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MultiWii 2.1 HEXA with GIMBAL

Hi all,

Here is a video i've made with MultiWii 2.1 and my Hexa (Flyduspider) to demonstrate how works Gimbal command.

I have the minimum conf with Arduino Pro Mini and a PPM Sum card to save two output need for Gimbal command, and one for Cam Trigger.

In the code you can chose between 50 Hz 160 Hz and 300 Hz for the servo command, in the video i'm on 50 hertz to start.

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Building my first quad UAV

3689473822?profile=originalJust thought I'd write a post describing my first quad build.

Parts list:

  • Hobbywing (or clone?) X-450 glass fiber frame (205 g), x-configuration
  • APM 2.5 with U-BLOX GPS
  • Electron 6 channel 35 MHz receiver (Hitec Optic 6 transmitter)
  • Hobbywing Quattro 4x20A switching ESC (no power distribution necessary!)
  • EMAX CF2822 1200 kv motors
  • 10x4.7 CW/CCW propellers
  • 3DR 433MHz telemetry kit

I have also ordered a camera pan/tilt mount, and consider adding a Gopro HERO2, then connect the video out to a 5.8GHz video transmitter for FPV capability. I'm still waiting for the EMAX motors and the ESC before first flight.

A minor inconvenience was that the 3DR telemetry kit cable does not fit the new mini-JST style radio connector on the APM 2.5 board. I could not find a compatible connector in any local electronics store. However, opening up an old Logitech laser mouse I found the USB cable was attached to the circuit board with the right connector! Problem solved. Unfortunately the optical flow sensor in this mouse was some Logitech undocumented proprietary 20 pin chip, so only the connector was usable for the quad.

I'm unsure if the motors and propellers are a good match for this frame. According to some specs I found, each motor should produce a maximum thrust of around 700 grams with these propellers without exceeding the power of the ESC. I think the minimum recommended total thrust is about 2x the weight of the aircraft - my current setup is about 4x the weight...

The APM 2.5 board is mounted with zip ties on top of some soft non-conducting foam for vibration insulation. I think the zip ties will transfer most of the vibration anyway - the first flight will tell. The U-BLOX GPS is currently mounted on a single nylon standoff. I don't think this will hold during flight (or crash), so I will probably mount it under the CD-R spindle lid which fits nicely over the electronics.

I have ordered some 22 mm hex standoffs so that the space between the top and bottom plate of the frame will have room for the ESC. I added some cut-to-length velcro strips to the bottom plate to mount the battery.

Next update will probably be when the final parts arrive... stay tuned!

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3D Robotics

3689473926?profile=originalIf you're like me and crash a lot (I'm a terrible pilot), bent motor shafts are a weekly curse. There's no good way to straighten them, so I have to replace the entire motor. That's expensive, and requires a lot of soldering of wires and remounting motors. So good news: now you can just replace the bent part, leaving the rest of the motor soldered and in place! 3DR now sells just the outside enclosure and shaft of the common 3DR 850 motors. They're half the price of the full motor and will save you many minutes of soldering and reassembly time.

(Why not just sell the shaft? Because they're really tightly placed in the enclosures and need special tools to replace).

I've asked them to also see if they can source the aluminum collets that the props fit on. They're soft and also tend to bend and they're hard to find on their own. Stay tuned...

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MIT’s Robust Robotics Group is showing off the work they’ve done with a 2M wingspan drone, culminating in a death-defying flight through a parking garage.

The drone is self-contained. It does depend on starting out with a map of its environment, using this in conjunction with a laser rangefinder and inertial sensors to plot its route and adjust as necessary.

Found on Hackaday:

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Montreal Mini Maker Faire countdown


Hi folks, the first Montreal Mini Maker Faire is almost here!

Check out the maker section, lots of interesting things will be there on top of the Canada Drones boot.  

I have confirmation form a bunch of guys here that will bring their projects to showcase as well as potentially fly. 

We will have our own secure, dedicated flight zone where we can go and fly our gear. (will require a quick inspection/ hand test when possible clearance to be granted access) 

Here is a quick list of things that I will bring out there. (we will have at least 2 tables under a main tent) 

    - a Quad that will be used to do demo flight (yes on a very secure area! at 3pm Saturday and Sunday) 

    - a QR Ladybird for quick and super secure fun around the boot

    - a 3DR Hexa full equipped with telemetry and camera gimbal. 

    - a jDrones special Hexa (top secret for now!) 

    - some I/O boards to have some LED action :) 

    - a laptop connected to an APM 2.5 to showcase the mission planner and the features. 

    - Some 3DR and jDrones swag 

    - Soldering station, LiPo recharge station / Power  so we can work on the projects and repairs and have fun. 

    - and more!  (rumors has it that there will be coupons on site !) 


Next weekend! August 25-26 from noon to 6pm (for people helping me /  bringing any equipment we will need to arrive on site around 9am to setup on Saturday)

How to get there and parking?

One VERY important thing is that we are going to share a site used for a rock fest later that day.  Your admission will allow you to stay on site and watch it so security and rules are a bit "extreme" for a Maker Faire but never the less mandatory and will be enforced.  

This is the full list of "rules":

but for people that will skip this important reading here is some main points

 -  NO SLR CAMERA (it's a rock fest afterall)... if you really really really want to bring SLR camera, let me know as I can potentially have a media badge for you... but really you will need to take really good pictures! hehe

Glass bottles and cans
Hard-sided coolers
Musical instruments – unless you are in a ExperienceMTL approved performing band
baseballs, beach balls, footballs soccer balls, etc.
Large sport umbrellas
Folding chairs
Animals (except Guide dogs)
Large backpacks (camping style)
Laser pointers
Brought from outside alcoholic beverages
Illegal Drugs and drug paraphernalia
Video / Audio recording equipment – unless you are an Experience Montreal accredited media person.
Professional photo equipment (SLR cameras, i.e. removable lens cameras) – unless you are an Experience Montreal accredited media person.
Items intended for sale / promotion unless they are approved festival merchandise.
Any object that can be used to cause bodily harm

Items that are on the disallowed list will be confiscated. Don’t not bring them to the festival site at all to save yourself the problem!

Hope to see a lot of you there!  I am very excited about this event. 


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How much wind can Arducopter handle? A test...

