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Maiden flight of YAQ (sucessful)


Here are a few pictures of YAQ (Yet Another Quad).

First on the floor, nearly ready for maiden:

And here are pictures from the maiden flight:

It flys with the current alpha version of the software, so far no mods.

It is a combination of parts from different sources:

From MikroKopter came the frame and the propellers
From HK came motor and ESC
The boards came from Cool Components
The landing skid comes from a (broken) heli of a friend
.. and some home grown parts

What might be intgeresting to you is my wiring:

As I did not use a power distribution PCB, but used instead a standard
component available in the "OBI" and surely other home depot like shops.

Main advantage is that there is no soldering necessary, and an ESC could be changed
quite quickly if necessary.

... Now I need to hone my flying skills... ;)


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Wohooo! My MQ9 has arrived!


Hi Fellows!
I’m new in this stuff and realy want to get in to it. I'm buying stuff about 3 months for my MQ9 UAV and the parts almost done. Here is my part list and prices;

PROJET MQ-9 Reaper 98" 4-CH Brushless Remote Control RC UAV Predator $170.00

ArduPilot Mega - Arduino Mega compatible UAV Controller $59.95
OilPan $159.95

Air Speed Sensor $19.95

DIY Drones HMC $44.90

2 x XBee Pro 900 XSC RPSMA (up to 15 mile range!!) $143.9
2 x XtreamBee Board (No XBee included) $49,9

MediaTek MT3329 GPS 10Hz + Adapter $39.95

FTDI Basic Breakout - 3.3V $14.95

Video Capture Device $10

900Mhz 500mW audio/video transmitter & reciver & antenna $100

500-1600kv Brushless Motor $23.70 (i hope it can fly my plane xD)

60A OPTO Brushless Speed Controller ESC (w/o BEC) [Volcano Series] $29.70

3 x Blue LiPo 3-Cell 2200mAh 3S1P 11.1v 25C LiPoly Battery $50.85

Li-Po GUARD 25x33cm Safety Battery Charging/Storing Bag $5.75

Exceed RC 6-Ch 2.4Ghz Transmitter Receiver (Full Version) $44.95

waiting for servo cables, propellers

Total Amount About; $1000 + shipping(im not sure but i think its about $450)

yeah that seems oke but i moved a new city and lost my tools... I dont have even a screwdriver. Need to buy some new tools to assemble it.
I will blog my experience, photos and videos here. I hope i wont ruin it xD

When i complete the project, i will start coding a GCS and other stuff (i have good ideas)

Nvm I’m looking for a new tool set atm. I will keep inform you guys. If you have any idea our suggestion please share it.

Take care

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Getting started


Hi there, I am Diego from Venezuela, i want to start in the UAV proyect after being rc modeller for 15 years and robotics entusiast for a year,

I have ordered from this site, Spark fun and Adafruit all the items i was intructed by this page LINK

I am going to use a JR XP6102 6 channel radio 72 MHz in PCM modulation
Xbee telemetry in 900 MHz
Video Tx in 1.3 GHz.
Electric motor with LiPo batery

I plan to modify the airplane in this way:

Eliminate the hidedral (done)
Cut off the tail. (done)
Make the wings 20% longer (cancelled)
Build an inverted Vtail in a double boom from the wings (done but deciding)
Repair the fuselage (done)
Make more room for battery and electronics,,,, (lots of room)
Cover the airplane in Monokote ( done )

I started to make the calculations for the cutout allready....

Have a ton of work to do before my electronics arrive home (10 days estimated)...

I will wait for your opinions.....

Thanks for receiving me here!!!!!!!!!!


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ArduCopter in Brazilian Sky

Hello guys!
Here goes a little video of my recent flight!
Morning happy today with ArduCopter Beta. :)

Good time flying there, even with some wind. I needed to change the commands quickly sometimes because of wind, but the response of the IMU and firmware is awesome to keep it nice.

