modes of FLY_BY_WIRE_C and higher.  If you want to know what FLY_BY_WIRE_C is, you'll have to wait a couple more days ;)


Automatic flap deployment is based on desired speed.  Desired speed is the current value of airspeed_cruise, which can be set with mission commands, or on the fly by changing the parameter value.  If you do not have an airspeed sensor flap deployment is based on the current value of throttle_cruise.  Four parameters have been added that can be set through your configuration file or through the ground station with MAVLink.  These are two speed values and two flap positions.  If the speed setpoint is above flap_1_speed then the flap position will be 0%.  If the speed setpoint is between flap_1_speed and flap_2_speed then the flap position shall be flap_1_percent.  If the speed setpoint is below flap_2_speed then the flap position shall be flap_2_percent.


The flap range is set up with the normal radio calibration procedure.  A flap value of 0% corresponds to the minimum value on the flap channel and a flap value of 100% corresponds to the maximum value on the flap channel.


Modest flap deployment should be useful for AP applications where you need to fly at a slow speed.  Higher flap deployment will be useful for even slower airspeeds with increased descent rates for landing approaches.


Have fun with it and please let me know how it goes.



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3D Robotics


This may be the most amazing thing we've ever posted here. DIY Drones member Brad Hughey built an electric multicopter capable of carrying a person (him), and then actually tried to fly it in his driveway (without a helmet!). Let's just say it didn't end well. But he's figured out what went wrong and he's going to give it another go.


In an email to me, he explains:

History was indeed made on August 10th, 2011 when the Revelation PoC prototype crashed unceremoniously in my driveway.  It did briefly leave contact with the Earth, and one could argue that you have to fly in order to crash, but I do not have the audacity to declare a success out of this debacle.  A root cause analysis has determined that multiple Magically Obliterating Smoke and Fire Emitting Transistor (MOSFET) failures are to blame.  If you listen real closely, you can hear the power rail line inductance ringing (a bit of electronics levity).  I wasn't laughing at the time, but an important lesson is finally learned; MOSFETs fail shorted (full throttle).  One failure in the back started the pitch forward, then three in the front failed, catapulting me down the drive perilously close to a parked car, missing a rotor strike by mere inches.


The resolution isn't great due to the use of USB instead of FireWire to copy it off of the camcorder.  That said, I'd rather this didn't go "viral", as it is a bit embarrassing.  Such is the nature of invention.  I proffer it mainly as a veracity enhancer; this effort is real and very close to success.


It is interesting to note that half the array out of ground effect managed to push the whole craft with me in it dragging against the asphalt for almost 20 feet before I managed to shut everything off.  The power is certainly there.  It's all a matter of control now, and the first thing to do next is make the power MOSFET stage for each thrust unit "bullet-proof".


The damage isn't as bad as it looks.  The real work involves a total redesign of the power stage including FUSES for each thrust unit.  There are much better MOSFETs around now, considering this iteration is seven years old. 

New changes frantically being applied include:

  • Higher current and more modern MOSFET devices
  • A resistor-capacitor snubber network across every MOSFET to help mitigate ringing overvoltages
  • Transient voltage suppressors (zener diode-based technology) across every MOSFET
  • A complete rewiring to minimize power rail inductance
  • FUSES on each motor as a fail-safe
  • Larger decoupling capacitors on the outrigger thrust units

We're a couple weeks away from another run at it. 

Yours in Daring Invention Progress,



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New Vtail 8 build started

3689421938?profile=originalNice new build, based on 1/2 ally tube, RCT 750 kv motors, 30 amp 4S ESC's, 10 by 4.5 props.

Overall width 680mm , length 840mm


About 5 hours work in it so far, the centre section and motor mounts are pre made for me out of 2.5mm fibreglass

The aluminium is all hand cut and drilled (lots of holes) !!3689421854?profile=original

Nuts/bolts 3mm and 4mm

ESC's were stripped so they could be "daisy chained" on the input side, and have the motor wires direct soldered on the output side.


They are mounted on the side pods, as this keeps the high current DC (and associated mag fields) far away from the Magnetometer , about 120mm seperation




FC is an ardu, with mag, gps and sonar.