I've been wanting to check wind handling capability with my old quadcopter which I use for testing purposes. The problem is that it's been very calm for wind speeds here for the past month.  But today was a great opportunity.  I checked the weather this morning it said 16mph with gusts up to 24mph.  So I grabbed the quad, radio and anemometer and headed out to a nearby field. 

First I verified wind speed with my anemometer.  At times the wind would be as gentle as 7mph but then it would gust up to 23mph.  Average seemed to be around 16mph. 

Next I took the copter up and set it into loiter. That is where the video begins below.  I let it fight the wind in loiter for a little bit and then set it on it's way on a 5 point mission in auto mode.  You will see the little copter getting tossed around by the wind but yet it still is able to maintain the path.  I was impressed!  Please excuse the low quality cell phone video...

I wonder how much more wind the copter could handle with even better tuning??

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Open-source ESC - is there a potential community?

3689473865?profile=originalGreetings - I have been following this site for some time and I believe that it is time for me to stick my toe in the water.  I am an electrical engineer in my day job and I design the commercial, industrial, and military equivalent of ESC's for various applications.  I have designed the schematics, pbc's, and written the complete firmware (some from application notes, some from scratch) for a number of different applications ranging from 10W applications to 1kW applications (all relatively low-power) and have interfaced with customers using UART, CAN, and I2C.  Most of my experience is with the dsPIC33F series microcontroller.

Though I have adequate experience with the ESC design itself, I lack any real experience with RC or drones besides my own tinkering (I have a Twin Star 2 flying with APM 1 w/ Oilpan).  As a result, I really need feedback for hardware features before ordering any hardware so that I'm not stuck with a first revision that few can use without modification.

I see two potential markets, planes and copters.  The primary requirement of a plane is high-efficiency while the primary requirement of a copter is high current capacity, quick response, and weight.  Correct me if I'm wrong here.  My current interests (and, thus, my development time) lie with the high efficiency mindset.  Most of the hobbyists that I have seen on here equate long flight times with large capacity batteries.  Since the motor consumes a majority of the energy contained in the battery, even modest improvements in efficiency can have drastic effects on flight time.  It would be great if the same board could work well for both applications, so it might be smarter to design for a copter and just use different firmwares, much like ArduPlane and ArduCopter.

A question that many of you are surely asking yourselves is "why not just use ESC32?"  Some time ago, I saw the post regarding ESC32 and noted a couple of things that interested me about the project.  Unfortunately, only the software is open-source, so that gives us - the potential community - little incentive or ability to improve the hardware.  I also noted that the board was 4-layer, which - even if the source is published - most of us don't have a full version of Eagle PCB to edit 4 layers anyway.  ESC32 also has a lack of a couple of features that I really wasn't sure about.  I'm not knocking their design, I think it is great!  In fact, I saw their design and took inspiration from many of their features.  They really did a fantastic job!  The tiny physical size of the ESC32 really suits their project.  I just don't believe that the design is very accessible to the community at this time.

I have taken the liberty of creating a schematic and layout (not quite complete, just need to add I2C hardware).  I made some design decisions, but I am open to changing those if I can be convinced that the community needs them changed.

So, now the proposal, reasons behind some design decisions that I have made, and a request for input (hardware input is most valuable at this point since I'm not working on software just yet):

  • Complete open-source ESC hardware and software using the STM32 platform
    • STM32 physical circuit does not currently conform to ESC32.  I wanted to make these code bases compatible, but ESC32 uses a timer other that TIM1 for the PWM output.  Using TIM1 as the primary FET controllers allows PWM on top-side and bottom side (you can use this to reduce losses), automatic dead-time insertion, and provides other benefits.
    • STM32F103V8 (any STM32F103x8 would have worked)
    • Low-cost development tools, $22 ( vs. the dsPIC's ICD3
    • ARM GCC as the compiler (I like CooCox for the development environment)
    • SWD programming/debugging is a given
  • I2C support
    • Does it need to support both 3.3V and 5V logic or just 5V?
  • Power supply
    • Should the STM32 3.3V requirement be supplied by an on-board voltage regulator or should it have an external supply requirement?
    • Should the ESC supply the typical 5V/2A output common to many ESC's?  This can add considerably to the board space requirement, but having a power supply for your servos that doesn't require an external BEC can be useful.
    • What is a reasonable voltage bus range requirement?  Right now, I'm targeting 6V-18V b/c I believe that this range takes care of 95% of the potential market.  Going beyond that in either direction has the potential to add cost.
  • CAN support
    • This isn't currently in the works b/c it adds to board space, but if there are many applications that demand it, then it should be considered.
  • PWM control
    • As currently designed, will work with a 3.3V or 5V input
  • Current limit
    • Uses a shunt resistor coupled with an op-amp circuit that allows precise real-time current monitoring.  On an I2C bus, this capability could be used to report the real-time current back to the controller (ArduPilot or any other interested party).
  • Clock precision
    • A precise clock requires some type of external oscillator.  The STM32 internal oscillator is rated to be within 1%.  This will affect things like closed-loop actual speeds, pwm frequency precision, and any reported values related to timing (such as reported speed).  It will also have some implications on UART maximum communication speeds.
    • The primary clock speed is limited to 64MHz when using the internal oscillator rather than the 72MHz capability of the part.  This should not be an issue since there is plenty of processing power on-board at 64MHz.
  • UART
    • Full FTDI access to the USART pins, just as the open-source community requires.  I'm sure that a CLI could be implemented using this.
  • Gate resistors on all FETs
    • This probably sounds crazy to some of you, but it gives a precise control of the FET turn-on characteristic.  Turning on the FET slowly (high gate resistance) increases losses on the FET, but drastically reduces the high-frequency noise on the voltage bus.  Turning on the FET quickly reduces FET losses, but drastically increases noise on the voltage bus.  This has a large impact on microcontroller resets, bus capacitor size, and a host of other noise-related design decisions.  Just mind your dead-times, a slow FET can really be a hazard if your dead times are too short.
  • Accessibility
    • 2-layer boards.  It makes the board larger, but much more accessible to the community!
    • Low component counts
    • Ease of programming and configuring the board for an operation on a wide variety of motors, from the simplest RC use to the most complex power-monitoring and reporting.
    • Design that passes batchpcb DFR so that the board is easy to manufacture (cheap)

There is more, but I'm really trying to keep it hardware-centric at this point.  What I would really like is for some number of people express interest, we create a google group, share eagle files, and really get it going.  It would also be great if we could put some cash together for the first couple of part and board buys so that we aren't sending UPS and digikey wads of cash for 1 and 2 part orders.

