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I stumbled upon this and thought others may think it's interesting as well...



Who knew the SP guys had competitions where they race around a triangle pattern of GPS coordinates? View results on Google Earth, get addional details from the plane to the ground station... Lots more.

Sounds fun but it's a little pricey.



The equipment seems like it would be very easy to adapt to UAVs...

For additional details check the link below.

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Finally surrendered the ground station to tethering. It was a long battle with 72Mhz, 2.4Ghz XBees, & 900Mhz FSK but we never had enough money to make it reliable enough. Still using a custom transmitter with 8 channels. Went with a 2 conductor audio cable & 1/4" TRS connectors for the most reliable connection possible.

Nothing is more reliable than the 1/4" TRS connector, invented in 1878 in a strange country no-one remembers the name of & used in the 1st telephone switchboards. It's still going strong 132 years later. Modern connectors only get smaller & less reliable. You're flying history with this rig.


Got some freshly captured HD video of Marcy 1 in flight. She had 1 broken propeller. She needs to spin a lot faster to go autonomous, but that means an actuated flap. Back to Marcy 2 while we think it over.

So basically, to get anywhere autonomous or even controllable, Marcy 1 needs to spin a lot faster. You can see the influence of RPM when ascending & descending. But the goal of the Marcy 1 program was to spin as slowly as possible to extend flight time. The balance beam also negates throttle modulation by adding momentum.

The Marcy 1 stability problem has us leaning towards a 3DOF IMU with very high saturation limits & a proportionally actuated flap. The idea is to use a flap to stabilize angle of attack at low RPM like a very large balance beam.

Fortunately single chip IMU's finally exist. Could put 1 on Marcy 1 to figure out how to get angle of attack. There's no way to directly measure angle of attack. You'll get a large yaw rate on 1 plane involving all 3 gyros. Separating that from the other 2 components would be real hard.

The increased cost & wind resistance probably make a full size monocopter much more valuable than a micro monocopter.


Marcy 2 has a real electronics problem. Her radio initializes in the apartment but not on the golf course. Carry it to the golf course after initializing in the apartment & it stays initialized. Shut down on the golf course, wait a while & it won't reinitialize. It seems temperature & humidity related. Rarely, when it initializes, it dies shortly after. How can a Marcy vehicle not initialize on a golf course?

Got some indoor footage.


The battle of the Aiptek continues. Got it running on the CC-BEC. It did malfunction during a flight & lose all our sunset footage. Suspect the battery contacts glitched.


Look at this, kids. Autonomous, tilt shift, aerial, & timelapsed.
Finally wrote a lens blur effect.


Interesting story behind that flight. We flew over Sunnyvale instead of Mountain View to avoid falling in love with Major Marcy. Then She
moved to Sunnyvale.


Major Marcy discovered Marcy 1. She seems to be taking it well, so far.

> So, I see you named your aircraft after me!!!
> I sure hope you're a good pilot because I don't
> want to crash and burn.

Still doesn't want to have anything to do with us in real life, but at least She responded to the rejection requests.

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3D Robotics

We had a full house of university leaders yesterday at the FIRST Robotics Championship for our planning/brainstorming meeting on a potential indoors aerial robotics competition. We opened with Dean Kamen, the founder of FIRST (and famed inventor of things like the Segway) describing the opportunity for a next level competition for university students (shown above). Like a "NCAA" league to go with the "Little League to High School" model that FIRST now covers (apologies for the American analogies!).

Vince Wilczynski from the Coast Guard Academy, Steve Barker from HiTechnic and I presented some options, and Jordi and I demoed Blimduino and the Parrot AR.Drone.

The general takeaway from the meeting, based on the advice from the university leaders: they love the idea of a FIRST-sponsored aerial robotics competition, but that it has to be really cool to draw sufficient participation from the students. Many of them are engineers and the range of available projects to them in undergraduate and graduate school these days is pretty amazing, from cars to other bots, so the platform we choose has to have a high "wow" factor.

I suspect what that will mean is that we'll steer the college-level competition towards quadcopters (possibly in combination with ground rovers) and push the blimps more towards high school classes and competition. All the more reason to move ahead with our Parrot AR.Drone UAV conversion board...