ArduCopter is awesome nice! And I'm not talking it as a member of the core team, but as an user. When you fly it, you'll understand why. Happy flights for all!
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From Xconomy: "A couple of startup companies set a world aviation record last night.

But they were pretty low-key about it. As I walked into the Future of Flight Aviation Center in Mukilteo, WA, a half hour north of Seattle, I saw little activity. It was after hours, and the hangar-like building was nearly deserted except for the futuristic planes suspended from the ceiling—Burt Rutan’s “Quickie” and a Beechcraft Starship—and part of a Boeing 787 Dreamliner fuselage on the display floor. It was a bit like “Star Wars” meets “Night at the Museum.”

Tom Nugent, the co-founder and president of Kent, WA-based LaserMotive, greeted me and said they were almost ready for showtime. A small team of engineers divided its attention between the back of a command truck and the adjacent trailer that held the laser optics equipment that would make the show possible. Two German guys who hadn’t slept in days (and were still on Munich time) were sprawled out on deck chairs in front of computer monitors like they were playing a video game. One held a remote controller that he used to guide a “quadrocopter”—a small, 1-kilogram, square-shaped flying contraption with blinking lights and four spinning rotors—made by their company, Ascending Technologies.

Jan Stumpf and Michael Achtelik, the co-CEOs of Ascending Technologies, partnered with LaserMotive to perform this feat last night. The goal: to use a laser to power an aircraft in continuous flight for about 12 hours (far longer than its battery would last without recharging, which is only about five minutes). That would be a world record, by a long shot, for the longest free flight of an electric vehicle.

Indeed, this demonstration is a big deal for the future of electric planes, said Barry Smith, the executive director of the Future of Flight facility. Imagine putting a laser on top of every cellular tower, he said, so that certain types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) would never need to land to recharge or refuel. That could potentially revolutionize communications, surveillance, and security and defense applications. Longer term, it could even impact the long-held dream of powering manned aircraft with electricity instead of jet fuel—though that is very far off.

For now, Nugent says, “The significance is we’re going to show this quadrocopter, and any aerial vehicle [of this size], will be able to fly effectively forever. It’s no longer limited by battery capacity.”

LaserMotive has done smaller flight tests before, but not on a free-flying vehicle like this. The company is best known for winning the $900,000 NASA Power Beaming Challenge last year, in one of the levels of the “Space Elevator Games.” That involved using a laser to power a climbing robot up a cable to a certain height (1 kilometer) at a certain speed (about 9 mph). But lately the company has been targeting UAVs as a big commercial application of its wireless power technology. (The next level of the NASA challenge, which was supposed to happen later this year, is still up in the air, so to speak.)

“Goggles on!” someone shouted, and we all complied. That meant the infrared laser, which puts out about 200 watts of light power, was switching on. The beam was directed using a series of mirrors and optics and shot out the top of the trailer. You couldn’t see it with the naked eye except for a reddish halo on the 50-foot ceiling. At the same time, the quadrocopter lifted off (under its own battery power), guided by Stumpf, and floated up to meet the beam, about 30 feet off the ground (see left).

“Not centered,” Nugent said. Then the computer vision system of LaserMotive’s setup kicked in. Software and cameras aligned with the path of the laser beam tracked the vehicle’s position, and positioned the beam so it hit the photovoltaic cells on the underside of the craft; those solar cells transformed the laser’s energy into electricity to continuously charge the quadrocopter’s battery.

With that, all human corrections fell away, and it was just a drone hovering eerily in space, rotors humming quietly. It swayed a few feet from side to side, and the laser tracked it. It was about 7:40 pm.

This is the boring part, Nugent said. And boring is good. Exciting is bad. For the next 12 hours, if all went well, nothing more would happen. The craft would stay up all night (as would the crew),and sometime after 7:30 am, it would come in for a choreographed landing in front of 50-odd media and dignitaries. But anything could happen overnight—mirrors in the optical system could overheat and malfunction, or something in the craft or its solar cells could break, or software could crash. There’s no way to know except to do it.