Thank you for reading through this looong post.  I will keep an eye on this post and will be responding conversationally.  In about a week, I will re-post any results and - hopefully - we can create a community around this idea!


*EDITED TO ADD google groups page created for this project is located here*


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25382.jpgA search for this product revealed that it has not been discussed before on diydrones.  The FY-901 is an inertial stabilization controller for your multi-rotor aircraft developed by FeiyuTech.

It offers two flight modes which can be remotely selected from your transmitter, even while in flight:
- Auto-Stabilization Mode: In this mode the FY-901 will utilize the 3-axis accelerometer to self level your aircraft
- Standard Mode/3D Control Mode: In this mode the device will utilize the 3-axis gyroscope to sense roll velocity and flight attitude while you keep control for aggressive 3D manouevres.

The flight controller has support for 4 speed controllers. You can configure it for flying in "X"- or "+"-mode as well as for Y3 copters through the switch on top of the casing. The gain screw allow to set gyro gain.

For more information, you can download the manual here:

Price for the FY-901 controller is US$ 89.00 and it is available from Hobbyking:

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Here a video of an autonomous flight with a Maxi Swift flying wing fully piloted by the firmware ArduPlaneNG v2.x R5 with an All In One Pro (AIOP) full IMU board.This is a porting of the ArduPlane v2 (v2.4+v2.5) firmware and special addons and improvements for the AIOP board that I have added.
The wind was 15 km/h gusting 22 km/h. The flight was very stable in spite of the gusty wind conditions.




  • IMU board: All In One Pro (AIOP) v1.0 from CRIUS,
  • GPS: Crius CN-06 (Ublox NEO-6)
  • AirSpeed sensor: MPXV5004DP (from a old ardupilot one shield)
  • firmware ArduPlaneNG V2.x R5, porting of the ArduPlane v2 + special addons for the AIOP v1 IMU board by JLN


Flying Wing: Maxi Swift from MS Composite (1m40 wingspan)

  • brushless motor Spitz 30 850 kV, 360W with a propeller GWS 10x4.5
  • Lipo: 3S EVO25 2650 mAh
  • Receiver: Turnigy 9X8C v2
  • Transmitter: Turnigy 9x with Er9x firmware


More infos at:

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Melbourne UAV is out of the Outback Challenge

Hi Guys,
Unfortunately down here in Melbourne Australia we have had a very wet winter, which has made it virtually impossible for us to fly our X8 UAV in preparation for the 2012 Outback UAV Challenge. We fly on a private farm about an hour from Melbourne which for months has had either had water laying on the ground or been too muddy to get our cars in.
What this means for us is we didn't get enough Autonomous hours logged for our Deliverable 3 to stay in the competition. It's disappointing because we were pretty confident that this was going to be the year! :)   (Third time lucky and all)
The main purpose of this post was to say a big thanks to all our sponsors and people that have helped us along the way.
And a special big thanks to for their greatly appreciated support with the
Awesome X8 airframe. Please have a look at the link as it is a great airframe for UAV / FPV use!
We would also like to thank all the people that took the time to tweet and leave messages through
It's always amazed me how so many people have taken an interest in a few mates having fun just entering a competition.
Best of luck to all the teams that have put in the hard work to get there on the day and I'm guessing the ground will be littered with bottles around Joe this year! It's shaping up to be a great event!
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The test hop was short due to having spit balled the throttle and pitch curves to come out with a head speed of ~1300rpm and a motor speed of ~1-,500rpm

The vibration dampening seems to be more than adequate for both the redundant system and the arducopter itself, however on setting up for the maiden Arducopter control flight I have found that I could not establish mavlink telemetry due to one XBee mount kicking the bucket, this being a $24 part I will have a replacement ordered tomorrow.

Everything is running smoothly for a gasser, and I expect to be making good progress at long last. I am looking at the 3-Axis camera mount code and will be making up the hardware side over the next couple of days, and it is good to know I have a spare APM one I can use as an inertial measurement and stabilization system for the camera mount - I hope to look at creating its own autonomous control where I can set waypoints in the mission planner which will be read as "ground lock targets" for the camera to stay pointing at, while the UAV flies its mission. Another way to start bringing in Hi Res 3D ground mapping.

Here are some pics of the ship and the hardware mounting.






THe video was flown on the 3X-1000 FBL stab system, which is being used as a redundant backup I can switch to for control while tuning the APM1.


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3D Robotics

Eqquera+uav.gif?width=202Part of a report on the AUVSI show by the Robot Report. Also check out this NPR radio report on the same trend.

Here are a few of the companies transitioning to the civilian marketplace:
  • AeroVironment's has repurposed its Qube portable UAV for use in public safety applications such as law enforcement and first response. The system provides a portable aerial vantage point to help public safety workers perform their duties more safely and effectively.
  • Canadian start-up Eqquera demonstrated their novel and creatively designed UASs for forest fire fighting and nuclear and arctic surveillance. (shown at right)
  • HDT and The Johns Hopkins University presented their MK2 robotic arm for rehab purposes and a two-armed version with significant torque and lift capabilities for general purpose shop and factory work.
  • i2Tech, one of many electronic and vision systems providers at the show, has a line of light weight, low-power, stabilized camera and thermal imaging systems for health care, industrial testing and surveillance.
  • Both Kairos Autonomy and Brock Technologies have low-cost kits which are able to convert any existing ground vehicle into an unmanned system and Autonomous Solutions just received a patent for a kit-based autonomous clip-on tethered unmanned convoy system.
  • Israel's RoboTeam's multi-purpose line of mobile tactical ground robots were described as solutions for homeland security and public safety.
  • MDL's displayed their tiny 43-gram USB-powered micro laser module for distance metering.

  • Many additive 3D printing systems had booths and showed how their machines were able to work with exotic metal substances and to provide specialized capabilities well beyond the MakerBot 3D printers we all know and love:
  • Finally, TOR Robotics provided a long list of civilian uses for their quad-copter that are also valid for the whole UAS industry:
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Complete Guide to lipo batteries

3689473394?profile=originalTaken from the page:

After seeing the many many posts on LiPoly's and answering similar questions time after time I've decided to put up a guide for using LiPoly batteries. 

