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There's a bug in my flight control system!




An interesting photo essay "Chasing Nature" which shows several flying projects inspired by bugs and birds.  Not much detail, but enough context to allow googling of the original project pages.  This picture is captioned:

Instead of working to build and control robotic insects, Michel Maharbiz and collaborators at the University of California, Berkeley, hijacked the real thing. This six-centimeter-long flower beetle is fitted with electronics that stimulate its brain and flight muscles. Signals delivered by radio waves command its flight. Maharbiz is working on miniaturizing the electronics to control smaller insects, such as houseflies.



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New Micro FPV Kopter


The New FPV  APM  Kopter


In the foreground, the bumblebee

in the background the  Kamkop  with the GoPro 3D system




The new FPV Kopter


made vor 10" Props

to use GoPro or a smal FPV camera





NTM Prop Drive Series 28-30A 750kv / 140w


NTM Prop Drive Series 28-30A 750kv / 140w


TURNIGY Plush 30amp Speed Controller








now I'm still working to find the correct PID parameters

 for a stable and no wobbling flight i have to set the P parameter unter 1

than i have not enough sensitivity on my RC


maybe someone has experience with such a small Kopter with relatively large engines!


or someone could rewrite the code for me ?




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ThermoPilot, a Thermal Hunter Glider Drone

This project has been started in october 2010 and its purpose is to build a full autonomous Thermal Hunter Glider which is able to fly for a long duration in an area defined by a radius, a ceiling and a minimal altitude. The glider uses thermal soaring and dynamic soaring methods commonly used by full scale gliders during cross country soaring competitions.

During a full autonomous flight defined by a flight plan, the glider is able to optimize itself the onboard power using the energy gained by the updrafts during its thermal hunting process. For safety reasons, the glider can use its electrical engine to sustain the minimal altitude required.In the video, you will see some samples of the test flights during the phase 2 of the Thermopilot project. The glider is fully stabilized by the Thermopilot software.

During the Phase 2 of the project, the firmware has been tested in flight with an ArduPilot/ArduIMU board (firmware ThermoPilot v2.9.x JLN version). The ThermoPilot (phase 3) will use an ArduPilot MEGA 2560 and a bigger glider. The setup has been successfully tested on the MAJA drone in May 2011. The ThermoPilot will be able to learn and optimize itself the thermal upwards areas during its thermal hunting...

The ThermoPilot firmware has been tested in High Mountains in July 2011 (Savoie, French Alps): Ridge Soaring tests flights done in high wind conditions.
It has also been tested in the fields in August 2011 (Auvergne, France): Thermal Soaring tests flights in various weather conditions.

The Cularis UAV autopilot setup is:

- Autopilot: Ardupilot (Atmega 328)@16MHZ + ArduIMU flat v2

- ardupilot v2.9.1 (JLN) + arduimu v2.0.1 (JLN)

Sensors: (arduIMU on board):
•3 Axis Accelerometer (ADXL335)
•3 Axis Gyroscope (LPR530AL + LY530ALH)
•3 Axis magnetometer (HMC 5843)
•1 pressure sensor (air speed sensor)
•1 Mediatek MTK16 10 Hz GPS

Video cameras:
•1 GoPro HD Wide (forward view)

More infos at:

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Free Stanford Computer Science Classes



This fall, Stanford University offers free Computer Science classes! This time the available classes  are Machine LearningIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence and Introduction to Databases!


Cool stuff, which may be relevant (or just fun) for you and your project!


An article about the classes can be found here:

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Mini Quad Rotor Flying on APM Code


Today, my nine-year-old daughter and I upgraded our little mini quad (7" across), which we hadn't flown in a while.

Here's what we did:


1. Soldered the headers onto a new ArduPilot Mega 2560 board and installed it into the quad. (Replacing the 1280 that was there).

2. In the past we couldn't find the small 4x2.5 propellers in both a pusher and puller style, so we compensated for this by tilting the motors 8 degrees. We recently received a shipment of the proper pushers and pullers, so we installed those and re-positioned the motors so they were straight up. 

3. In the past we used the CLI and the "Indoor" code. This time, we used the Mission Planner to load the current standard code (AC 2.0.39b), and then we re-configured as per the wiki.

After completing our upgrades, we ran through the normal tests and everything checked out so we took it out for a flight. It immediately flew absolutely beautifully. Very stable and responsive. This was by far the most stable we had ever seen this mini quad fly (or any of our quads). Awesome!  Well done, DIY Drones team!  :)


Here are some pictures of my daughter soldering the header pins on the new ArduPilot Mega board and then installing it into the quad. I've also included a picture of the finished upgraded quad, which we call "The Black Hornet."




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Arducopter 2.0.40 preview


3689422739?profile=originalJust got back from testing the latest version. I'm having great luck with it.


