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Project Andromeda - Ground Station Electronics Box

The ground station electronics box houses the telemetry hardware that keeps Andromeda connected to the base. The ground station controller keeps communication flowing even if the ground station computer is disconnected while the routerboard will relay digital video via ethernet.

Currently we haven't got any antenna connectors but they'll be coming soon. The usb and ethernet connectors above are for telemetry and video respectively. The other two connectors are for the catapult and dynamixel actuators. The catapult connector allows the GSC to launch the aircraft and measure launch speed. The dynamixel connector facilitates the movement of the antennae. Next update will hopefully be some AHRS progress and equations,etc.

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I just thought you guys might like to know that we are still making REAL progress over in our workspace. Sarel has been working hard on his prototype and as you can see, mine is coming along as well - we should be combining all of our trials an errors soon and have final schematic and board designs soon. So who else might be willing to help out and lend us a hand programming all that graphical goodness??

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Hey guys,

I have been wanting to fully document my SAGAR (Semi Autonomous GPS Assisted Rover) for some time now, and the 'ardupilot goes into the water' series has been so entertaining, it gave me the motivation to finally start. The first post was simply a demonstration of the LabView ground station, which has been redesigned one last time before my girlfriend is turning in the project. First I'll show the new interface, and talk about how it communicates with SAGAR, and give some background on why I built SAGAR.

Here is a video of the new interface, with an inset of SAGAR as it runs the mission.

During the run we recorded, there was a glitch half way through. It appears Labview started to slow down and the gap between live events and what was being displayed grew, until the Labview buffer overflowed and sentences where lost. I have yet to look into that problem, as it is the first time we have observed it.

When my girlfriend came to me for ideas for her LabView class, I suggested she write an interface for my robot. I knew I would have to develop a communication protocol that I could hand to her from the start. I took a look at the structure of the ArduPilot communications, and it seemed odd to me. Is the structure a known protocol? I'm sure one of the developers will tell me.

I decided to stick to something I knew, the NMEA protocol. For those who are not aware, GPS systems communicate via the NMEA protocol, as do many other robotics systems. The structure of a NMEA sentences starts with a header that identifies the sentence, then comma delimited fields that contain the data to be passed. The sentence is usually followed by a checksum, to validate the integrity of the data. I came up with my own header, and added the fields of sensor data I wanted to have displayed on the interface. Here is an example of my structure.

$SAGAR,heading,pitch,roll,wheelspeed(Commanded l+r, actual l+r),

This is one of two sentences SAGAR will send to the interface. The other sentence contains mission statistics like current waypoint number, distance to waypoint, etc. There are also 4 sentences that the interface sends to SAGAR, each representing a different mode for SAGAR to enter, and commands to follow. There is a fail-safe in place, if SAGAR doesn't receive a command sentence in 500ms, it halts and enters stand-by.

To finish off this oddly ordered intro, I 'll give my motivation for building SAGAR to begin with, starting with a quick life story.

To most of the locals around here, I am a young gun. This time last year, I was nearing the end of my college career. All my life I knew I wanted to be an electrical engineer, but I never really knew what branch I wanted to specialize in. The family business was generators, so I took as many power classes I could sign up for. It was ok, but I wasn't a fan of all the extra math involved as opposed to other fields of EE. My last year of school, I had to build a senior design robot as defined by the IEEE 2009 SouthEastCon Hardware Competition. I had a blast. I instantly realized the field I wanted to be in was robotics. The robot my group built did so well, if it had gone to the competition (long story of why it didn't) it would have crushed the competition as during every test run it easily doubles the score of the robot that did win. Here it is:

I am very proud of how well it works. After graduation, A division of the U.S. Navy that specializes in unmanned robotics got a hold of this video and asked for my resume. Now I work with million dollar underwater, surface and ground drones; ie my dream job. The only problem is I don't have much experience building robots that are not made of Legos, or the only purpose is to pick up recyclables. So the month I started working, I started building SAGAR to gain the experience I wanted of the internals of unmanned drones. SAGAR started as a bag of parts nearly a year ago, and grew from there. (Almost) everything is from scratch, down to DIY battery packs.

Not too shabby? Forgive and spelling/grammar, I am definitely bad at both.