Lithium batteries are the preferred power sources for most electric modelers today. They offer high discharge rates and a high energy storage/weight ratio. However, using them properly and charging them correctly is no trivial task. There are many things to consider before using lithium cells for e-flight. But none is more important than safety.

1. Charging/Saftey IMPORTANT!
Until you are willing to follow all saftey precautions, DO NOT use lithium batteries. If your a type of person that prefers to push the limits of products, or be haphazard about following saftey requirements. Lithium technology is not for you. Read on to find out why.

Lithium cells must be charged very differently than NiCad or NiMH. They require a special charger specifically designed to charge lithium cells. In general any charger that can charge lithium ion can charge lithium polymer, assuming that the cell count is correct. You must NEVER charge lithium cells with a NiCad or NiMH only battery charger. This is dangerous. Charging cells is the most hazardous part of using lithium batteries. EXTREME care must be taken when charging them. It is important to set your charger to the correct voltage or cell count. Failure to do this can cause the battery to spew violent flames. There have been many fires directly caused by lithium batteries. PLEASE BE RESPONSIBLE when charging lithium batteries.

Here are a few MANDATORY guidelines for charging/using LiPos (Lithium Polymer Batteries).

1. Use only a charger approved for lithium batteries. The charger may be designed for Li-Ion or Li-Poly. Both batteries are charged in exactly the same. Some older cell phone chargers may charge the batteries .1 volt to low (4.1 vs 4.2), but that will not harm the battery. However, inexpensive lithium chargers are widely available and the use of cellphone chargers is highly discouraged. 
2. Make certain that the correct cell count is set on your charger. Watch the charger very closely for the first few minutes to ensure that the correct cell count continues to be displayed. If you don't know how to do that, get a charger that you do know how or don't charge the batteries.
3. Use the Taps. Before you charge a new Lithium pack, check the voltage of each cell individually. Then do this after every tenth cycle there after. This is absolutely critical in that an unbalanced pack can explode while charging even if the correct cell count is chosen. If the cells are not within 0.1 volts of each other then charge each cell individually to 4.2 volts so that they are all equal. If after every discharge the pack is unbalanced you have a faulty cell and that pack must be replaced.
Taps are provided on most new lithium packs. Taps give you the ability to check individual cell voltages and charge one cell at a time. Make sure and get the appropriate connector to go into your taps. Don't try to stick you volt meter probes in the taps to measure voltage. They could slip and short your cells. Don't try to charge more than one cell at a time from the taps. Unless you have an isolated ground charging system, you'll short your batteries out. Refer to your individual cell maker for tap pin-outs. 
4. NEVER charge the batteries unattended. This is the number one reason for houses and cars being burned to a crisp by lithium fires.
5. Use a safe surface to charge your batteries on so that if they burst into flame no damage will occur. Vented fire safes, pyrex dishes with sand in the bottom, fireplaces, plant pots, are all good options.
6. DO NOT CHARGE AT MORE THAN 1C unless specifically authorized by the pack vendor. I have personally had a fire in my home because of violating this rule. Todays highest discharge batteries can supposedly be safely charged at greater than 1C, however so far in all cases doing so shortens the life of the pack. Better to buy 3 packs than to try to charge 1 pack 3 times quickly. This may change in the future but as of Winter 2005 1C is still the recommended charge rate. 
7. DO NOT puncture the cell, ever. If a cell balloons quickly place it in a fire safe place, especially if you were charging it when it ballooned. After you have let the cell sit in the fire safe place for at least 2 hours. Discharge the cell/pack slowly. This can be done by wiring a flashlight bulb of appropriate voltage (higher is voltage is ok, lower voltage is no) up to your batteries connector type and attaching the bulb to the battery. Wait until the light is completely off, then throw the battery away.
8. If you crash with your lithium cells they may be damaged such that they are shorted inside. The cells may look just fine. If you crash in ANY way carefully remove the battery pack from the aircraft and watch it carefully for at least the next 20 min. Several fires have been caused by damaged cells being thrown in the car and then the cells catch fire later and destroys the car completely. 
9. Charge your batteries in a open ventilated area. If a battery does rupture or explode hazardous fumes and material will spew from the battery. 
10. Keep a bucket of sand nearby when you are flying or charging batteries. This is a cost effective way to extinguish fires. This is very cheap and absolutly necessary.
11. It can happen to you, do not think to yourself that “it won't happen to me” as soon as you do that it you'll be trying to rescue your kids from your burning house or car. I'm very serious about this.

Now that we have covered that important topic let's move on to lighter matters:

2. Lithium What?
Lithium Polymer batteries are used in many electronic devices. Cell Phone, Laptops, PDA's, Hearing Aids just to name a few. Most, if not all, lithium polymer batteries are not designed for RC use, we use them in different applications than they were designed for. They are similar to Lithium Ion batteries in that they each have a nominal voltage of 3.6 volts, but dissimilar in that they do not have a hard metal casing but rather a flexible material encloses the chemicals inside. The "normal" lithium polymer batteries are thin rectangle shapes with two tabs on the top one positive one negative. The reason we use Lithium cells is that they are significantly lighter than comparable NiCad or NiMH batteries, which makes our planes fly longer and better.