Now to get into the code, and do a custom mix, will take the Y6 code, as its close , and modify it, will do one version for the Vtail 8 (needs 5 channels) and a version for the Vtil Y6/Y4 (needs 4 channels)


Batteries will be 4S 12000 mah (good for about 10 kg total thrust) and carrying a maximum of 1kg DLSR

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3D Robotics

Delivering drugs by ArduCopter

3689421912?profile=originalCNET reports on a cool proof of concept--delivering life-saving drugs by UAV in parts of Africa where road are poot. I've advised that team that fixed wing UAVs might be a better choice for those distances, but they're keen on totally automated delivery and return:


"At the graduation ceremony of the Singularity University this week, I was introduced to another real-world, save-the-world company that's applying quadcopter technology: Matternet.


This particular class of S.U. was focused on solving problems for "the next billion people," those without access to modern technology. Matternet tackled the problem of getting drugs and diagnostic or test materials to people in rural areas in developing countries that don't have access to passable roads during rainy seasons.


The company proposed building a network of robotic drones to deliver medication quickly and very cost-effectively--even less than a guy on a dirt bike costs.

Matternet team leader Andreas Raptopoulos told me the nominal range of his quadcopters is 10 kilometers when carrying a 2-kilogram load (range changes with load). Landing pads act as beacons to augment GPS and guide the copters to precise landings.


While the company is building its prototype business around quadcopters, Raptopolous told me Matternet is platform-agnostic. That makes sense, since fixed-wing drones would be faster and have much greater range (but they couldn't land as precisely).


In phase two of the company's rollout, it plans to add automated recharging stations to its networks, both to improve turnaround time and reliability, and to allow the installation of way stations that could swap or recharge batteries automatically to extend the range of the copters.


The business is straightforward: Matternet will charge aid companies for delivery services. Currently, Raptopolous says, the Dominican Republic is financing a pilot project for the company.

The Matternet quadcopters are based on open-source technology from DIY Drones. The automatic control systems and flight programming tools are well-developed, Raptopolous says. The flying vehicles themselves are custom built, for robustness. They should cost a few hundred dollars each.

Almost all the demos at the Singularity event were for real-world and really clever products, but this one flipped the most switches for me. Matternet is trying to create, essentially, a modern, long-distance version of the pneumatic tubes that hospitals use to shuttle samples and papers around. That technology is just as out there, when you think about it, as building giant Habitrails into buildings must have seemed at the time. But look how pervasive it became.

I'm also fascinated that this autonomous-helicopter form factor (four rotors, each with its own motor, on a platform about 3 feet across) is becoming a standard development platform for low-cost flying bots. I wonder where we'll see these things pop up next.

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Travelling with CamRaptorY690

I tried to fly softly with my little Y6 and finally put the Go Pro in front the two arms to avoid seeing propeller in the movie.Here is the result without Roll compensation for the Go ProQuestion : in the last firmware 2.0.39 did the camera stabilization is better ?? than 2.0.35
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The aim this evening was to prove the new flybarless head with the ACM, and whether it would make a good deal of difference to the flight characteristics. We flew a full 5 min flight which is pretty good as the Heli is quite heavy now with all the extras fitted to it. Also i use a separate flight and main Power battery. a 2700mah 2cell and a 5000mah 6cell.


So the test consisted of some figure of eights and slow pirouettes in stabilise. After which we flew away around 40ft and gained altitude of around 35-40ft and entered into Loiter Mode. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Had one small glitch when we had to switch out of Loiter and regain control, the second Loiter test went a whole lot better, it really seemed to be holding it. Unfortunately we had to land as we have a full flight time of around 6 mins and we didn't want to push the point.


I'll be posting the logs of today's flight in my discussion


Thanks to Randy and the rest of the community....

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3D Robotics

3689421720?profile=originalToday's Developer is the genius behind the HK GCS, which you all know and love. We'd had ground stations before, but Paul Mather was the first to really do them right. I still remember the day he rolled out recording and replaying missions, which was mind-blowingly cool. And when he added voice synthesis, I felt a real surge of pride in how our hobby projects were growing up to rival pro tools. 


What's particularly impressive about the HK GCS is that it's a universal ground station; it's compatible with all the leading amateur-grade autopilots, which took a huge amount of coordination and patience by Paul.  Finally, a special credit to his ability to go without sleep. He's on the east side of the US, which means our Sunday dev calls start at midnight his time and sometimes go to 2:30 am. He not only stays up but he's smart and articulate at a time when most of us would barely be able to spell our name.