And look what Jordi and I found in an alley outside the Georgia Dome on the way home:

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Over the last couple days I have been raping my bank account and getting everything together to make my UAV. This is by far one of the most exciting projects I have done. For only have being a member on this site for a couple months now, the benefits from this site and the help and the community has had a great impact on me as well as my informational well being on UAV design and technology. My knowledge has expanded far beyond the reaches I could have ever imagined by becoming a member of DIY drones. I can't wait till summer so I can show off the new UAV to my family and friends. One of my brothers works as a DVD producer down in LA, California and he has started a sort of documentary on our home town and plans to make a movie. With my new UAV and it's camera and streaming video capabilities I am sure I will be able to get him some great clips for his movie. What a great view that would be of my quaint little town from hundreds of feet in the air. None of this would be possible without the great community of DIY drones. I am forever greatful and will continue to learn from my friends here at DIY drones. A big thanks to everyone contributing to this cause. GO UAVS!

April 22--

My futaba 7c faast tx/rx just arrived today in the mail and what a beauty of a power horse she is. All of my autonomous gear is here except for the 2 xbee pro 900's and the antenna. And as soon as my Hawksky airframe gets here I will be fully setup and ready to start mounting parts. Going to be interesting to see how everything fits together.
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First Flight with Ardupilot 2.6

I had a couple of very brief flights with my slightly modified ArduPilot 2.6 code this evening.

I only had the chance to do a couple of passes in fly by wire mode, but the initial results are promising.

Still some gain tuning to do, but this isn't bad for a first attempt.

In the plot below:

Blue line is bank angle

Red line is pitch

Green is heading.

Blue DOTS indicate times when the Ardupilot was in Fly By Wire mode.

As you can see I'm getting oscillations of ~5 degrees around zero. Time for some gain tuning.

More importantly, I do think I am having range issues with the Ardupilot. The antenna down range test before the flight was not quite as good as I'm used to, however I decided it was safe to try. During the flight I did have a few glitches while in Manual mode, so I'd like to improve my range test results to try to clear those up.

Time to clean up my wiring a little. As you can see it's a bit of a rats nest right now.


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ArduPilot Channel 4 Code

In case it is useful to anyone, here is my code for controlling the 4th channel through the Ardupilot board.

The main thing that stumped me for a while is you need to change timer2 from CTC mode to Normal mode. The default Ardupilot code has Timer 2 in CTC mode which resets the counter every time the throttle compare interrupt is captured. To drive two channels you need to be in Normal mode allowing the timer to go all the way to 255 before resetting.

Channels 3 and 4 to have noticable more granularity than the first two channels (as expected), but within this granularity, the movement is nice and reliable. In the linked video, you can see that when being controlled by the ardupilot the rudder motion is slightly more jerky.

I also added an extra flight mode to my code called SERVO_TEST. When in servo_test, the main loop skips any sort of navigation or stabilization, and simply passes the radio inputs through to the servos. I did this so I could get a feel for how well my servo code was working.

I hadn't seen any code on the site for channel 4 actually integrating into an Ardupilot software load, so I thought I would post mine..

My pin assignments are as follows:
pinMode(2,INPUT); //- Aileron in
pinMode(3,INPUT); //- Elevator in
pinMode(8,OUTPUT); //- Throttle out
pinMode(9,OUTPUT); //- Elevator out
pinMode(10,OUTPUT); //- Aileron out
pinMode(11,OUTPUT); //- Rudder out
pinMode(12,INPUT); //- Rudder in
pinMode(13,INPUT); //- throttle in

(Note that I'm using RADIO_TYPE 0, so I have no code in the RADIO_TYPE 1 sections).




Below is a video from my shop of the rudder motion, both in MANUAL mode (straight from the radio) and in SERVO_TEST mode (radio read by the ArduPilot and Passed through untouched).

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3D Robotics

FireScout scores first drug bust

From BotJunkie: "Last week, one of the Fire Scouts currently undergoing testing aboard the USS McInerney managed a real drug bust after noticing what turned out to be a “go fast” drug boat on radar. The Fire Scout shadowed the boat for 3 hours, and after it rendezvoused with a fishing boat, the Coast Guard moved in and nabbed the baddies.
No matter how cool and useful it might be, the Fire Scout program for the Army is still canceled. Sad face. But, it looks like it might at least have a future in the Navy."

(pic also from BotJunkie)

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3D Robotics

Meetup with DIY Drones folks this week

Jordi and I will be at the FIRST Robotics National Championships at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta this Thursday, running a planning session for a new FIRST Indoor Aerial Robotics competition (we'll be demoing blimps and quadcopters). If you're going to be there, give us a shout out in the comments and I'll give you the details of the meeting place.