3. Voltage and Cell Count:
LiPolys act differently than NiCad or NiMH batteries do when charging and discharging. Lithium batteries are fully charged when each cell has a voltage of 4.2 volts. They are fully discharged when each cell has a voltage of 3.0 volts. It is important not to exceed both the high voltage of 4.2 volts and the low voltage of 3.0 volts. Exceeding these limits can harm the battery.
The way to ensure that you do not go below 3.0 volts while flying is to set the low voltage cutoff (LVC) of your electronic speed control (ESC). It important to use a programmable ESC since the correct voltage cutoff is critical to the life of your batteries. Use the ESC's programming mode to set the LVC to 3.0 volts per cell with a hard cutoff, or 3.3 volts per cell with a soft cutoff. If your ESC does not have hard or soft cutoff, use 3.0 volts per cell. You will know when flying that it is time to land when you experience a sudden drop in power caused by the LVC. 
If your ESC has an automatic lithium mode. Use it, it will correctly sense the number of cells and set the auto cutoff appropriately. 
If you have previously been flying with NiCad or NiMH batteries, switching over to lithium polymer will result in a different number of cells being used. If you had 6 to 7 round cells then 2 lithium polymer cells will correctly duplicate the voltage of those cells. If you had 10-11 cells then 3 lithium polymer cells would be right for you. There are a lot of 8 cell flyer's out there that are stuck between 2 and 3 cells. In my experience the best option is to determine how many watts you were using before and duplicate that with your LiPos, Motor, and Prop. For example. If you were running 8 cells (9.6volts) at 10 amps on a speed 400 airplane, then you have 9.6 x10, 96 watts. So if you went with 2 lithium polymer cells (7.2 volts nominal) then you'd need to change your prop such that you used 13 amps. If you went to 3 LiPoly's (10.8 volts nominal) then you'd need to reduce the amperage to 8.9 amps. These estimates are approximate, and some experimentation is required for best results but conserving Watts is a good way to start.

4.10C from 3S4P? Naming conventions explained.
How fast a battery can discharge is it's maximum current capacity. Current is generally rated in C's for the battery. C is how long it takes to discharge the battery in fractions of an hour. For instance 1 C discharges the battery in 1/1 hours or 1 hour. 2 C discharges the battery in ½ or half an hour. All RC batteries are rated in milli Amp hours. If a battery is rated at 2000 mAh and you discharge it at 2000mA (or 2 amps, 1 amp = 1000mA) it will be completely discharged in one hour. The C rating of the battery is thus based on its capacity. A 2000mAh cell discharged a 2 amps is being discharged at 1C (2000mA x 1), a 2000mAh cell discharged at 6 amps is being discharged at 3C( 2000mA x 3).
All batteries have limitations on how fast they can discharge. Because of this many LiPoly batteries are put in parallel to increase the current capacity of the battery pack. When 2 batteries are wired positive to positive and negative to negative they become like one battery with double the capacity. If you have 2 2000mAh cells and you wire them in parallel then the result is the same as 1 4000mAh cell. This 4000mAh cell has the same C rating as the original 2000mAh cells did. Thus if the 2000mAh cells could discharge at a maximum of 5C, or 10 amps then the new 4000mAh cell can also discharge at 5C or (4000mA x 5) 20 amps. This method of battery pack building allows us to use LiPoly batteries at higher currents than single cells could produce. 
The naming convention that allows you to decipher how many cells are in parallel and how many are in series is the XSXP method. The number in front of the S represents the number of series cells in the pack so 3S means it's a 3 cell pack. The number in front of P means the number of cells in parallel. So a 3S4P pack of 2100mAh cells has a total of 12 cells inside. It will have the voltage of any other 3S pack since the number of cells in series determines the voltage. It will have the current handling of 4 times the maximum C rating of the 12 individual cells. So say our 3S4P pack had a maximum discharge of 6C. That means that it has a nominal voltage of 10.8 volts (3x3.6) and a maximum discharge rate of 50.4 amps (2100mAh x 6Cx4P ). 

5. Which battery should you buy?
With so many choices out there it is difficult to decipher what is marketing hype, what is brand
loyalty, and what is outright lies. Battery manufacturers are constantly trying to one up one another. While capitalism can drive prices down, it also can give cause to false claims about products. 
One great way to find out what the best battery is, is to look at graphs of the batteries performance. Looking at how low the voltage of the cell drops at various amperages will give you a metric to compare that battery to similar size/weight batteries. 
If graphs aren't your thing then simply look at what other people are using in successful setups that are similar to your application. If a lot of people are reporting long flight times and lots of power from airplane X, with power system Y, and battery Z and you do the same, then if your setup is similar the same battery will probably work well for you. 
It pays to learn something about Watts, Volts, and Amps. Understanding these concepts is beyond the scope of this document, but can serve you well in not only figuring out what battery is best but also in your electric aircraft hobby.
I'm not convinced that a 30C battery is really any better than a 10 or 20C battery. Sure a higher C rating means it can discharge faster. But at the same time a battery discharged at 20C continuously will be empty in 3 minutes. Do you really only want to use the battery for 3 minutes? I love having burst power in helicopters and boats, but in almost all other applications actually running a battery at or above 20C is useless to me. I prefer to run batteries at 8-10 C and have a little headroom if I need it.
A final note on choosing a battery. Don't cheap out. Confirm that your batteries are capable of running that the amperage level you plan to use them at. Running a cell at a higher C rating than the battery can handle can not only damage your batteries, but it can also damage your speed control. Castle Creations has an excellent article on how using a weak battery can destroy a perfectly good speed control of any brand. Better to buy a bit better battery than you need than to destroy your electronics.

6. Dealing with temperature.
Lithium batteries like heat, but not too much. In the winter time, try to keep your batteries from the cold as much as possible. Leave them in the car while your flying, or keep them in your cargo pants... etc. At the same time don't let them heat up too much. Try to keep your batteries from reaching 160F after use. This will prolong the life of the cells. A good way to measure temperature is a handheld IR meter, they can be found for around $50.00 at most hobby shops. 

If you have any suggestions for future sections or additions to the current document let me know and I'll add the information requested...if I know the answer!

Posts that have referenced a lipo cell catching fire have been categorized as to failure cause. This list most certainly does not contain all the incidents and a statistical analysis would be meaningless. It does however show that the warnings presented for lipo cells are not just legaleeze but warnings that should be heeded to prevent possible personal harm and/or property damage.

These first two posts will be updated as data is collected. 
Information was gathered from the posts referenced. Please PM me if you see any discrepancies. The listing does not include any of the many 'ballooning only' reports.