Improved alt hold: Look for about twice the accuracy for altitude hold than the previous 2.0.40 preview. It's really good and the motors don't pulse as hard as they did before.


Loiter looks great and has the wind compensation turned on now by default. It wasn't enabled before.

RTL is running very smooth. Circle mode needs some work. Installing this will cause you to go through an initial setup process using the CLI. Be sure to setup your radio, level, enable the compass, set declination and enable sonar, etc.


Feedback is appreciated.


Note: This version is no longer compatible with the Mission Planner. Some internals have changed. I'll work with Michael Oborne to get it connected and updatable through the Planner.





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Test Sonar wiring Shield Perfect No Noise

Today I'm test sonar my Arducopter in ALT Hold Mode. I use USB HUD cable (Have Shield) connect to Pitot port IMU and receive signal from AN (pin 3) the Sonar. It perfect not noise in test.

Now, I use code ArduCopter2.0.39b 


Wiring shield to ground at Sonar.




And connector to Pitot port IMU.





Installer to sonar mount under main frame.



3689422726?profile=originalRed line is Sonar Alt , Green line is Baro Alt




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Acrylic Frame maiden flight

So this is the first flight on my second DIY frame. this one is entirely made from acrylic. It worked fine right off the bat. I did notice at about 28 seconds in it did a little seesaw and then stabilized fine. It worked really well until the second forth flight i was about 2 feet off the ground, just in a hover and it decided to flip upside down and drive its self into the ground. :(

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ACM Loiter (GPS) Hold Traditional Helicopter



Firstly thanks to Jason for his New Alpha code. 2.0.40. Randy for all the help and Martin who keeps supplying tea

The new control laws that he has implemented work really well. The oscillations have virtually disappeared in stabilise, and Loiter held for over 8 mins with only very slow drift, had to bring the heli back to the start point twice.

I think i need to adjust the I value to get a few more degree's to fight the wind.

Also needed to wait until the GPS got as many sats as possible for the most stable hold.


I set the APM_config.h file so that Loiter had a manual throttle (collective Pitch on trad heli). I added this as well to lessen the lean of the heli. Although i might be wrong and it could be for something completely different.


//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Autopilot control limits////

how much to we pitch towards the target

#ifndef PITCH_MAX

# define PITCH_MAX 22 changed to 10// degrees



changed this too as the Trad Heli would not fly well in this mode



Next is to try Loiter and ALT_HOLD together.


WE also shot some video of martin flying after a rebuild that took us 2 hrs, we decided to close the throttle. One motor didnt fire and we it hit the floor hard. This video is the rebuilt quad really impressed with how quick it was. we had another problem. Watch the vid :)



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3D position estimation with a Wii-Remote camera



In this video, I am using a UMI, a sonar for altitude, and a wii-remote camera. The wii-remote camera is a very small camera that is included in the wii-remote.

The wii-remote camera gives directly the 2D coordinates of the IR spots in the image. It's interface is I2C. This is really a great sensor!


On my UAV, the wii-remote camera looks under.


I put IR LEDs on the floor.



I have put some lenses on this wii-remote camera, because the field of view was too narrow.



I still plan to make my drone navigate autonomously in an indoor environment, with several IR spots put on the floor.


For french-speeking people, you can see all the work that I have done on this web-site.

I will soon translate it in english.


Do not hesitate to ask me any question about this project.



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3689422440?profile=originalHi all, first post after mulling around reading everything on the site and then some.  I have 2 Hobbyking Bixlers (well, 1 bixler, and 1 Sky Surfer from, they are the same and sold also on other sites).   After reading into it, getting it, flying it a bit, and having it a bit, i decided i really want some landing gear for it.  Unfortunately, even with all the extensive mods available on RCGroups, the only landing gear mod i could find required some manual fabrication, which i don't really like doing :P

Anyhow, after digging i found this


CNC Machined spring metal gear made for the Easy Star (and works on clones just fine!)  Including a steerable tailwheel attached to the rudder so no extra servo required.  Install is quick, and there are a few different sized wheels that they sell directly (or you can use some you get from your local hobby shop, up to 3.5inch wheels will fit, i'm using 3inch currently though may change).  


Here are some pictures:


Above:  Easy Gear and 3inch wheels installed on Sky Surfer v1 (aka Bixler).  Extra set of EasyGear still in package.  and of course the APM :P
3689422520?profile=originalAbove:  Easy Gear in packaging.  Comes with install instructions, but there's also an install video on the airscaperc website.  (Jon, the proprietor of AirscapeRC, was kind enough to send me a spare set of easy gear after some shipping confusion, excellent customer service.)