One last note: The name HappyKillmore dates back to his online multiplayer game days (CounterStrike, if memory serves), and is maybe not the one he'd choose today if he were picking one that wouldn't be misinterpreted in the drone world ;-). So do him a favor and call the ground station "HK GCS". HK stands for, er, "HK" now.


(And Paul, Settlers of Catan isn't an obscure Euro game anymore! We play it all the time with my kids. Love it.)


Over to The Man:



Name: Paul Mather


Home: Brunswick, OH, USA (About 20 miles south of Cleveland). I’ve lived in Ohio my whole life but have made it out of the country a few times for work and vacation.


Day Job: Freelance Software Developer, Phone System and IT work for small to mid-size companies. I purchased a phone company (voicemail, extensions, etc) last year. There seem to be peaks and valleys and some months I have lots of free time. Other months not so much.


DIY Drones role: HK’s Ground Control Station, Modifications to the ArduPilot ConfigTool (Added Google Maps), Remzibi’s OSD PC Config Tool, ArduIMU Test Application. Hoping to branch out into Android when I finally get some free time!


Background: I have a degree in Electrical Engineering Technology from the University of Cincinnati. Never did anything with it. I’ve been writing software since my parents got me a Commodore 64 in the early 80’s.  I got my first R/C car in the late 80’s. A Team Associated RC10.  That turned into about 5 cars before I left for college. Then there was about a 10 year break in my R/C obsession. I got back into it in 2001 after a friend of mine got his dura-plane up and running (after spending 10 years on a shelf in his garage). I was hooked again. Trucks, planes and helis this time. . I’ll take credit for turning Alex Greve (IBCrazy on RCGroups) on to FPV. I don’t know much about antennas….but he seems to be taking the FPV world by storm! Our failed attempts at the ball diamonds in Sagamore Hills seem to have had quite an effect on him.


Other interests: I’ve got two kids. 3 ½ and 15 months and I’m a stay at home dad one day a week. They’re tons of fun and sometimes make me wish I had kids younger in life. Seems like I’m going to be a senior citizen before they’re in high school!  I brew beer 4 times a year.  I’m lucky to have a brewery very close that actually lets you go in and brew. Then come back in 2-4 weeks and bottle. No preservatives. Tasty stuff! Once a week I host a board game night where we play “euro” games (games nobody’s heard of).  Dominion, Thunderstone, Settlers of Catan, Steam, Power Grid, Puerto Rico, Agricola. “A few acres of snow” is on it’s way…

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3D Robotics

3689421770?profile=originalWe've released new versions of the APM and Mission Planner, which mostly correct some minor bugs but add a few new features (see change logs below).


The Mission Planner will automatically load the new APM 2.23 code when you click on the plane icon on the firmware tab. The APM 2.23 source code is also in the download section if you want to play with it.


Note: The new version of APM changes the EEPROM data structure, so you MUST do a MAVLink reset and setup again after loading it. That's always a good idea after loading new code, but in this case it's required.


Change logs:


APM 2.23:

Mission Planner 1.0.57:

  • Speed up board detection 
  • fix map draw issues
  • fix home alt issue (corrects a meters/feet conversion bug)
  • new firmware connection check (for new users: if you press the Connect button before you've loaded any firmware, it will prompt you to load the firmware first)
  • prep for opengl
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3689421522?profile=originalAbove: Simple circuit using a transistor (an N-channel MOSFET), a resistor, and a capacitor. Left shows the schematic, right shows the layout.

Following discussions from a previous post here, I’m writing a three-part blog post on chip design, as I experience it professionally, and how I see it relating to both the open source community and the DIY crowd. This first post will discuss the chip design process itself. I am going to focus on what could be called “indie chip design” as it may be executed by a small company or even a single person. Obviously I can’t explain how to design the next hot microcontroller in a single blog post, but you should get a flavor for how this process is similar to and different from, say, designing a printed circuit board (PCB).

First a little background- I work in a small company Centeye that makes image sensor chips for various embedded vision and robotic applications. These designs incorporate both digital and analog circuitry, including pixel circuits, on the same chip. Due to our size (and budget!) we favor a minimalist approach to these image sensors. The chips themselves typically have anywhere from a thousand to at most several million transistors and are simple enough in architecture that one person (e.g. me) can handle the whole design. Our chips are three to six orders of magnitude simpler (by transistor count) than a contemporary processor or GPU chip, which currently contain up to several billion transistors.