Operator Error-
9s pack catches fire while being charged at 10s setting. (9)
2s pack catches fire being charged as 3s (10)
2s pack catches fire when charged at 3s setting (13)
2s pack catches fire in plane while charging at 3s setting. (22)
3s pack charged at 4s voltage ignites (27)
2s pack catches fire charged at 3s (30)
2s pack ignites when charged at 10.2V (31)
Overcharged battery (34)
2s pack charged at 11.1V catches fire. (36)
2s pack charged at 3s setting (40)
2s pack charges at 11.1V burns – (44)
2s charged at 11.2V goes off in garage – (47)
2s charged at 3s voltage ignites in garage – (49)
2s charged at 3s ignites in workshop – (52)
Another count problem – Heli burns (57)
Cell count error caused fire – (61, 62)
Pack charged on NiCd setting - (66)
Run Down pack catches fire during charge – (71)
LiPo Burns during charge on 109 charger after mode mis-set (82)
Charging slightly swelled pack causes fire (86)
Li-Ion cells catch fire from charger setting error (88)
Cell catches fire during attempt to repeak - (91)
Charging puffed cell causes it to ignite – (93)
Lipo burns during attempt to restore overdischarged cell with CC/CV PS (94)
Pack ignites during charging – smoke corrodes shed and contents (98)
Possible damaged pack burns like rocket in can – (100)
Attempt to recharge dead lipo causes plane fire (103)
Charging probably fully charged 3s pack with Astro 109 result in pack ignition. (104)
2s charged as 3s ignites in safe (109)
Restart of charger resulted in wrong charge mode – (113)
Wrong charger settings burns 2 packs – (112)
LiPo burns in modelers hand after charging - (115)
Charging slightly puffed cell causes fire, plane burns (117)
Using NiCd setting causes LiPo fire. Owner forgot to switch over to LiPo setting during charge cycle (118)
Charger set on 4 cells with 3 cell pack (126)
Garage fire during charging (127)
Modeler reports 2 lipo fires from wrong cell count (129)
Lipo charged on NiCd setting ignites (130)
Auto cell count charger fire – (131)
5s2p4000 packs ignites on first charge (133)
Overvoltage charge ignition – (135)
Lipo ignites during charge causing house fire – possible charger setting error. (139).
Too high charge rate burns battery (142)
3s charged as 4s 109 with pictures of burn: (144)
3s charged as 4s burns SUV (Schulze 6-330d) (146)
Garage Burns – balancer used - (162)
Garage Burns during charging – complete loss - (163)

Undetermined Cause While Charging 
Fire damages garage while charging pack. (7)
1500 3s pack catches fire during 1A , 11.1V initial charge. (1)
2 cell pack ignites while being charged with 2 cell charger. (11)
Car burns when pack being charged in car catches fire. (24)
2s2p pack catches fire in helicopter – possible that charger misread # of cells. (25)
2s pack ignites while on charger set for 2s. (28)
$30,000 damage to house when pack ignites during charging. (no details) (43)
3s pack burns in garage – (35)
3s pack burns at correct settings- (41)
3s pack burns at correct charger settings – (46)
3s 8000mah pack catches fire after 15min – correct settings – (53)
Helicopter and pack burns after 15min charge – (54)
Automatic cell count charger – pack catches fire (55)
Automatic cell count charger – pack catches fire (56)
Lipo rockets across room (58)
Automatic cell count charger – Lipos burn in garage (59)
Battery ignites in car seat during charging (63)
Damaged battery ignites during charge (67)
Pack balloons during charge, burns while under water (68)
11s3p pack burns during charging at correct parameters (70)
Another charging fire – (72)
Helicopter burns when LiPo ignites during charge (73)
Undetermined cause to LiPo fire during charge – (74)
Chopper burns from charging LiPo fire (76)
House fire (81)
3s Pack Ignites burning front of car during charge at correct settings. (83)
Helicopter in garage burns while charging (106)
Well used Lipo ignites under correct charging parameters (107)
SUV Vehicle burns (114)
Garage burns during charging – (119) Extensive pictures
2 fiires in 2 weeks (120)
Charging battery in plane fire with 109 – posts 97&99 (121)
Charging 3000mah with Triton catches fire in garage- (122)
Pack in plane ignites while being charged under hood of truck (123)
Fire in Basement – (136)
Lipo catches fire during charging and continues to burn in salt water (138)
Lipo charging in Helicopter ignites burning carpet, drapes and Heli (141)
Lipo charging on hood catches fire - (147)
Lipo charged on correct settings ignites (148)
Lipo fire during charging burns house. (150)
A123 pack burns(?) (152)
Possible charger failure causes lipo fire – (157)
House Fire – Cause not determined yet – (158)
Lipo in back of SUV ignites while charging – (159)
5 packs burn during charging – (165)
Battery on charger with balancer ignites (166)
Another battery on a balancing charger ignites (167)
Pack on charger causes workshop fire (169)
Very new pack with GWS CP -LP charger ignites (170)
Pack puffs on charger – taken outside where it ignites (171)
Pack gets hot on charger, ignites outside (172)

Cell poked with exacto knife catches fire- (2)
Dog bites pack, pack catches fire (4)
Lexus burns after pack from crashed plane put in car. (8)
Ballooned pack ignites when punctured. (20)
Repaired pack catches fire when connected to plane. (29)
Pack catches fire after plane crashes. (37)
Pack cut while shrink wrapping (39)
Pack punctured during crash burns. (64)
Plane crashes, pack removed and 10 minutes later burns (65)
Battery pack at 1V ignites while charging (71)
Puffed pack ignites during charging – (77)
Puffed Pack smokes when punctured (79)
Nicked pack catches fire (87)
Plane crashes, battery catches fire (89)
Damaged pack catches fire – (90)
Dog chews pack, chars pillow and smokes house - (95)
Battery compartment screw penetrates pack causing loss of plane (102)
Pack balloons dring mischarge, ignites when punchured (108)
Pack ignites 20 min after Heli crash – (111)\
Nicked pack “explodes in modelers hand” (116)
Intentionally punctured LiPo burns (124)
Dented Heli pack burns i min after disconnecting- (137)
Poked Lipo burst into flame (140)
Lipo Shorted for 4 sec. 3 min later it burns (143)
Lipo catches fire after crash damage. (149)
Punctured lipo catches fire – (151)
Crash causes fire – (154)
Damaged pack catches fire in flight – (156)
Dog bite shorts pack – (161)
Lid of charging container pinches battery leads and ignites (168)
Dropped pack catches fire minutes later (173)

Shorted pack catches fire (26)
Pack burns after shorting (15)
Possible Short (38)
Shorted when moved on table – (42)
Pack Shorted putting connector on and burns – (45)
Shorted pack burns hole in BMW seat – (48)
Crash causes 3s pack to short and burn – (50)
Pack ignites sometime after connector shorted for a short time (85)
Lipo Shorted for 4 sec. 3 min later it burns (143)