Comming up next: The importance of a good chassis, and building my own closed loop motor controller.

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RSSI breakout board for spectrum Rx

Hi Guys found this today which was one thing lagging in my setup , I was unable to get/hack RSSI signal out for my Spectrum AR7000 RX to be used in Remzibi OSD or any other OSD for that matter. It is 18$. I hope this helps droners with Spectrum RX and similar wish, have fun ,Cheers


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3D Robotics

iPhone controller for RC planes

The creator explains: "No jailbreaking. No WiFi. Stock receivers. I fly model airplanes and helicopters with my iPhone. I use an off-the-shelf 2.4GHz module and a custom iPhone app. The app is now in beta testing.

I use the phone's headphone jack to communicate with the Spektrum module. I make no modifications to the module or the receivers. This application does not use WiFi, Internet, external servers or microcontrollers."

(via MakeZine)
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3D Robotics

Blimp driven by artificial muscles

Swiss blimp that propels itself with electronic muscles, like a fish:

"The actuators on the airship work - like biological muscles - in an agonist-antagonist configuration. While the actuators on one side of the airship are activated, the corresponding actuator on the other side contracts. Thus the body and tail fin are excited in an undulating movement which propels the airship like a fish through the air. The EAPs can be actuated with varying frequency, activation voltage and a phase shift between the body and the tail fin movement. In fluid-dynamical similarity to the rainbow trout, the appropriate motion pattern (deflections, frequency and phase shift) were defined and verified by wind tunnel tests. The expected travelling velocity was calculated. The "skeleton" and passive parts of the airship consist of an ultra-light carbon-sandwich structure and a model-airship hull material developed by aeroix GmbH in Berlin. The electrical supply and control system was developed at Empa and everything was optimized for minimum of weight. The flight of this fish-like airship can be controlled with a joy stick connected to a ground-based portable computer. The flight control data are processed by a LabView program and transmitted by WLAN to the receiver system in the gondola on the airship."

Watch the video here (embedding was disabled)

(via MakeZine)
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ardupilot goes into the water Part 10


There a several problems, when you do embedded software documentation. The most evident one is, that you don´t have so cute looking pictures as you have when documenting mechanics or hardware.
Despite that fact, i provide one:

This nice plate was photographed in the vicinity of a Buddhist temple on my last holiday in Thailand.

The wisdom of this sentence becomes evident, when you are a developer, especially if you are a software-flavoured developer.
A (now retired) customer of mine, who was specialized in mechanics and optics development once asked me:
"Do you know what´s the real hell on earth? "
I said "no".
"I will tell you: It is water and software combined in one device"

At that time we were involved in the software development for a laser-system that had water-cooling.
He was right!
Bringing the ArduPilot into the water was a bit like that project.

The baseline for the development of the ArduPilot software was the very first version of the ArduPilot, which was published as Version 1.0 and can be downloaded from Google-code.
The V1.0 zip file should be found here:

For the installation of the Arduino platform, please have a closer look to this site:

here you will find a very good introduction, how to get all up and running. I also would suggest to read the whole Ardupilot Manual first, before starting any actions: The Manual can be found here

The following list contains the modifications and bug fixes that i have applied to the V1.0 code. The list may not be complete, because my book-keeping of the changes was not very accurate, when i was in the hot-phase of the development.

1) Some #defines for constants were added, because "magic numbers" inside the code may cause troubles, when used more than once. All constants are now shown in upper-case letters.
2) The data-structure for the waypoint-list was changed to a predefined array, so the initialization of the predefined array is done by the startup-code of arduino itself. The tab "Mission_setup" was no longer used and was therefore deleted.
The array that holds the waypoints is now located in the "ArduPilot" tab.
The structure for the waypoints looks like this:

typedef struct
{ float lon;
float lat;

The predefined waypoint array looks like this:
LONLAT wps[ ] =
10.02069619383977, 48.35006621372347,
10.02018762320307, 48.35061609619746,
10.021905, 48.350598 /* Home*/

3) The number of elements that are contained in the array is calculated upon startup. (one of my first recovery-swimming actions was caused by an erroneous waypoint, that the ship tried to reach, because the "#define waypoints" directive of the original version did not match with the real number of elements in the array) .

