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Latest UAV Replaces Flaps With Jets

A novel UAV has successfully demonstrated 'flapless flight' in the UK.

From Dailymail: "A British unmanned plane that uses jets of air to fly instead of conventional ‘flaps’ has made aviation history.

The experimental unmanned air vehicle (UAV), called DEMON, uses blown jets of air to control the plane’s movement in flight rather than conventional mechanical elevators and ailerons.

Experts say this will make it much easier to maintain as there are far fewer moving parts and gives the aircraft a more stealthy profile.

DEMON made its historic flight at Walney Island in Cumbria on Friday 17th September and was developed by Cranfield University with BAE Systems and nine other UK universities.

DEMON’s trial flights were the first ‘flapless flights’ ever to be authorised by the UK Civil Aviation Authority."



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3D Robotics

Arduino 20 is out!

Mostly just adds support for the new Uno and Mega boards: Get it here. From the release notes:

* Added support for the Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega 2560.* Including ATmega8U2 firmware used by Uno and Mega 2560.* Including source code to optiboot bootloader used by the Uno.
* Including source code to the stk500v2 bootloader used by Mega 2560.

PS: the Eagle files for the two boards are now up, too.

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Outback Challenge about to start

Briefing for the four teams still to be cleared to fly starts in one hours time, 2100 BST or 2000 GMT thats 0600 in Kingaroy.

Flights should start very shortly afterwards.

The only team to actually make it through in one go, passing both the ground test and pilot competency test at the first try, Team Robota fly their challenge attempt at 2200 GMT 0800 local at Kingaroy.

Max is streaming video from the start.

Team details and video link here
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Fried motors

Doomed flight is here: has great prices and great motors. I think. But for some reason I seem to be having some very bad luck frying motors lately.

I've been running one of their 450TH motors rated for 230 watts ( at exactly 230 watts, and haven't had much issue with very short bursts at the 230 figure of 40 seconds or less for takeoffs.

BUT-- For the first time I flew full throttle the entire flight, mostly due to winds, and the motor and controller both fried. That's 20 amps through at 25 amp controller, 3 cell lipo, which is roughly 230 watts. This outrunner motor is out in the open air, so it shouldn't be overheating.

I know the rule is probably to run way under the motor's rating, but what do you guys think? Is it unreasonable to expect a 230 watt motor should run 230 watts for at least a few minutes? This is the 3rd motor that has done this to me, and I am starting to think that I should be running 80% of maximum as a rule and see if that gets me any better luck.

One possibility though. I have to limit max throttle to 75% to keep the current at the maximum of 20 amps. Could running a controller in this way cause problems?

Thanks for any ideas!
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Testing my APM

So i finally got my brown bag from Sparkfun. I soldered all the pins, downloaded and installed the Arduino software from here:

I wanted to try the test programs from this page:

I got a FDTI cable from the DIY Drones store for using with my telemetry later, but found out that i can use it for downloading code to the board without the IMU shield attached.

FDTI cable attached and powering the card. The blue LED pulsates when servos are running. I uploaded the RC input testprogram.

After that i tried the "moving servos demo" and found out that the link for the zipfile on the page is wrong.

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Building my UAV

Here is my log on my attempts on building my own drone.

I am going to post just about everything i do and perhaps other can learn from my mistakes :o)

Feel free to comment my work.


I am planning to use 2 Easystars. one for RC training and one for the real thing.

Stuff i am going to use:

Airframe: Easystar

Motor: Turnigy 2835 2200kv

BEC: HobbyWing Pentium 25 A

Battery:LiPo 1800 3S 25C

Prop: APC-E 6x5.5

Radio: Currently a salvaged 4 channel 2.4 GHz from an ArtTech Parkflyer. Will upgrade later.

Assembling the Easystar

The manual was easy to follow, but instead of glue for assembling the fuselage, i used double sided tape. (used for carpets)

I placed the controller inside the fuselage.I am not planning to at full speed so heat will not be an issue (i hope).

Double sided tape in place.