The “complexity” of any design is an important consideration. Consider how much the complexity of a PCB can vary. At one end you have a 10-plus layer state-of-the-art computer motherboard. At the other end you can have a single layer PCB that uses a basic Atmel and a few discrete parts to blink an LED. Both of these are “circuit boards”, but one can be designed by a single person in a fraction of an hour while the other requires specialized (e.g. expensive) software and a team of engineers putting in person-years of effort. The design methodologies are certainly different for each board- You can take a cowboy approach and “wing it” when designing the blinking LED board. But the computer motherboard requires careful and rigorous preliminary research, planning, and coordination between the designers. Now I don’t want to imply that I design chips with a cowboy approach (well not usually) but the simplicity of our designs allows for different methodologies than what are needed for, say, designing a new GPU.


The PCB design process

As a starting point, that more people here would be familiar with, let’s first consider the PCB design process that one might follow if using a set of tools like Eagle. You might follow these steps:

Specification: Decide what you want to make. Decide some basic components to include (e.g. what processor to use or other desired components). Decide the interface, for example how you power and “talk to” the board if there is an I/O aspect.

Sketching and Research: Sketch out different sections of the board schematic (on paper or with Eagle), read datasheets, and determine what exact components you need. (For example- what voltage regulators do you need, what caps / resistors do those regulators need, and so on.)

Schematic Entry: Enter the schematic diagram.

Board Layout: Place components in desired locations, and then route, route, route to make all the desired electrical connections between them.

Verification: Run design rule checks. You need to verify, for example, that routed wires are thick enough, that unconnected wires are not too close together, and that no routing is too close to the board's edge or to holes. Run electrical rule checks to make sure that you didn’t accidentally connect two nodes that should be separate.

Fabricate: Generate the Gerbers and get the board made.

Populate: Solder components to the board. When done, power it up and test it.

Depending on the board, you may do some of the above steps in parallel and/or repeat earlier steps if you find some problem with the design, for example if the components don’t fit in a desired space.


Chip layout vs. PCB layout

The most fundamental way that chip design is different from PCB design is in the purpose of the layout. For PCBs, the "layers" of the layout define the electrical connections between the different components that will be soldered to the board. Some layers define etched copper patterns to form "wires", while other layers define “vias” for electrical contact between layers.

For an example of chip layout, look at the photo on the top of this post for details. On a chip layout, some layers are similarly used to form such electrical connections. Generally these are the “metal” layers with a low resistance, and are often made on the actual chip with aluminum or copper. This appears as "blue" in the above layout. There are also “via” and “contact” layers defining similar connections between layers, visible above as black squares.

However there are other layers that are used to actually form devices when geometric objects are drawn according to well-defined rules. When designing a chip, you not only draw the wiring between transistors, capacitors, and resistors, but you also draw those transistors, capacitors, and resistors themselves.

For example, there is one red layer called “polysilicon” which is a conductor but generally has a higher resistance. If you draw a long, thin wire of polysilicon, you get a resistor. (A long thin wire of metal also gives you a resistor but of much less resistance.) To form a capacitor, you can draw two plates of polysilicon on top of each other, with one plate located on “polysilicon 1” (light red) which is deeper in the chip and the other plate located higher up on “polysilicon 2 (dark red)”. They will be separated by a thin insulator, so that the two plates and insulator form a capacitor. A transistor (such as a MOSFET) can be formed by crossing a polysilicon wire over a box of “active” layer (green). I won’t describe all the possibilities- that could fill a textbooks- but hopefully you get the basic idea.

In other words, the fundamental difference is that on a PCB, the geometric figures you draw define the electrical connections between components, while on a chip, the geometric figures also create the components themselves.

As you can imagine, the “design rule checks” for chips are much more complicated. Fortunately all that is now automated.



A chip design generally uses a hierarchical structure based on what we call “cells”. A basic cell may be an OR gate, a single capacitor, or a single pixel circuit. Then we can create higher level cells by “instancing” and connecting together existing lower level cells, and optionally adding new layout. For example, a pixel cell may contain a couple transistors and a photodiode, and routing for power line and output. Then a pixel array cell can be constructed from a large 2D array of individual pixel cells. Similarly a flip flop cell can be constructed from a few gates, and a register cell can be constructed from an array of flip flop cells. The “top level cell” would be the whole chip.