Above: Top part of tail gear attached to rudder. (Note:  I made a small groove in the rudder for the wire to sit in as its not designed exactly for the Bixler).

3689422608?profile=originalAbove:  Out of focus image of Tail wheel (sorry, couldnt see it was out of focus on my iPhone). My alternate FPV canopy as well :P


Some notes on installation on the Bixler:  Follow instructions sheet and/or video for the most part, with some slight differences.  Firstly, try to mount main gear directly under CG (60mm from LE of wing).  As the instructions state, there are 2 notches in the center of the gear to line up with the antenna channel.  Second, you may want to carve a little bit of foam, though not necessary, on the inside of the fuselage in order to have the backing plate sit flat (I didn't, i just glued it to the edges where it sat, and its fine).   Also on the tail gear bracket, don't follow the measurements in the instructions, they are different, the bracket will stick out further than on an EasyStar so eyeball the hole to line it up with the elevator hinge.  And finally the rudder is slightly different too so as i did, you may want to cut a small grove in it to accommodate the landing gear wire.   You may also want to order some of the larger-thicker tires as they come with a protective skid that mounts to the landing gear bracket to protect the wire assembly when taxiing on rough terrain.  Finally, use a straight edge to align the tail wheel to the rudder (again as its not designed exactly for this model).  First time after install i neglected to do this, had to compensate with rudder to go straight for takeoff, and immediately rolled/crashed when it got up due to rudder-left :P


Hope you guys like these, i don't make them i just found them, but Jon at AirscapeRC is a real nice guy, they make a nice product, and i don't mind throwing some business his way :P  I'm sure a lot of us on this forum also use the bixler so this is a nice addition.  Also to note, a few people i've seen on youtube also use this (though i think slightly modified, i'm not sure) on the Sky Walker airframe, and i'm sure it can be used on other moderately sized belly-landers as well without too much trouble.

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3D Robotics

3689422427?profile=originalI spend a gorgeous morning at the field with Jason Short testing code and tuning PIDs. He was focusing on ArduCopter 2.0.40 and I was just dialing in the PIDs for the HobbyKing Bixler, which is our current recommended platform for beginners.


I think I've got them pretty close, so I've posted the config file in the manual here with the rest of the config files for standard aircraft. Just load it in the Mission Planner and write it to APM, and you're ready to go.


Here's the RTL circle:


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An official UAV airport in Wales


In rural Wales, a runway and a 500-square mile airspace for unmanned craft is opening. The British Army's Watchkeeper WK450, pictured above, will use the runway for test flights.

The Welsh government wants to attract aviation firms to test experimental drones to fight fires and count whales.


Now, how about private individuals and educational facilities? Is this a one-off or the beginnings of officially integrating automated flying machines into the rest of the air traffic?

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Arducopter 2.0.40 preview

3689422502?profile=originalI've been away on vacation for the last week and a half, but I was able to port Arducopter to Flash and do some simulations. This has helped me rewrite the navigation control laws, simple mode, and Loiter to all use a streamlined set of control loops. This not only has saved code space, but the end result is a quad that flies like it's on rails. 


Loiter and WP navigation are now the same code and use a rate based solution from the GPS. The heading and ground speed values are parsed into X(long) and Y(lat) components. This gives me a far more accurate estimation of position than just using the Mediatek's lat and long outputs. The controller takes the position error, desired speed, and minimum speed and outputs pitch and roll commands. I've noticed a marked improvement in Loiter hold. Basically it's glued to one spot. I'll need to do more testing in windy conditions, so stay tuned.


Altitude hold uses the same controller design and manages the speed of altitude change. Landing and altitude changes are much more controlled and I've not seen the quad loose altitude on RTL like it did in the past.


The  Throttle, Roll/Pitch, and Yaw control loops have all be separated to give you the option of redefining any of the modes. In the zip file below, Alt hold has been redefined (in APM_Config,h) to use SIMPLE mode for Roll/Pitch. Loiter has been redefined to use Manual throttle. 


The Flash based simulator uses nearly identical code to Arducopter. Here's the work in progress of the sim:



The code itself is available for download here and is considered alpha to me. WP's are being tested tomorrow. Only RTL, SIMPLE, ALT HOLD have been tested so far. Crosstrack correction is currently disabled. Everything should work, but be careful. Anything could happen. I've only crashed 4 times today ;)




latest code

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ArduCopter 3DR Shipping Today

3689422279?profile=originalToday we're making the first shipment of ArduCopter 3DR quads. When you receive your quad, check the product page for build instructions - I'll be adding it today. And don't be confused that you have a few too many parts. We decided to try to beat Murphy's law by including a few extra parts in each kit - an extra main frame, stack up, arm and leg.


There are still a few in stock right now. We'll get the next shipment of arms in a few days and after there will be plenty to go around!

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