's Discussions (39356)

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GPS Flight STXe module?

Has anyone heard of or dealt with the STXe module from GPS FLIGHT? Its a pretty nifty telemetry tracking module that would be pretty handy for just about anything we do here on DIY Drones. Anyways just wondering if anyone has heard of or tinkered wit

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UAV Helicopter

Hi allafter watching the wired science show and noticing the guy(sorry I have forgotten his name) with the r/c helicopter I was wondering if he has had any success in turning it into a UAV.The reason I ask is that I am about to buy an electric helico

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Another inexpensive scratch built UAV

Here is my latest scratch built UAV design, It is based off of Lockheed Martin's Desert Hawk 1 and took approx 3 evenings to build. I have recently learned that dow blu core insulating foam works absolutely great for designing and forming fuselages.

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ruder control

I understand that, in autonomous mode, the ruder is controlled by the CPU.But in radio mode how the ruder is controlled? Is a 3 pin switch, 2 positions, used with a extra channel (autonomous/radio mode)? or the pilot simply don't have rudder control

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geo crawler 4

i've messed around a little with the bs2 code for the geocrawler 4 project and would like to point out one flaw:Get_Angle:DeltaLong = -1 * DeltaLong 'reverse to conform with ArcTangent coordinate standardsDeltaLat = DeltaLat * (128 / 9999) 'adjust th

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Inexpensive UAV design

Here is a simple design for those that enjoy building their airframes from scratch. This design only cost me about 30 bucks and has turned out to be an excellent performer and super stable flyer. I started off with my original design of the MRASV, bu

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I've been lurking on this site for a while, and figure it was time to finally say hello.My company builds small video-enabled mobile robots for education and research. Some of our robot controllers were ending up airborne, so I started looking more c

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Laser Short Kits, Design and Rapid Prototyping

Hi All;New to the site here, but am an avid RC hobbiest and also run a CNC laser business on the side. I'm working with a local prototyper here, and would really like to get more involved with other projects in the UAV/UAS community. Primarily in the

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Nitro Predator UAV

Chris,I just found your site and signed up immediately. You certainly have created a specific forum for all of us RC fliers who are interested in UAV's and Drones. I got the bug when I had the opportunity to review the Nitro Predator UAV for RCU, and

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AUVSI and other sources of info

I was curious to know how many of you are members of AUVSI. It seems that is the professional organization to join if you are serious about this hobby. I have been a member for two years, but seldom see or hear it mentioned. I was also curious what o

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Gyro controlled pan tilt video camera.

I don't know if this has been posted here before, but I ran across a pan/tilt camera platform that is controlled by gyro sensors mounted on a video headset. This gives a pretty good first person view while flying and lets you look around just by turn

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Problem Watching Quicktime Videos

Hi, I just joined the site and am having a problem with the QT videos everyone posts. They won't play for me-all I see is the QT screen with the logo and a "?" in the center. This isn't unique to this site.I have a PC with XP, downloaded the latest v

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