This hierarchical structure is analogous to the hierarchical structure of a computer program. You have variables and individual instructions at the bottom level, then lower level functions that use these variables and instructions, higher level functions that call these lower level functions, and finally the “main” function at the top.

In a chip design, the cell structure is present in both the schematic level and the layout. Consider a pixel cell: In the schematic entry software I use, elementary cells like “capacitor”, “resistor”, and “N-type transistor” are already defined. The pictures below show examples. To make a pixel cell I would instance the appropriate components (generally some transistors and a photodiode), draw wires to connect them, and create a “symbol” that represents the pixel cell. Then I would create an associated layout for the cell. This would be a drawing of the different layers (metal, polysilicon, active layer, etc.) that together create the electronic circuitry depicted in the schematic.

Once I have created a cell, I would next “verify” it. This includes running design rule checks such as making sure wires are thick enough and that unconnected wires are not too close (sound familiar?). This also includes other more esoteric design rule checks such as making sure the different layers are properly drawn to form devices like transistors and capacitors. I also run a “layout vs schematic” test to make sure that both the schematic and layout versions of the cell show the same circuit. If needed, I may also perform a circuit simulation (using SPICE) to verify that the circuit should function as I intend. In the SPICE simulation I would present different inputs to the circuit and verify that the simulated output is as expected. For example for a NOT gate I would apply a digital 0 and then 1 and verify that the output was the opposite. I would also verify that the threshold voltage (the crossover from 0 to 1) is appropriate.

Once a cell has been completed, I can then construct and verify higher level cells in the same manner. For example I could create a pixel array by instancing individual pixel cells. I would verify the pixel array cell and move on to the next cells until the chip is finished.

One nice thing about the cell architecture is that once a cell is made, you can reuse it in other chip designs, either verbatim or with some changes. This is much like how you can re-use existing source code to write a new program. Also it is possible to acquire libraries of cells for many common circuits- I never design my own flip flop cells- I used existing flip flop cells that either the CAD tool company or the chip foundry has provided- I not only save time but have the peace of mind of using a cell that I know works.

This ability to reuse cell designs is crucial for reducing design time. My record for designing a chip, start to finish, is three hours sitting in a Dupont Circle coffee house in DC back in 2001. All of the cells were reused, with one or two modified, except for the top level cell which was constructed from scratch. (Yes, that chip did work!)

The three pictures below show sample layout and schematic of pixel cells.


Above: Layout of a single pixel cell. "blue" is the lowest metal layer e.g. metal1, "grey" is the second metal layer e.g. metal2, tan is the third metal layer e.g. metal3. White squares are "vias" between metal layers. The big area with right-hand cross hatches is the "N" side of the photodiode. The "P" side is the chip substrate itself.


Above: Schematic diagram of a single pixel circuit. Node "rowsel" is used to select a row of pixels. Node "out" is the column output. Nodes "prsupply" and "swvdd" are effectively power supplies for the pixel.




Above: 16x16 array of single pixel circuits used to form a 16x16 focal plane array section.


The Indie chip design process:

Now I can summarize the process I use to design a new image sensor chip:

Specification: Typically I would hand draw a few critical items in my notebook. This may be the schematic diagram for individual pixel circuits or related subcircuits. This would also include a specification of the interface, such as how I want the digital signals provided to the chip to control the chip, and the nature of the output (analog, digital, etc.)

Sketching and Research: Next I would sketch out a cell hierarchy for the chip, including initial hand-drawn schematic sketches for the most critical cells and how they interact. I would also look through existing designs and libraries for cells that I can reuse and/or modify.

Design the chip, cell by cell: Next I would go through the process of designing the cells that will make up the chip design. I would start out with the basic cells, construct both layout and corresponding schematic and symbols, and do any verification. Generally I would both create and verify a given cell before moving up the hierarchy.

Redesign: Sometimes it just happens that through the process of designing it you realize that something may not work or fit. In this case you just have to go back and change some aspect of the design.

Padframe: The padframe is a cell that contains all the “pads” which are the electrical contacts between the chip and the outside world.

Top level cell: I would then assemble and verify the top level cell of the chip.

Tape-out and Fab: The term “tape-out” is the chip design equivalent to making Gerber files for a PCB. I think this is an archaic term that comes from a time when the layout files were literally written to magnetic tape that was then mailed out to the fab company. Nowadays of course you just create the layout file and email it in.