In the meantime, Nugent filled me in on the business prospects of LaserMotive, which he co-founded in 2007. The company is out fundraising—talking with angel investors, angel groups, and venture capitalists—as well as trying to land more contracts with corporate and government partners. One new market has emerged: beaming power to cellular communication towers in places where running a new power line or otherwise upgrading power equipment is too expensive. As for UAVs, Nugent said, the plan is to show potential customers (presumably UAV companies and government labs) that the power-beaming approach works in flight—perhaps at distances up to a kilometer or two. The first applications might be in disaster relief or military scouting operations.

I also took the opportunity to ask Jordin Kare, the co-founder of LaserMotive and a laser expert who worked on the “Star Wars” missile defense system in the 1980s, about the broader significance of what he was watching. “This is the first combination of power and control and duration,” Kare said. “What it really marks is being able to take an off-the-shelf vehicle and power it with a laser so it can do a lot more…The prospect of being able to keep airplanes and communication systems up in the sky forever is an amazing thing.”

On the practical side, Kare said an important factor in all this is how efficient laser systems have become. Although the current demo only converts about 10 percent of the power needed to drive the laser into flying the quadrocopter, it could be more like 20 percent once the team optimizes the technology. And beyond that, Kare thinks there might be some new way, some approach he hasn’t thought of yet, to make the craft’s solar cells better at squeezing more electricity out of the beam.

Until then, this world aviation record will have to do. This morning, in a quintessentially rainy Northwest setting, the quadrocopter came in for its landing a little after 8 am to a chorus of applause. Now maybe these guys can get some sleep—and get ready for the next big challenge in power beaming, whatever that might be."

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Dear Friends,

today i'm starting to doing the test of Quadfox v3 GPS . I check the functionality of GPS and Magnetometer during the navigation . I happy of my results . I put on my car my quad and going around the city. For doing this test I start to evaluate the status of our advanced 3D Groundstation developed of my company Laser Navigation for professional application. Our company is available for develop some customization of our technology for different kind of application on air , on land or underwater.

We are working to support in our GCS :

  • Multipilot Board :
  • QuadFox v3 GPS
  • Fox Hybrid.
  • HG3.2
  • AeroQuad 2.0.1.
  • Ardupilot MP.
  • Arducopter MP.
  • ArduRov.

And all the other device that using the same protocol.

The functionality of 3D Navigator Ground Station are :

  • Multi veichle sharing same aerial sapce with TCP/IP Architecture.
  • Customization of 3d model of veichle.
  • Realtime telemetry view.
  • Simulation and Replay log view.
  • 3D Gis Engine for visualization and managment of terrain , veichle , waypoint , live video and 3D Landmarks.
  • Continuos mapping feature.
  • Visualization of flight instruments , realtime data of Multipilot HDR Imu : ACC , GYRO , Magnetometer , GPS
  • Realtime control of payload , using Joystick or inertial 3d device as Iphone / Ipad.
  • OSD for realtime video recording with different kind of page : for eng. , Pilot , Payload ecc.

We can develop driver for implement different kind of device , sensor , payload ecc . 3D Engine is developed in our company the project was started in 2001 .

for more info :

company url :


Roberto Navoni

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3D Robotics
ArduCopter is now available for pre-sale in the DIY Drones store in the US, too. This is the same kit as the Fah Pah model, but without the APM board, which you must buy from Sparkfun as usual. (This is due to regulatory rules in the US).

The price is $439.90, reflecting the fact that it does not include the APM board. With the board, the price is the same as in the Fah Pah store in Thailand, where Jani and his team are making the quads.