Multi cell pack catches fire in flight (5)
Possible over discharge (33)
Lipo pack catches fire in car (60)
2s pack starts house fire (84)
In flight F3A fire reported (92)
New pack partially burns sitting on desk (96)
Pack ignites with no known cause (97)
Pack ignites after soldering wires on (101)
Pack catches fire in pick up truck (105)
In Air ignition – (125)
Pack ignites in pocket (132)
Pack ignites in car at 3AM (134)
Undamaged pack starts to burn in car – (145)
Unconnected Pack sitting on bench burns over night – (153)
In Flight Fire – (155)
Pack ignites 2 hrs after charging – not connected to anything. (160)
Unused, uncharged pack without connectors catches fire – (164)
Lipo catches fire for no apparent reason (174)
Plane lands after short flight, battery disconnected, battery ignites shortly after (175)

2s pack connected in series with 3s pack ignites in fireball (78)
Lipo burns garage (99)
Packs used in parallel catch fire in flight (110)
Too high current draw causes fire (128)

Charging crashed pack caused pack unbalance problems -
37. Pack catches on fire after crash -
38. Possible short – undamaged pack catches fire -
39. Battery shorts and burns during shrink wrapping -
Lipo Fire Video’s
(40) Battery catches fire, wrong charging voltage -
(41) First charge of pack -
(42) Pack shorted on bench -
(43) $30,000 house damage – charger error -
(44) 2s charged at 11.1V burns -
(45) Pack Shorted putting connector on and burns -
(46) 3s Pack burns at correct charger settings -
Picture of burned bench – German site -
(47) 2s charged at 3s goes boom in garage -
(48) Shorted pack burns hole in BMW seat -
(49) 2s charged as 3s ignites in house -
(50) Crash causes 3s to short and burn
(52) 2s charging at 3s causes fire in garage -
(53) 8000 3s pack catches fire at correct settings -
(54) Pack catches fire after charging for 15 min -
(55) Pack catches fire using automatic charger -
(56) Pack catches fire using automatic charger -
(57) Helicopter fire -
(58) LiIon pack rockets across room:
(59) Dented Pack Catches fire -
(60) Lipo in closed car catches fire -
(61) Wrong cell count fire -
(62) Wrong cell count fire –
(63) Battery catches fire in car seat while charging -
(64) Battery catches fire when plane crashes -
(65) Battery catches fire after crash:
(66) Battery ignites in under 10min on charger -
(67) Damaged battery catches fire during charging -
(68) LiPo Pack catches fire even tho immersed in salt water -
(69) Lipo ignition causes house fire -
(70) Pack catches fire for no apparent reason during charge -
(71) Pack at 1V charged and catches fire -
(72) Battery catches fire during charging -
(73) Helicopter burns -
(74) 3s Pack ignites during charge -
(75) House fire reported in Belgium - CHECK OUT
(76) Plane burns during charge -
(77) Puffed pack ignites during charging -
(78) 2s pack connected in parallel to 3s pack ignites -
(79) Ballooned Pack Burns when punchured -
(80) 7s pack catches fire during flight -
(81) House fire – 3rd story burns -
(82) Lipo catchs fire during charge on 109 charger.
(83) 3s Lipo catches fire at correct settings.
(84) 2s pack starts house fire- reason unknown -
(85) Pack catches fire after a short short -
(86) Charging slightly swelled pack causes fire -
(87) Nicked cell catches fire -
(88) Li Ion cells ignite from charging mistake -
(89) Battery ejected from crashed plane burns -
(90) Battery involved in crash ignites several weeks later -
(91) Charging abuse causes fire -
(92) Pack fire during F3A contest -
(93) Slightly puffed cell catches fire during charging. http://
(94) Lipo burns during attempt to restore overdischarged cell with CC/CV PS -
(96) New pack partially burns sitting on desk -
(97) Pack ignites with no known cause -
(98) Pack ignites during charging – equipment in shed corrodes - and
(99) Lipo burns garage -
(100) Lipo burns like rocket in a can during charging -
(101) Cell ignites while soldering-
(102) Screw penetrates pack igniting it -
(103) Attempt to recharge “dead pack” causes plane fire -
(104) Charged 3s (?) ignites while recharging with Astro 109 -

(105) Packs in truck catch fire, burn truck – unexplained -
(106) Battery charging inside of helicopter catches fire in garage. No cause determined. 
(107) Well used Lipo ignites during charging under correct conditions -
(108) Lipo charged as NiCd burns when the ballooned pouch is punchured -
(109) Charging 2s1500 with possible wrong cell count ignites in safe -
(110) Packs used in parallel catch fire in flight -
(111) Helicopter crashes – 20 minutes later, lipos burn -
(112) 2 packs at wrong charger settings burn -
(113) Charger unplugged, on restart it went into different mode – lipo burns-
(114) Battery charged in SUV burns vehicle -
(115) Battery ignites after charging in modelers hand
(116) Nicked pack “explodes in hand”
(117) Charging slightly puffed lipo causes it to ignite in plane.\
(118) Using NiCd setting causes LiPo to burn in garage -
(119) Garage Burns – Cause undetermined -
(120) 2 fires in 2 weeks – 109 charger -
(121) Charging battery in plane fire with 109 – posts 97&99
(122) Charging 3000mah with Triton catches fire in garage-
(123) Pack in plane ignites while being charged under hood of truck -
(124) Intentionally punctured LiPo burns -
(125) In Flight LiPo Fire -
(126) Fire under hood while charging -
(127) Garage burns during charging – possible operator cell count error -
(128) Lipo ignites after flying with too large prop after landing -
(129) 2 fires from wrong cell count -
(130) Lipo charged on NiCd settings catches fire -
(131) 3 cases of charger caused (?) fires reported -
(132) Pack goes thermal in pamts pocket -
(133) 5s2p 4000 ignites on first charge -
(134) Pack ignites in car – No reason seen.
(135) Pack ignites – high charge voltage -
(136) Lipo ignites in basement during charge -
(137) Lipo ignites after landing -
(138) Lipo ignites during charge, continues to burn after thrown in water -
(139) lipo ignites during charge causing house fire. -
(140) Poked Lipo burst into flame -
(141) Lipo charging in Helicopter ignites burning carpet, drapes and Heli -
(142) Too high charge rate burns battery -
(143) Lipo Shorted for 4 sec. 3 min later it burns:
(144) 3s charged as 4s 109 with pictures of burn:
(145) Undamaged pack burns
(146) 3s charged as 4s burns SUV (Schulze 6-330d) -
(147) Lipo charging on hood catches fire, cause undetermnined -
(148) Lipo charged on correct settings ignites -
(149) Lipo catches fire after crash damage. -
(150) Lipo fire during charging burns house.
(151) Punctured lipo ignites -
(152) A123 fire during charging – cause unknown -
(153) Cause unknown – Battery on benchtop burns
(154) Battery ignites after crash -
(155) Battery ignites during flight -
(156) Damaged lipo pack catches fire in flight -
(157) Battery ignites during charge -
(158) House Burns – Lipo charging in garage.
(159) Lipo charging in back of SUV catches fire -
(160) Lipo catches fire 2 hrs after charging and off charger -
(161) Dog bites lipo – lipo heats up but is dunked before igniting. -
(162) Garage Burns, charging with balancer
(163) Another Garage fire - complete loss - fire during charging -
(164) New battery catches fire – didn't have connectors on it yet.
(165) 5 packs being charged burn -
(166) Pack on charger with balancer ignites -
(167) Pack on balancing charger ignites -
(168) Pack catches fire when lid closed on leads.
(169) Pack on charger causes workshop fire.
(170) Very new pack with GWS CP -LP charger ignites -
(171) Pack puffs on charger – taken outside where it ignites -
(172) Pack gets hot on charger, ignites outside -
(173) Dropped pack catches fire minutes later -
(174) Lipo catches fire for no apparent reason -
(175) Plane lands after short flight, battery disconnected, battery ignites shortly after -
(176) Battery ignites in plane during charging -
(177) Pack on Display in Hobby Shop catches fire -