Dicing and Packaging: The chips come back in wafers (see this previous post). We send them out to a company to dice them e.g. cut them up into individual dies. Packaging refers to the process of connecting the individual dies to some sort of package that allows you to solder them to a board. You can’t solder directly to the chip (the pads are between 60 and 100 microns wide!) so typically one uses a wire bonding machine to connect the chip to a package with 1-mil thick gold wire. We own a wire bonding machine so we just wire bond the chips directly to a test PC board, in a process described here. Once this is done we can then test the chip to verify it works.

Cost? For a single chip design I’ve spent anywhere from $980 to $58k to get multiple (between 4 and 40) copies of a single chip design made. For wafers I’ve spent anywhere from about $18k to just under $100k to get multiple wafers containing multiple chip designs made, generally yielding four to eight thousand chips. (Note that for a fine-scale digital process used to make current GPUs or CPUs, you can probably spend millions.) As you make more the price drops further. The economies of scale are drastic. I will comment on that in another post.

Time? You can get PCBs made the same day if you really need it. For chips I wait anywhere from 6 weeks to 4 months. Yes, the long wait can make one nervous…


Simplicity and avoiding feature creep

A final thought on the chip design process as I experience it- Simplicity rules! The final part of verifying a chip design is stressful since you really can’t fully verify the chip design, including how the individual cells interact, until you actually fabricate the chip. (Actually for digital circuits the behavior is generally predictable if you use the right practices, but analog circuits are more complicated.) The best I can do until then is to rely on circuit simulations of a limited set of scenarios, along with double, triple, and quadruple checking, and hope that the resulting design works.

So as a result of this, I’ve found that the best habit to have is to be very choosy about what features to include and keep all aspects of the chip (interface, layout, topology, etc.) as simple as possible. The simpler the chip, the easier the layout and the verification, and the less opportunity you have to screw things up! The 80/20 principle is key here- Only include what is necessary. This can be a challenge because we engineers are notorious for saying “hey we can add this feature, and while we’re at it add that one and this other one too”.

In my next post, I'll discuss issues the real issues I face when trying to "open" up chip designs, and how these may be addressed.

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It only took  my JDrones kit from a few days to get to Iceland. I started building it on wednesday night and it flew successfully on saturday morning!

(Apologies for the camera tilt) In this clip I am on the second 3000mAh battery and tentatively testing the altitude hold. Apart from short and agonizing simulator tests, I have never before flown a helicopter of any kind so I was quite apprehensive. But I quickly got used to the difference in controlling this compared to a winged plane. It feels incredibly stable. I may though try adding a little expo to the roll and pitch as I find these overly sensitive. Yaw on the other hand seems a bit too "stiff". I found that if not careful I can sometimes get into wobble and swerve if I oversteer but seems to recover quickly with neutral sticks. I still have a lot of practice to do before felling comfortable.

The sonar seems to work as far as I can see (apropos reports of issues with the 2.0.39 AC2 version) but I have still to do more tests on that to figure out its functionality. I wonder if it can be programmed to add landing assistance in stabilize mode? I.e. a kind of "buffer" in the last foot or two to make landings softer.

The 2.4GHz Telemetry kit that Martin at buildyourowndrone put together works flawlessly.

The Mission Planner is a work of art in progress. At this pace it will soon become an exemplary piece of software. My only wish is for a MacOS port in the near future :) 

I need to add a voltage warning of some kind. It is too stressful not knowing when it will run out of juice and having to guess the voltage.

The loiter and RTH functions are still to be explored and a lot more basic flight training ahead.

I also want to add a video downlink. I wonder if that can be put through the WiFi link?

I have many years of RC experience, basic soldering and electronics skills and have been following this community web for some months. This all helped to make the building and testing a nice and smooth experience.

Careful attention to detail and following the manual minutely, checking and rechecking is what I consider the keys to success in building such a craft.

I am already planning on building another one, perhaps a wide hexacopter for better lift and stability. I want to try to make that one water-resistant, at least splash proof to use in snow and wet conditions for nature photography and video.

Thanks and kudos to the developers and the community for this exciting development.

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3D Robotics

Meet the Developers: Max Levine

3689421557?profile=originalToday in Meet the Developers, please meet Max Levine, another graphic artist par excellence! You've all seen his work in the simple, stylized icons in the Mission Planner (see below), but he's also behind many of the diagrams and instructional graphics in the ArduCopter manual.