Stay tuned for photos of Jani's new ArduCopter factory in Bangkok. It's going to rival our San Diego factory in technology, but with CNC mills rather than Pick and Place machines. By the end of the year, we should have manufacturing operations in Bangkok, San Diego and Tijuana, with more more workers on DIY Drones products than I've got in my day job!
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The ardupilotmegacomm library is successfully sending/ receiving HIL communication and is sending/receiving the standard ardupilotmega binary protocol. yagcs and dronegcs (several ardupilotmega ground stations) both currently use the library. I updated the apmcomm library to fix some bugs and also added hardware in the loop support. I renamed the project from apmcomm to avoid a bunch of misc. hits on google. I have packaged a linux version using cpack -G DEB, but could use a developer on windows to package the windows version with the nullsoft installer. If you have boost >= 1.40 and cmake >= 2.60 it should only require you to checkout the repository and run cpack -G NSIS
Here is the svn repository checkout line: svn checkout ardupilotmegacomm-read-only

I have written a semi-detailed wiki page on how to get going with the library. I've included short demos on how to test out the HIL and binary protocol communications with the included test programs. Here is the link to the project on google code:

To fix some upstream problems in the Arducotper APM_BinComm library that haven't been accepted yet, I built a patch system into the CMakeLists.txt file. First svn pulls APM_BinComm from arducopter. Then CMake notices that there is no patch stamp and applies the patch to the APM_BinComm tree. Then the build system creates the patch stamp so no errors are produced during successive builds.

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Full metal copter first flights

First test flight:First flight ends in a crash, but I attribute that to pilot error rather than a problem with the copter. This flight did bend one of the legs slightly. I believe the holes I drilled to reduce weight have compromised the strength of the leg. I will replace with solid pieces.Second flight. No crash, and quite a stable platform.
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Full Metal Copter

Thanks to all in AeroQuad and AduCopter communities for their inspiration and ideas. I submit this photo record of my build hoping that it may help others.

Here are the custom machined aluminum parts for my frame. I used Alibre Design to capture the design and create part drawings. I am fairly new amateur metal worker and I manually machined the parts in my home shop. The arms are made from Home Depot towel bar material, quite strong and light.

My hub design was inspired by the design seen in this quad: but I have corrected a flaw in that design. You can see in that design that when the hub halves are bolted together, a good, tight, consistent fit between the arm and the hub is dependent upon tight tolerances between the arm and the cavity formed by the hub pieces. With normal variances in the size of the aluminum tubing, these tolerances cannot be maintained. In my design, each arm is individually captured and clamped into its hub slot by a small piece that distributes the bolt pressure over the end of the arm. It is very tolerant of arm material size variations. A possible advantage of this design over the more common “sandwich” designs (like the “official” arducopter frame) is that an individual arm can be removed and replaced without loosening the sandwich and affecting other arms. In any case, this design is super strong and rigid and I like the way it looks.

Here is the motor end of the arm showing my leg mounting design and how it makes for a strong motor mount. The leg mount slides into the end of the arm. A bolt passes all the way through the arm, also passing through the leg and motor mounts. The bolt can then be tightened, squeezing the arm tube securely against the leg mount without worry about crushing the aluminum tube. I am using the mounting piece that came with the motor and I hope it proves strong enough. If not, I will design and machine a custom piece.

Here is the assembled basic frame. The weight at this stage was about 660g. The legs are .125” aluminum and are stronger than they look. They slope down at a 45 degree angle and are long enough that they extend horizontally about an inch or so farther than the reach of the 12inch props I am using. This provides prop protection if the copter approaches an obstacle horizontally. The legs also provide a stable platform that will not tip over if I encounter the uneven motor starts at take off that I have seen documented on the forum. The arm/leg combination does provide a pretty long lever arm that might invite damage in a hard, one-legged landing, but I mitigate this as shown below with my “bow” approach.

Here is the completed copter ready for initial test flight. With its 4400maH battery, the ready-to-fly weight is 1455g.

Although kind of hard to see, this picture shows the bow design achieved by tying the end of the legs opposite each other together with 4 runs of high test fishing line. This should greatly reduce the likelihood of bending the legs, at least in one direction and it lends a sort of shock absorber action to the overall frame. The dabs of paint on the props were applied when balancing them using a magnetic prop balancer. The electronics pod is plastic ware from the dollar store. I have seen other designs, e.g., using CD packages, where the flat part is mounted to the frame and the pod part is fitted over the electronics after they are all wired up and secured somehow. I prefer this approach where the pod is mounted to the frame, providing an enclosure that the electronics can be placed into and then it is closed up by putting on the lid as in normal use. A hole in the bottom of the container is aligned with the hole in the middle of the hub for the ESC control wires to pass through.

