I have been flying great with TBS Discovery on a Pixhawk 3.2 version but it is time to move on and there are few reason that a TBS Discovery and Pixhawk is a bad combination (it is just for me I guess).
I never use automatic take off yet, I always take off in stab, then switch lo Pos hold and, if all looks well, I switch to auto not ot have surprises but last days I try to take off automatic and nothing happens, for shure I'm forgetting something or
I'm having a little trouble determining exactly what happened here. I was doing some initial backyard low-altitude hover testing of my new Y6B. This is a large 750 size sky-hero frame with 6S batts.
I use the arduino V1.0.3 compiler for windows and the last version of ArduPlane V3.1.1b. The compilation process works well and I can make the hex file.
In order to toggle an output digital pin , Unfortunately, a compilation error occur
I saw many options to storage planes but nothing about cuads; mines goes from worktablet to the floor and from the floor to the tablet, not ideal storage :O , I'm thinking on something to hang on the wall, can you share any ideas? Thank's :)
Where do I find the Arducopter v 3.2 firmware in Mission planner I dont get in previous firmware as a V 3.2 can any body send the link to tdownload the v 3.2 firmware download of apm quad.
I am having an issue that is strange , the only I get the 5v power on the VDD_5V_PERIPH line is when it is connected to usb cable and pc. If I connect the power cable all the lights on the we will light up . If I power feed it by the power te
I am facing issue with integration of this two apm and bluetooth module I dont understand y it is connecting (Mavlink isn't responding) I have checked with all baud rates but no use even I have tried with the following link http://copter.ardupilot.co
I have an unstable Loiter condition on my Pixhawk 3.2.1 550 quad, all other modes are very stable and predicable. I am using my Iris+ as a benchmark as both are configured about the same. I am using a CSG M8 GPS and have switched out with a 3DR uni
It's there any ID that I can change to quick identify my different vehicles logs? It's possibly that when I download a log with MP automatically send to QUAD--folder 1 or folder 2 for example two different quads?
When I'am planning the mission I have entered has a 3 mtrs of default alt in flight data once done everything setup. when I start my mission quad is not going at particular altitude is there any requirement of sonar for it? it is coming down less tha
I 've got an issue on an octo build : an explained drift in loiter mode (seems to the right each time but could have been the Wind at that moment). Stabilize is fine.
I've looked in the log and I see a discrepancy between X, Y velocities and Desi
I'm a pretty experienced builder and I'm working on my flight practice. I've built several multirotors without serious issue, but my second-hand Tarot 680 Hex is giving me a problem with the BECs.
Is there any thought about implementing a more robust RTL feature? I would like to be able to program a route that the aircraft will follow when commanded to return home, or when the link is lost. This would be to route around objects that cannot be
Hey guys, I am building a new Tri copter and was bench testing my copter and was having an issue with one of the motors not starting properly. I thought i had an ESC issue so I was investigating the ESC and wiring. I was applying throttle on the b