Even more tape...I will not use quite as much on the next Easystar

Closeup of the motor mount. Airflow is needed around the motor so only tape on top and bottom

Fastening the servos

A little tight...easy to fix with some sandpaper

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3D Robotics

Arduino's Tom Igoe explains all

The Arduino team"s Tom Igoe was on Adafruit's Ask An Engineer livecast last night. Lots of great details on the new boards and the project's past and future.

The Arduino details start at 6:30 and goes to about 46:30. Lots of good details about the new USB chip, the forthcoming Version 0.20 IDE, and the 1.0 coming after that. Details include:

--.pde file extension will turn to .ade
--3.3v voltage regulator beefed up
--Lots of configurable options in solder jumpers on the bottom
--Bootloader is now the faster, smaller Optiboot. Just 2k
--And lots more on libraries, shields and such
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A rainy weekend in Switzerland

After reading the "unboxing ArduCopter" the rainy weekend came just right. I already made some drawings in the mornings when waiting to wakeup the kids at 7.

Some drawings, parts, testcuts

The machine

Some parts

Some more parts

The result


More details

This is it. I hope to have the maidenflight soon.

Thanks to all ArduCopter people for the inspiration and the code.

Cheers Christof

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It started when during a boring afternoon at work I told my colleague that I found a very interesting web site called DIYDRONES. We realized that our aptitudes and knowledge were complimentary meaning that he understood what I was talking about and I was also understanding him when he was telling me about how to integrate (something) into a closed loop after having characterized (something) to determine (something else). WOW!

My friend is a senior aerospace engineer at the aircraft certification division of Transport Canada and I am an aircraft maintenance engineer working also for Transport Canada as a civil aviation safety inspector.

That day, I challenged him into a project and he said with a smile; I hate you !

Since then, according to our wives, we are crazier then ever. We are now obsessed into accumulating enough honey-do list points to buy free time to go forward with our project.

I posted here a few pictures to tease your curiosity. If you want to play with me until the end you will get the complete story and details about what we created. All because of what DIYDRONES put in our heads.

We are planning to give most of it to the open sources community.
For me it started by looking and drawing on an autocad 2009 computer screen. Did I mentioned also self learning how to use autocad?

One of my neighbor, also a friend, bought from China, on Ebay, a $1500.00 CNC machine knowing that I would learn how to use it and then teach him. Sure... but before I had to put together a computer powerful enough from some of the junk found in my garage. Could not wait to find a case for it.

After going through a few online tutorials (or was it a lot?) about Mach 3 CNC software, Sheetcam CAM software, stepper motors and controllers, etc. I ended up with my case less computer showing this screen;

and a noisy set up doing that; At least that is what my neighbors complains at 3 o'clock in the morning, you know ! CNC, router and vacuum noises.

Realizing that honey-do points are very hard to accumulate, we decided to start with cheap and easily available trex rc helicopter parts and built around it. Also we had the wisdom to start with a mock-up made with acrylic instead of wasting some very exotic and expensive material like carbon fiber. I think they call that the learning curve.

But what is that gizmo?

The continuation of our story will be by acclamation from you guys or it will die with this post...

Are you curious? Did DIYDRONES made you crazier to? Maybe we should consider a class action for it to stop...



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Even if there is no webpage in english, you might enjoy browsing the polish version.
There are 4 participants with quite interesting UAVs.
AFAIK they were stabilized FPV planes in 2009 with onboard autopilot prototypes made by the students.

Current constructions are:


Rzeszów University of Technology
PR-5+ Wiewiór

(Wiewiór=male squirrel, probably the one from Ice Age Cartoon, watch the nose...)

(see picture above)

Wiewiór, following my imagination:


Catapult testing:


Warsaw University of Technology
Adeli 2

Bialystok University of Technology

Maiden flights (sort of Delivery 1 from Outback challenge)


Wrocław University of Technology
UAV BALSA (in fact made of fiberglass)



Rules (of course in Polish - yes, is profitable to learn Polish in order to follow the most recent developments in avaition technology)

Note: BSL means UAV in Polish.