4) All code that had to do with "Return to launch" or "Manual Mode" was eliminated.

5) All code that had to do with altitude control was eliminated.

6) Some unused test variables have been deleted.

7) All calculations in the PID-control are done now on a one-second base. In the original code, the time betweeen the executions was calculated and the value was multiplied / divided by the Integrator and derivator part (the dt variable in the 1.0 code). When using a 1Hz update rate, the factor is one and so, i deleted the code, to avoid unnecessary floating point operations. In reality, the update rate, which is driven by the GPS jitters a little bit, because the NMEA-messages are different in length. But for the practical use, this is of no concern.
Attention, when using a GPS with a faster update-rate, this functionality has to be reactivated.

8) In the orginal PID-control, the "heading_output" variable, that keeps the result of the PID calculations was of type "int". The calculations are done in float. This led to a big inaccuracy, because i used k-values that were below 1.0. Maybe for the first implementations of the Ardupilot nobody noticed that, because for the EasyStar values of around 10 were used for the kp and the integrator/derivator were not used and so, the error caused by that was very small. I changed it to float and all was fine.

9) I changed some suspicious "int" to "float" assignments and did a casting, everywhere i found it necessary.

10) The integrator values are reset upon startup and on each waypoint switch and held to zero for 25 seconds after the switch. This cures two problems:
1. The NMEA-parser has still a bug, that sometimes produces erroneous readings upon startup.
2. after sharp turns, the integrator adds up and causes offset problems. The 25 seconds is the time needed for a full 180° turn of the actual ship (catamarane).
This time is set in the #define WP_TIMEOUT directive.

11) I often use #if 0 (1) directives to switch off or on code or data segments.
i find this more convenient than commenting the parts out.

12) I added #define "model" segments to switch between different parameter sets (catamarane and monokeel in the actual version). note, that only one can be active at at time

For the moment, thats all that can be told about the software. Please leave a comment if you have any further questions or suggestions.
Here is the .zip file that contains my actual code:

Not much pictures in this episode, but i add here a "guess-what" one.
More about that in the next episode...

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3D Robotics

AVC Final Scores!

Congratulations to Antonio Lyska, the UAV winner of the Sparkfun Autonomous Vehicle Competition! In his final run, he did a 26 second lap and then nailed an autonomous landing in the box for a 30 second deduction, for a final score of negative 4 seconds. Even more impressive, this was totally DIY--he's been working on his Rabbit-powered IMU-based board for five years, and coded everything from scratch, including a beautiful custom ground station. He's so confident in his setup that he doesn't even watch his plane in flight--he just watches the action on his ground station. That's him above, with his flying wing crossing the start line for the victorious run. So calm!

In second place, with a time of 3 seconds (18 second run, minus 15 seconds for attempting an autonomous landing) was Doug Weibel, with ArduPilot IMU (version 2.6 code) on his SkyFun. His plane did a gorgeous run, with sharp turns and rock-solid stabilization and the fastest time of any UAV, but it got a bit lost coming in for the autonomous landing and ended up crash-landing in a nearby parking lot. But autonomous landing was attempted, and the plane gave up some foam to get those 15 points!

In third place was the University of Arizona Paparazzi team, which impressed everyone with their autonomous landings. The last one just missed the box, but otherwise it was very solid all day. Their best score was 5 seconds, after deductions.

Jordi and DIY Drones came in fourth place with 37 seconds (no deductions attemped) with our ArduPilot (2.5.4 thermopile code) and EasyStar.

The UAVDevBoard teams impressed everyone with their awesome vertical starts, acrobatic maneuvers and stunning stability. Unfortunately all that sky candy came at the cost of clipping corners (in the case of Ben Levitt's Acromaster), so he didn't get a course completion score.

Adam Barrow managed to go to a local hobby shop and get replacement parts to reubuild his T28, which was flying perfectly with the UAVDevBoard. But in the final practice flight he lost control in manual mode and piled it in again, so he wasn't able to compete in the final rounds. But based on the glimpse of autonomous performance, that plane and autopilot are going to be a serious contender next year.

For next year, we're thinking acrobatic plane and quad copters are going to win the day, given the scoring system. Can't wait!

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3D Robotics

Pictures of all the AVC UAV competitors

"Robota": Rabbit-powered custom autopilot. He did everything himself!