This detail shows the foot approach using rubber hemispheres that are actually “popper” toys from Michaels attached with cable ties. This view also shows how the fishing line is attached.

This view show the battery mounting approach enables easy battery swap. Bolts inside the pod hold it to the frame by screwing into the threaded spacers that hold the battery mounting bits. One of the ESC control cables can be seen passing through the hub center hole.

This view shows how the motor power system and 30A ESCs are installed. I use a split power system with separate batteries for the ESC/Motors and the electronics pod. Only the ground and control signal wires from the ESCs are connected to the Mega while the +5V lines from the ESCs are not connected. With this approach, you can power the pod electronics from the either the pod battery or from the USB connection when loading software or configuring with the configurator (pod battery not connected when USB connected). You can also connect the main battery to the ESCs when the USB is connected without worry of “blowing your outputs”. This way, during testing, you can run motors just fine while the USB is connected. The power distribution from main battery to ESCs is via a harness I soldered up using 2 screw lugs for the center connections of the +V and ground “stars”.

The fishing line is also visible at the in the picture.

Above the battery, you can see the battery voltage monitor affixed to the bottom of the pod. It plugs into the main battery’s balance connector. The battery connects to the power harness with bullet connectors.

I mounted the electronics in foam packing inside the pod as shown here. Connecting the connectors shown applies power from the pod battery to the +V input of the Mega. Power from the Mega’s voltage regulator powers the RC receiver via the Mega-to-receiver servo type connections.

This view shows the IMU and its connections to the receiver, a Spektrum 2.4Gz unit. It shows how I mounted the magnetometer directly to the IMU as shown in the arducopter manual as an alternative configuration. After mounting it this way, I searched through the alpha arducoper code and libraries for the “set_orientation” calls that are described in the manual but could not find them. It is not clear to me if the orientation of the magnetometer shown in my picture is correct for the alpha code or not- I have seen conflicting information about the “standard” configuration of the magnetometer in relation to the IMU.

From the other side, you can see the 610maH pod battery peeking out from under the board stack. Both the receiver and pod battery are tucked into their own cavities in the foam.

This picture shows the Mega at the bottom of the board stack and gives a better idea of how the electronics are enclosed and protected by the hollowed out foam. The foam pieces were those that the motors came packaged in. I was originally intending this to only be a temporary approach, but after seeing how it came out and how secure and protected everything in the pod is, I may keep it permanently.

Another view showing everything all buttoned up. The wires to the left of the pod run from the main receiver to its satellite receiver. On the right you can see how the +5V lines from the ESCs were removed from the servo connectors that connect to the Mega and covered with heatshrink. I did this rather than just cutting them so I could return the ESCs to their original configuration if needed.

The prop mounting hardware is shown here. The lower two pieces came with the motor but I machined the doughnut piece at the top on my lathe. I made this piece to avoid having to ream out the prop hole to fit the non-threaded portion of the motor shaft. The next picture shows how these parts were used to mount the 12X3.8 props.

First test flights to follow!!

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HK GCS Proof of Concept


I must be crazy throwing my hat in this ring... but here goes.

Yet another Ground Control Station project has begun. It's little more than a proof of concept. There is absolutely no documentation or error trapping and is not overly functional... but hey, you've got to start somewhere.

My hopes are to create a language file for this so I can get some friends from around the globe to help me translate this into a bunch of languages.

A few things to warn you about right from the start.

1) It's written in VB.NET so it won't run on Linux or Mac don't ask. If you're looking for something cross-platform, check one of these GCS programs out:

Andrew Matthews GCS - Cross-platform - Written in "Processing."

Jaron - Cross-platform - Written in Java and "Processing."