He's also working with Sandro Benigno and Samantha Nelson on the forthcoming rebranding of all the DIY Drones projects and microsites.












Name: Max Levine 

Home base: Haifa, Israel.I'm originally from Russia and I moved to Israel 12 years ago, nothing exotic about that :)
Day job: I'm an illustrator specialized on industrial documentation / 3D assembly visualization, mostly manuals for a big boys UAVs" :) And user experience adviser for some start-up projects here in Israel.
DIY Drones role: I got in to early days of ArduCopter trying to build an ultimate photo/video flying platform for action sports, but very quickly, the dev process became my hobby/obsession :)
Now I'm working with Sando on making those 'IKEA' style graphics for the wiki, trying to make it easier for you and for the Team, Chris need to write less text :) and you need to read less :) Maybe one day it will be just one big picture :)
Also I have a small army of test copters putting the ACM to the limit every flight, adding small features here and there too. I've learned many things about robotics from the Team and from DIYD, big thanks you all :)   
Background: Served 3.5 years in anti-aircraft unit in IDF, training shooting skills on RC planes :) Studied 'graphics and interactive communications'. My Dad is an engineer,so I grew-up in university labs :) and we had small DIY lab at home, I spent most of my childhood making things, mostly RC cars.
Interests: I'm in action sports and action sports photography, snowboarding is my passion, yes there is a ski resort in Israel :) My goal is to build an ultimate flying platform for action sports photography, and its getting closer and closer every day :) And again thank you all, for great fun !


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Announcing the ArduCopter 3DR Pre-order

3689421466?profile=originalDesigned in house by myself and Alan Sanchez, this new quad frame is designed to be rock solid in every way. The frame is constructed of Aluminum and fiberglass. We've made some changes to increase the amount of free space available for electronics and sensors. The legs are moved out to leave a clear field of view from cameras mounted beneath the body. The power distribution board is now sandwiched between the arms but the plugs are still easily accessible from the sides.

3689421348?profile=originalThe main frame has a hole pattern allowing you to mount APM in any orientation. The holes around the edges will fit the tilt/roll camera mount and the sonar mounting kit. The arms have a cutout in the end to route the cables through so they don't get pinched in a crash.

3689421492?profile=originalThe added strength doesn't compromise flight time. With a 4900mAh 3S Rhino battery pack which it easily lifted, I timed 17 minutes of hovering out of ground effect in steady winds of 5-8 knots. The video below was taken while carrying a 4900mAh battery.

The legs are also cut of fiberglass and can really take some abuse! This video will give you an idea of their strength.

Overall the quad handles very well and it feels nice and smooth to fly. I haven't modified any of the standard PID values on ACM to make these videos, the same values translate nicely to this quad because of the similar size and weight.

The kits are available at the usual price of $170 here: ArduCopter 3DR Frame Kit Preorder. The kit includes:

  • 2 Main frame boards
  • 4 Aluminum arms
  • 2 Carrier boards
  • Landing gear
  • Power distribution board, power cables and signal cables for PDB-APM
  • All hardware needed to assemble the components above


The kits will start shipping next Thursday, the first of September. We will hold your entire order until that day if you choose to buy one during the preorder.

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3D Robotics

Meet the Developers: Randy Mackay

3689421436?profile=originalRandy is one of the key members of the ArduCopter team, and has been leading the traditional heli part of it, along with integrating optical flow sensors into the ArduCopter code (look for a product we may be offering in that space soon).


He's also a great example of the international nature of the team. If you thought Jani was pretty exotic, as a Finn living in Thailand, Randy is a Canadian living in Japan!


Name: Randy Mackay

Home base:  I live in Tokyo Japan.  It's always interesting as it's a very different culture (from mine) and although it can seem very similar to the west on the surface, the differences come to the surface all the time through unusual foods, people's reactions to events, and many other ways.  One challenge though is finding open spaces to fly but where there's a will there's a way!
Day job: I make financial risk management software for a Swiss investment bank.  Struggling to find a cross over with DIYDrones..nope, there isn't any.
DIY Drones Role: My primary responsibility is getting the Traditional Helicopter code up to the same level of performance as the Quad.  Frankly, it's a real challenge.  Although probably faster and more maneuverable than a quad, heli's are very unstable, control inputs affect more than one axis and when thing go wrong, repairs are expensive and time consuming.  Still, it's lots of fun and we're getting there.  Beyond the trad heli, I've added improvements here and there mostly in the magnetometer and sonar code.
I love being a member of the arduCopter team and working with the talented engineers that Chris has introduced in this series, it's just so much more effective than going it alone.
Background: My obsession with computers began with a TRS80 that my mother brought home and a book of Basic games that you had to type in yourself..and of course they were riddled with bugs which needed to be fixed before you could actually play them!  Years later I received a BSc in Computer Science from McGill University.
I got into RC cars with my best friend from elementary school, and then much later RC Helicopters.
The combination of the two passions, programming with RC was natural step as i suspect it was for many others DIYDroners.  Specifically Jack Crossfire and his vicacopter  was the catalysts that made me jump in.