Almost all entrants have very well engineered platforms made of kevlar, carbon fibrglass, CNC machined metal wing joints, pan-tilt turrets.
Somehow Poles got crasy about bimotor with less or more inverted Vtail plus ailerons.
No landing gears, apaprently no flaps, at elast 2 got parachute since 2 years.
Adeli and Wiewior had their SAE heavy lifter versions.

The mission is similar to Outback challenge in that the main problem is identifying a target position (square cloth). Nothing has to be dropped, the search area is closer, but the landing area is very difficult (must land uphill or between the trees, this is a glider airstrip on mountain slope. Pteryx was there, see the photomap:
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3D Robotics

This is great stuff--the summit was packed and buzzing. Very much felt like the beginnings of something big. I spoke later in the day on the Open Hardware Business Models panel. But the business models are all pretty simple: Give away the bits, sell the atoms. Charge enough so that you can keep doing it.

This radical idea of making a profit so you can grow and keep up with demand would not be unfamiliar to the Babylonians. As my co-panelist Phil Torrone put it, "Professors keep coming out to interview us on our business model, and then they later apologetically email to say that they can't use it because it's too boring. Maybe we should have a Facebook app or something."
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3D Robotics

New Arduinos announced!

I'm here in New York with the Arduino team (for the Open Hardware Summit and Maker Faire NYC), and the team has just announced the long awaited 1.0 version ("Punto Uno") of the Arduino platform. This is actually just the start of a series of hardware and software evolutions that will take Arduino into even more markets, both broader and higher-end. The Arduino phenomena, as big as it already is, is only going to accelerate from here.

The two main hardware differences in the new board are that the venerable FTDI chip that's used as a USB interface has been replaced with and Atmel ATmega8U2 and the Mega's Atmega 1280 has been replaced by a Atmega 2560, with more memory. Here's how the team describes this:

--"We replaced the aging FTDI chipset with a custom made usb-serial converter built with an Atmel ATmega8U2 this provides lower latency and doesn’t require to install any drivers on mac and linux (on windows all you need is a simple .inf file) more advanced users will be able to reprogram the USB chip to make the board show up as a variety of USB devices (Keyboards, Mice, Joysticks, MIDI etc)"

--"An upgrade for the Arduino Mega which will sport the new Atmel USB chip plus an ATMega2560 processor with twice as much flash memory. We’ve been able to obtain some significant savings due improvements in the production process and better pricing from suppliers that we are happy to pass on to customers. This board will have the same graphic design as the UNO.

At the moment, due to limitations in the GCC compiler only 128k of flash are immediately useable but we’re very close to unlocking the whole memory space."

We in the ArduPilot/Copter project, along with Sparkfun, have been working with the Arduino team closely on these changes, and will be making similar changes to the APM board and IMU shield. It's all backwards compatible, so there should be no code issues or differences in performance with the existing boards, but the new boards with the ATMega8U2 should be a bit cheaper to manufacture, and won't require the FTDI driver, which should make things easier for newcomers.

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Concept Quadcopter with retractable landing gear.


Concept Quadcopter with retractable landing gear.

I've been working on this idea for the last 2-3 weeks, and if all goes well, I’ll start
the machining the parts soon for the 1st proto frame.


* 100% carbon fiber material in all body parts

* Retractable landing gear from Transmitter (maybe if possible with the use of sonar, auto
retractable or deployment if distance from ground > 2m)

* Foldable arms for easy transport in a Heavy Duty Case

* Main Body from molded Carbon Fiber sheet ( not yet implemented in renders )..

* Heavy Lifter (if possible 1 or 1,5 kg )

It well be a real challenge for me because this is my 1st DIY project .

When I well have the full frame tested, I’ll post all building instructions and Acad files
, if somebody is interested in making this frame for their personal use .





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UK CAA clarify things

If your in the UK and getting ready for some big UAS purchases for Christmas just remember the CAA are waiting

With the increasing popularity of small, unmanned aircraft (20 kg or less), some of which can now be controlled by Smart Phones, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today issued advice on using the devices in built-up areas or when in proximity to people, property or vehicles. The CAA said it was important that owners of the aircraft understood the risks they pose, despite their small size, to other airspace users and also to individuals on the ground.