"UofA Robotics": Paparazzi-powered Twinstars

"Pine Tree": Doug Weibel and his ArduPilot IMU-powered Skyfun

"DIY Drones": The tried and true ArduPilot-powered EasyStar

"Donuts, Coffee and Muffins": Ben Levitt and his UAV DevBoard-powered AcroMaster (backup one!)

Adam Barrow and his UAVDevBoard-powered T28

Ryan Beall and his custom autopilot, Ateryx, in a Alpha Sport 450 (not competing)

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3D Robotics

AVC Round Two results

The rain has picked up, but we all got a good round two in. Here are the current standings, in order:

  1. The custom Rabbit-powered wing ("Robota") had a great run, with an auto takeoff (hand launched, so it didn't count, but still impressive) and an autolanding that just nailed, stopping right on the box line. He got a 30 second deduction for that, so his 34 second run turned into a time of 4 seconds, for first place
  2. The U Arizona Paparazzi team ("UoA Robotics")had a 35 second run, but nailed a perfect autonomous landing, for a 5 second second place.
  3. Doug Weibel tried an autonomous takeoff with ArduPilot w/IMU Skyfun ("Death by Pine Tree"), but it didn't quite pull up in time. He was allowed a second start (manual this time) and blasted through a very tight 20 second run for fastest overall time, but no bonus points, and thus third place
  4. The rain let up enough to let Jordi ("DIYDrones") do a slightly faster and very smooth second run of 37 seconds with the stock ArduPilot and EasyStar, giving us 4th place
  5. Both of the UAVDevBoard planes were recovered (one from a fence, another from a roof) but both are unflyable. Fortunately, Ben Levitt ("Donuts, Coffee and Muffins", a play on the DCM algorithm that we all use) had a backup AcroMaster. He did an autonomous VERTICAL takeoff, then a couple autonomous barrel rolls, then some calibration loops upside down, then did the course upside down. Awesome tight control, and pretty fast at 30 seconds, too, but unfortunately he clipped a corner and didn't score that round.

The rain is getting pretty heavy, so we thermopile guys may not do a third round, which would leave it to the IMU teams to win. Nail-biting suspense!

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3D Robotics

AVC Round One results

There are six UAV teams entered in the competition this year.
  • Jordi and me (ArduPilot with thermopiles on the old EasyStar we used last year)
  • Doug Weibel (ArduPilot with the IMU on a SkyFun with elevons)
  • A Paparazzi team from the University of Arizona flying Twinstars
  • A flying wing with a custom Rabbit-CPU based autopilot.
TwoUAV Devboard teams:
  • Ben Levitt with an Acromaster pattern plane
  • Adam Barrow with a Parkzone T28),

We all just finished the first of three rounds. Results after round one:

  • We did a conservative first pattern and completed it in a time of 41 seconds, putting us in second place
  • The Paprazzi team completed in a time of 21 seconds and attempted an autonomous landing, putting them in first place
  • Doug Weibel put in the fastest time at 14 seconds, but clipped a corner so it didn't count
  • Ben's plane did a vertical autonomous take-off, which was awesome but went down when it was doing an autonomous wind-calculation loop. They haven't found it yet, but think might be on a nearby roof.
  • Adam's T did a rolling autonomous takeoff, which was super exciting (just missed a tree), but then it too went down in the same place while doing an wind estimation pass. Fortunately they found it, but the plane was destroyed.
  • The custom flying wing also did a conservative first run, and finished with a time of 59 seconds.

Here's Jordi tweaking code in front of the start/finish line:

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Sparkfun's AVC contest is today

Go here for all the information


  • 8 AM - Team Admission
  • 9 AM - General Public Admission
  • 9:30 AM - 1st Heat Start Time, Raffle at End of 1st Heat
  • 12 PM - 2nd Heat Start Time, Raffle at End of 2nd Heat
  • 2:30 PM - 3rd Heat Start Time, Raffle at End of 2nd Heat, and Free-For-All Race (mass start)
  • 4:30 PM-ish - Awards
  • 6 PM-ish - After party @ Dark Horse
Time is for Boulder Colorado, USA.

Make sure you watch the ustream channel for live video of the event.
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