I tested two different MKII chargers and the results were the same, 80% capacity of a 4.20v per cell charge.
If you fly to a higher cutoff voltage and use less of the total pack capacity, percentage of charge for the MKII would be less not more.

The MKII is a nice safe charger for Lipo, but unless there was a revision change(?) it can’t charge a 3-cell pack to 12.4v because it terminates the charge at a lithium-ion safe 4.1v per cell or 12.3v. 

This is a test I did for capacity vs. Resting voltage.

72 degree pack and room temp.
The (999mAh) pack was discharged each time at 1C, to a 3v per cell cutoff.
Then I added a fixed percentage of charge, and measured the resting voltage after 12 hours.
Next I discharged the pack and verified the percentage of capacity.
At the end of all testing I charged the pack fully and did a accuracy / repeatability test.
The repeatability of the test was over 98%.

4.20v = 100%
4.03v = 76%
3.86v = 52%
3.83v = 42%
3.79v = 30%
3.70v = 11%
3.6?v = 0%

Capacity below 3.7v "resting" is not usable for flying, it's where the battery voltage dump begins.


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FreePilot Pre-Maiden Status


Hi Guys,

Its been some time since I gave any public updates to you people (contributors have got weeklies) on the status of the FreePilot project. Now as the project nears completion, I am posting photos and the current status for you people to comment on , advise, criticize , etc. I have run into some issues, most of which have been solved, but still need some help on the others.


  • All body work finished except canopy.
  • Everything bench tested.
  • Some ESC issues (summarized below)
  • XBee joystick control perfected.
  • Latest ArduPlane 2.5 (with modifications) loaded.
  • Battery and voltage sensor connected to APM on-bench.
  • Airelons tested to breaking point (still works perfectly)
  • Custom control rods attached (flexible plastic)
  • On the inside, spruce spars in original design replaced with fiberglass.
  • Everything else to get it flying.

To Do and Issues:

  • Make the canopy (almost finished)
  • Fix ESC heating issues: The 20A JDrones ESC is overheating on bench, without the motor running and just APM drawing from the BEC. My battery is a 11.1v 25C 2200mAh Turnigy pack, which should be suited for the ESC, but it still heats up, even after adding a beefy heat-sink on top. The MOSFETs on the bottom cannot be touched after a minute. I think I need a beefier ESC.



Heat-sinked ESC (which still gets too hot)



Just-arrived Turnigy LiPo recessed in the body


APM, GPS and Xbee recessed in the body


Servo connected to right aileron using my 'specialized' push rods


Top View without Canopy

Let me know what you guys think, whether it will it fly or not, etc. 

If you want a photo-log of the entire project, its down below :

Parts Arrived (courtesy of Martin)

Electronics Assembled

Airframe 1

Airframe 2

Battery and Charger (courtesy of Sandesh)


If anyone is interested in contributing towards the advancement of FreePilot please PM me!

This project would not have been possible without the generous contribution of :

  • Sandesh (for batteries and charger)
  • Martin (for APM, servos, Xbees, Motor, ESC and more)
  • Crasher (ESC and motors pledged)
  • Jaron (for airframe design which I have modified to suit my needs)
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3689473537?profile=originalA group of South Korean scientists has developed a new material for a secondary or rechargeable battery that can be fully recharged in just a matter of minutes, the science ministry said Monday.

A group of South Korean scientists has developed a new material for a secondary or rechargeable battery that can be fully recharged in just a matter of minutes, the science ministry said Monday.

This cuts down on the time needed to recharge the new type of battery to between 1/30 and 1/120 of that of existing rechargeable batteries, according to the ministry.

Read the complete article here:

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Hello. This is a follow up to our "9x DIY Upgrade Kit" install video. It covers everything you need to successfully update the firmware on your 9x radio following the hardware install covered in first video. In addition, this video also shows you how to install sample models and calibrate your radio.

The video is divided into sections allowing you to skip to the needed information:

- Download Firmware and Software Tools - 1:02
- Firmware Update Process - 4:28
- Sample Models - 8:00
- Calibration - 9:53

While this video mentions our 9x DIY Upgrade Kit, the information will be helpful to anyone who has a programmer installed on their 9x radio.

Let us know if this video helps and also what else you would like us to cover.

Thanks for watching!

Visit our site for these and other RC products.

Intro music by Pong, the greatest rock band you've never heard of. (used with permission)

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