Other interests: I'm very interested in optical flow and the possibility of using it for improved position control, altitude and object avoidance.  I'd also like to find an alternative to the current sonar and barometer sensors for altitude hold - perhaps a laser range finder? Also keen on 3D printed parts.


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3D Robotics

3689421425?profile=originalThis project is like a smoothie of all my favorite things blended together.

An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is keeping track of a ground robot that leads a flock of similar robots.  The UAV flies autonomously and uses its cameras to help the units moving in a defined formation, while communicating with the leader through an interfacing device.

It sounds so simple when you put it like that!

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3D Robotics
UPDATE: This has been fixed. If you load a new firmware hex from the Mission Planner, it should now be fine. Thanks for your patience and special thanks to Tridge and Michael O for Delta Team Six-like rapid response ;-)



We've accidentally introduced a bug into the latest ArduCopter code that interferes with MAVLink setup. After you load the firmware with the Mission Planner, when you go through the setup process and click on "Level" it resets the board into a state where MAVlink can no longer connect. (If you reset the board, MAVLink will connect again, but you still can't run the Level command)


The tempory solution is to do the setup via the CLI process instead. But we're working on the bug and hope to have a fix released by tomorrow. 


Many apologies for the glitch. We were just moving too fast and this one slipped through. 



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Arducopter32 ver 2.0.39(40) is Alive

Add new video :) Emile Enjoy to fly with Arducopter32 :)






Dear Friends,

in these summer Holiday i found the time to finish my porting of Arducopter 2.0.39 to Multipilot32 ( AP32 ).

In this video dimostration you can found the result of my work. We need only to finish the test on waypoint navigation .


The configuration of quad in the video is follow :

  • VR Multipilot32.
  • DIY Oilpan.
  • DIY GPS MTK16.
  • DIY Compass.
  • Radio is Spektrum DX6.
  • Motors is Keda 20-22.

The AP32 Upgrade Kit is Available for your Arducopter more info click here :


In the next days will be available on repo :


The functionality available and tested in the video are :

  • Stable mode flight .
  • Loiter + Altitude Hold
  • Return to home.
  • simple mode flight.

The code is fully compatible with Mission Planner i tested until rev 1.0.54.

I tested also the Copter Ground Station for Android it work fine !!!

The code support mavlink protocol and the platform tha use it.


The upgrade available using Multipilot32 are :

Imu refresh rate 1 khz instead of 200 hz , more stable flight.

PPMSUM radio input compatible .

SD card for save Option and log not on internal eeprom (Work in progress).

Radio Remap functionality for PPMSUMRECEIVER using Mavlink parameters (Work in progress).

Mixertable for define custom configuration using Mavlink parameters (Work in progress).


Thank you very much to all member of Arducopter DevTeam that help me in these work and for they great works:)

A special Thanks for Chris , Jason , Mike and Emile the beta tester taht setup and fly Arducopter32 on his quad and fly in fpv the quad during the test :)


Official Thread :


Roberto Navoni Foxteam

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UAV projects at MAKS-2011


This blog post contains photos and small descriptions of UAV projects, presented at MAKS-2011. Mainly, teams use commercial autopilots, however some of them had very nice their own built systems.
However, the prices are sufficently high, usually starts from $30,000. I had a talk with representatives of a few different projects and almost all of them said that clients usually prefer to get service (aerial photography or video) rather than buy UAV. Anyway, here is a small photo report:




Guys develop multirotors of different sizes and types based on MikroKopter system


Tiny quadcopter


Really tiny...


This one has even weapons


UAV for aerial photography


This project I liked more than others


Aerial photography mission planning


And very cool multifunctional ground station! We definitely need to make something like this for APM :)


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