The CAA pointed out that these devices are ‘aircraft’ and are therefore covered by regulations within the Air Navigation Order, which anyone flying them should be aware of. There have been a number of accidents in recent years, some fatal, involving model aircraft, and to avoid similar incidents and risk to third parties, operators of these new generation of unmanned aircraft should take great care when using them. Where such small, unmanned aircraft are fitted with surveillance cameras, they need permission from the CAA to operate within 50 metres of a person, vehicle, vessel or structure (not in control of the person in charge) and when operating over or within 150 metres of any area that is substantially used for residential, industrial, commercial or recreational purposes or open-air assemblies of more than 1,000 people.

Emergency services, and many commercial operators, are already using small, unmanned aircraft mounted with cameras, but are doing so with the full knowledge and authorisation of the CAA. All such flying is done within set distances from the pilot, who must also be able to clearly see the aircraft at all times to ensure safe operation and the avoidance of collisions.

Matt Lee, Head of Regulation Enforcement at the CAA, said: “Anyone thinking of buying a small, unmanned aircraft should be aware that whilst there is a lot of pleasure in flying one, they are not toys and they must be operated legally. In the wrong hands or used irresponsibly in built-up areas, or, too close to other people or property, they represent a very real safety risk. As well as the danger of being physically hit, there is also the chance of other accidents being caused through distraction, for example, if a car driver was to be surprised by something flying towards him. In the past we have seen people seriously injured or even killed by model aircraft and, now that small, unmanned aircraft are becoming more readily available and simpler to fly, we need to avoid any similar incidents.”

The CAA said it had contacted several manufacturers and distributors to explain the rules for using small, unmanned surveillance aircraft in the UK, as set out in the Air Navigation Order, and asked that this information be passed on to potential and existing customers.

So private or commercial no dumb videos on YouTube please. The people at Parrot are almost certainly the people that prompted this response with their very ill conceived advertising campaign

I have already informed my customers in fact we have always told people what the rules were. For those of you that might be customers.....

In summary, as soon as a camera is put on a model it becomes a UAS, its the law here don't whine, it was in the pipeline for at least 5 years before it happened.


Aircraft weight up to 20KG carry on, just don't do anything silly


Aircraft 0-7 kg BMFA A cert and form SRG 1320 submission

7-20kg BMFA B cert and form SRG 1320

I think its 107 pounds for the permission.

This pilot certification route will change as the CPL(U) is defined and comes into existence. If you do not have prior aviation knowledge the CAA may ask you to train using Euro USC.

The guys at the CAA are actually very cool and only want to see things develop correctly and the industry to lead the world here. Its interesting to see Bill P having problems flying at a small AMA event and yet we could fly at Farnborough airshow this year. ;

The CAA have made their position clear, its the head of prosecutions talking in that press release. Thankfully in all my flying I have been lucky and they have not come after me, honest. But I know people that have been pulled up for the odd moment of youthful exuberance and its not funny.

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My first quad rotor

Wanted to share my first Arducopter flight with you. As you can see it needs some tuning.

Stable mode is getting better after a little tuning :)

Can anyone suggest some starting values for PID tuning in acro and also stable mode?
Quad weight is 750 grams incl. battery. (980 grams with 5000 mAh batt.)
Distance between motors is 31.5 cm (45 cm diagonal).
All tips and tricks is appreciated :)

Here is some info and pictures of the quad :)

Part list at the moment:
1 x Ardupilot Mega + Oilpan
1 x Modified Mikrokopter MK40 frame
1 x Modifiek HK-500 GT Landing skid
4 x Turnigy 18a Plush esc
4 x Hyperion ZS 2209-30 motors
4 x Propeller EPP 1045
1 x 3s lipo 2200 mAh
Carbon frame parts
Rubber dampers
Gyro tape

Ready to fly weight with the parts above is 750 grams.

Parts bought but not mounted yet:
3s 5000 mAh lipo
Mtek GPS
Cmos video camera
900 mhz 500 mW video transmitter

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