All Discussions (33321)

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Slight crash during autotune


Second time posting here.  I am flying a 550mm hex, with pixhawk v2 on version 3.3.3.  I was performing an autotune using ch5 as my alt hold and ch8 for my autotune.  I believed to have my voltage moniter on 10.5v but somehow as the autotuning pr

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Please analyze my log

I'm flying auto-missions with my 3DR X8+.  I have done hundreds of them without issue.  Now, a little while after i switch the mode from stabilize to auto, the drone rapidly declines to the point where it would be damaged if it hit the ground.  I hav

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Please Help: Auto Mission Rapid Decline

I'm using Pixhawk and Arducopter 3.3.3 with Mission Planner 1.3.41 on a 3DR X8+.  I have done hundreds of auto-missions.  I plan the mission in Mission Planner and send it to the autopilot.  I have 17 satellites and the compass is calibrated.  I take

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V666 vrx pin layout

I'm trying to figure out the video out and ground to hook up the video feed into tower. I thought when I cracked this open the vrx would be separated from the monitor board but alas it isn't. Any help on either which are the correct outputs or how to

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How to troubleshoot Storm32

Just when I thought I had the Storm32 Gimbal well on it way to be in a working state all of a sudden I'm getting the "IMU Not Present" error.

It started this way:

Followed one of the many YouTube videos on calibrating the IMU. I removed the Storm32 pc

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Vcc box car effect?

Well today I got the Be-Gez scared out of me. Lifted off my 550 class Alien that is the sum of about two months work and over a $1000 only to lose control a few seconds into my flight. This build has about 10 flights on it. Most worked very well from

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