And then on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday, we'll be in Boulder, Colorado for the Sparkfun Autonomous Vehicle Competition. We'll be joining a bunch of other DIY Drones regulars, including the UAV DevBoard team (including the great Bill Premerlani), Doug Weibel, Tim Trueman, Ryan Beall, Pete Hollands, Ben Levitt, Adam Barrow and others. So if you're in the Denver/Boulder area, come to Sparkfun on Saturday and hang out with us!
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UAVs everywhere


I guess UAVs are getting more popular, as I am seeing more articles about them in not so traditional places ( although below linked article is from Electronic Design magazine so I guess theme fits ...)

It's a fairly general overview type of an article but still interesting

UAVs Conquer The Skies

"Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) come in all shapes and sizes. They range from tiny microbots to high-flying drones like the General Atomics MQ-9
Reaper, which is ready for reconnaissance or combat (see “Unmanned Military Vehicles: Robots On The Rise”).
Remote operation is common, but autonomous and semi-autonomous
operation are in high demand since they have fewer technical
requirements and often provide more reliable operation than human

P.S. Here is another one:

Fire Scout Scores First-Ever Drug Bust with McInerney
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Hey guys. I wanted to post this as a 'Thank you' to the community for the ideas and open source code on this site.

My girlfriend came to me, she needed an idea for a project in her LabView class. At the time, I was working on my SAGAR autonomous robot. I showed her the ArduPilot Ground Station and off she went writing her own for my robot.

I developed a communications protocol using NMEA style sentences and gave her the specifications. We worked together on a few things, like the 3D rendering of orientation, and how to plot two points on Google Earth. We would not have gotten far without looking through Ground Station source.

So, Thanks guys for everything you do.

Any other details on the interface or my SAGAR robot, can be found on my site
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iTunes links

RSS feed

Check out Nima's two profiles, and, as well as the Project Andromeda website:

Also I forgot to mention last month was our first month to surpass 100GB of downloads. Crazy!

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AttoPilot IMU flying ParkZone Stryker

Today I flew my ParkZone Stryker with an AttoPilot IMU for the first time. The wind was 20mph and the loiter circle was 100m. I did not have a WP file set for today as I was checking my stabalization tuning. Some very minor changes needed but it really turned out extreemly well. I will fly some WP files tomorrow.

The following plots are:

Roll vs Roll target

Pitch vs Pitch target

Airspeed vs Airspeed target

Wind and Airspeed vs Heading

These birds fly rather well.


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New Advanced Servo Controller

Hello to all community members.

I have just received to my e-mail this new and very improved servo controller:


You can find product details at:

I copy the following from the site:

PID Speed / Position controlAccurately adjust your servo’s rotation speed according to your project’s needs
Profiled position/speed controlNo more jerky motions on your robots, only smooth transitions from one setpoint to thenext
Velocity feedbackFeedback on the exact speed of your motor – produce more efficient algorithms and better overall robotbehaviour
Incremental position feedbackFeedback based on a 0.08° increments! Store your position in EPROM and recover it afterRESET
Absolute position feedbackKnow your robot’s joint positions straight after controller initialisation. Store your position in EPROMand recover it after RESET
Additional I/OsUse your Supermodified to also control other devices with 4 available GPIOs onthe Supermodified™ MCU board
Additional analog inputsGet feedback from analog sensors with 4 analog inputs on the Supermodified™ MCU board
Ambient temperature measurementAvoid overheating the ‘guts’ of the servo by knowing ambient air temperature
Current feedbackAvoid excessive stresses and easily calculate torque-demand on your servomotor during operation by knowingthe motor’s current consumption
Bus interfaces (I2C, RS485)Everything is on the comms bus! Up to 127 (wt. I2C, TWI interface), 248 (wt. RS485interface) Supermodified™ nodes can be controlled by a single host
Form FactorControl electronics, absolute feedback element, motor drive electronics, motor and gearbox now fitinside a servo. No more messy boards and wires
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3D Robotics

Google has recently scanned and posted all of Popular Science's back issues (and they go WAY back), and there are some gems in there from the early days of autopilots. One of them is this, which describes an autopilot the legendary Maynard Hill (yes, the guy who flew a hobby UAV across the Atlantic in 2003) built that uses minute electrostatic differences with altitude to create an analog autopilot.

Here are some other pictures from the article, but you should really read the whole thing. Anyone know what went wrong with this approach and why he abandoned it?

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