PixHawk - Cross-platform - Written in QT

AP GCS - Soon to be cross-platform? - Written in Labview

2) More than likely, this program cannot become the "default" GCS program for AP/APM because of #1 and the general concensus among the APM developers that VB.NET is not the right way to go. For that reason I probably won't make this open source... but it's still "freeware."

My next functions I'm planning on adding are Google Earth integration, Live Camera feed (essentially done but I need to optimize and add some error trapping), KML file support and Recorded file playback.

Unzip the files into a folder and run the HK_GCS.exe file. The emulator is in there as well for testing.

Right now, I'm able to parse NMEA, uBlox, MediaTek, SiRF, ArduIMU binary and text and AP commands.

NOTE: This program requires .NET 3.0 and the "Interop Assemblies" in the links below

Once I get a little further, I'll have an installer so we won't have to worry about this stuff.

Steps to follow to get this thing to work:

1) Download and install the .NET 3.0 Framework

2) Download and install the interop assemblies

3) Download and install the GPS Emulator (this will give you the DX8VB driver)

4) Download the file above and unzip into a folder.

5) Run the GPS emulator. If you haven't already installed the com0com feedback ports, click the "Install Ports" button

6) Click options, setup feedback ports and select 2 unused port numbers (I like 254 and 255).

7) Wait for the ports to get added to your system (will take a minute and you'll have to click next)

8) Select one of your newly created ports in the Emulator but don't click connect yet.

9) Open the HK_GCS.exe and select the Serial Data tab. Click Search COM

10) On the emulator Click Protocols and select something. The 2 checkboxes for ArduIMU Binary are good choices.

11) Click Connect and Start on the main screen of the emulator.

You should see the plane moving on Google Maps and should be able to change pitch, roll, etc on the emulator and have it change things on the Instruments tab of the GCS.

Don't worry, it won't be this many steps in the future. Steps 1-5 will be part of a setup.

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Open Source Business Model

Looking for constructive feedback on OSBM - Hard or Soft I suspect.

My motion is that successful Open Source brands, such as Arduino, DIY, Linux etc... are the natural distributors of derived works, and should (therefore) encourage derived works specifically by hosting a marketplace for them - in which they charge a fee.

The argument in favor is that google searches and other reflections of mindshare will gravitate to the Copyright holders; derivative works are therefore discouraged a priori because they lack a level market. Providing an informed market for derived works would encourage derived works with a revenue component - which revenue would feed into the parent open source project.

In a sense, many Open Source projects are competing with their natural allies by trying to monopolize the distribution chain with a solitary embodiment of the shared IP; while this makes sense in some cases, I recently did some work for an Open Source company trying to do this, and came away with the impression that they may well be sacrificing the better opportunity (think ebay for derived works) in order to make a play at monopolizing the Open Source IP - fueling certain frictions in the bargain.

Does this OS community think that Open Source projects are better funded by:

A. The project initiators monopolizing the collective goodwill to sell derived works - to fund Ops & development.


B. The project initiators opening up the collective goodwill for any useful derived work (an atom-store) - whilst keeping a percent to fund Ops & Development.

(btw, i can list subtle examples of these themes in place already. I'd say Sparkfun is moving the fastest towards b. especially in their BatchPCB side, which was inspired by Seeed studios OS discount etc... DIY does have 3rd party modules (ir sensors) in its store, but has yet iirc to formalize a market policy.)

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Opened Overdrive


Well after some hours of playing around with the jlx overdrive, heres what I've got for now...

Removed wheels from Overdrive, opened chassis and pcb cover:

next, unsoldered the tech 1 rc brain ;) and added some screw contacts (dont know the correct english words)

ok, ive done the first preparations, next thing is to go to the elctronics shop to buy better fittng contacts and cables with correct colors, but now ...

... to find out how those optocouplers work, I played around with a bread board and (pervert I am) a singel power source. I attached one led to each (theoreticaly separated) circuit. Here switch is off and so are LEDs ...

.. here I press the button and both LEDs are on ..

Well time for bed now. cu tomorow.

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