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FOX TEAM PRESENT FOX Hybrid v2.0 80 W/h for fly

The Fox Team is Glad to present Fox Hybrid 2.0 the fly is after 7.22 minutes
After a year of development this is our result ... Fox Hybrid Hovering 200 W/h
Fox Hybrid translate fly 80 W/h .. see the video .. The voice of Inventor is Italian Member Alessandro Da Col.
This is original his Original Blog on :

Great Job Alessandro .. the best Hybrid of the world :)

The Board is MultiPilot Board :
The Firmware is QuadFox Hybrid .
Join our team if you would develop and promote your special project.
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This is a quick how-to to get going with ArduPilotMega QGroundControl Integration. Note that this is a work in progress and that the gains/ waypoints sent to the apm are not currently setting the values in the autopilot. I'll be working today to hook these up. I could really use help debugging and coding though so I've posted this to get everyone else up to speed.
  1. Get ArduPilotMega mavlink branch: svn checkout "pathtosketchbook"/ArduPilotMega
  2. Get Arducopter libraries: svn checkout "pathtosketchbook"/libraries
  3. Get Mavlink: git clone "pathtosketchbook"/libraries/mavlink
  4. Get QGroundControl: or build from source: git clone "base directory"/qgroundcontrol, if you build from source you will need to copy "pathtosketchbook"/libraries/mavlink to "base directory" or create a symbolic link
  5. Set sketchbook path for arduino to "pathtosketchbook", then restart arduino IDE.
  6. Create an APM_Config.h file as seen below.
  7. Compile and upload code to board.
  8. Start QGroundControl, select network, add link, set to comm port (/dev/ttyUSB* on linux, COM* on windows) and then set the baud rate to 115200 (if using GCS_PORT 3)
Here is some documentation:

APM_Config.h file:



#define GCS_PORT 3

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BOB4 - 1st autonomous indoor flight!

Watch on dailymotion (HQ)

I made my first autonomous flight today. I am very happy to achieve this result!

It is only a 30 seconds flight, but 100% autonomous! Lift and landing are still under manual control.

It is not perfect, the control goes wrong after 30 or 40 seconds. I have to work a lot to obtain better results, but this first flight is a big improvement in my project!

Reminder :

BOB4 estimates its position with only its onboard sensors : 4 sonars, one 3D magnetometer, one 6DOF IMU.

The computing is only onboard, without any external aid.

All computation is done on an “Embedded Master” motherboard with .Net Micro Framework.

I have designed this UAV alone. The hardware and the software is 100% home made.

Some pictures :

Previous posts:

Leon – French hobbyist.

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Japanese UAV - single ducted fan

A UAV developed by the Japanese Ministry of Defence. The video's in Japanese unfortunately, but it does show some interesting concepts that I don't believe have been seen in many drones before.

The principle new concept is the single ducted fan that it appears to use. Unfortunately it's covered up in the close ups, but it appears to use thrust vectoring for stability and control. At the end (last 20 seconds or so) there's a video of the vehicle in flight, which clearly shows the four vectoring boxes twitching away.

Is a single ducted fan a viable method for a UAV? I understand that ducted fans have greater efficiencies than open propellers do, but do you think the extra weight of the duct would counteract that advantage? It's obviously something that works for these guys, and it'd be interesting to see how the concept could translate into DIY vehicles.
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3D Robotics

Kinect + ROS = awesome SLAM solution!

Now we're talking! As I Love Robots puts it, "This is the driver we have been looking for. The ability to the use the Kinect RGB-D Sensor with ROS is a complete game changer. 3D robotics is here and now hobbyists can afford a range finding sensor capable of implementing SLAM. Welcome to the future!"

SLAM stands for Simultaneous Location and Mapping, and it's the way to determine a robot's position in locations where GPS doesn't work, such as indoors. Who needs a $10,000 motion capture system when you can connect your Kinect to a laptop via ROS? Perfect for quadcopters and blimps...
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Free OS UAV Plan!

I designed this baby over the weekend for everyone to have if interested. It should be a very good size for most of your application. I can be built with foam, wood, and composite.

Name: RVOS v.1.0
Wing Span: 1.6m
Length: 1.1m (nose to tip of v-tail)
Max Weight: 6kg
Recommend 4 Channels (Aileron, V-tail, Throttle)
Power: .45 - .65 or equilvalent electric power


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QGroundControl Integration for ArduPilotMega

I've just about wrapped up QGroundControl Integration for the ArduPilotMega. The code currently implements the majority of the common protocol for QGroundControl. You can successfully read raw sensor gps/imu/gyro data, read radio packets, check the system status, check the system heartbeat, get/set pid gains and other control parameters (note they have yet to replace the current values for the controllers). Tomorrow I hope to have waypoint send/receive complete and to do a ground test with an RC car and a flight test if that is successful. Thanks PixHawk team for making a great ground station!
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3D Robotics

Paper plane captures images of space

"Three British amateur aerospace enthusiasts have successfully sent a camera-equipped paper airplane to an altitude of 89,000 feet (27,127 meters), where it captured images of the blackness of space before gliding back to Earth. Project PARIS (Paper Aircraft Released Into Space) involved getting the plane into the stratosphere using a weather balloon before letting it go via a release mechanism. " Read more at Gizmomag.

Not a UAV, per se, just a free-flight plane with a GPS tracker. But so cool!

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New Opensource LRS Coming

Hi Guys,

I just finished the test of our new opensource long range system modules.
This modules 3th generation and i guess i should design 4th generation before publishing them.


I'm using RFM22B radio modules and ATMEGA328P chips on Rx and Tx.
Rx modules including 8 channel servo ports and RS232 for telemetry uplink

Tx modules including PPM-Input for analog servo control and RS232 for Computer based controls and Telemetry downlink.

System range will be around 4-5km.

Firmware Upgradeable over RS232.

Ground tests was unbelievable, it's working around 500 meters into the city (after 20+ concrete building)

I will share the flight test results, sources and schematics soon.

If you have any idea about design and inputs, please share with me before 4th generation's production..

Thanks for reading


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From FastCompany: "This week marks the third anniversary of ROS (Robot Operating System), an open-source software platform for the robotics industry developed by Stanford and Silicon Valley robotics research lab Willow Garage. In that short time, ROS has skyrocketed in popularity. Robot hardware manufacturers, commercial research labs, and software companies
are all adopting the platform. And ROS is just getting started.

"We set out at the beginning with a commitment to open source," says Steve Cousins, President and CEO of Willow Garage. "In order to get an industry going in personal robotics, it's going to take the ability for a lot of people to experiment. An open platform makes it easy for people to tinker and innovate."

ROS has succeeded beyond Willow Garage's wildest dreams. There are more than 50 public ROS repositories featuring open-source libraries and tools, more than 1,600 software packages, and at least 50 robots around the world using the platform, including underwater vehicles, boats, space rovers, lawnmowers, helicopters, cars, indoor robots, outdoor robots, and more (the Anybots QB robot recently covered by Fast Company doesn't use ROS, however).

The platform probably won't stop growing anytime soon. "When you're growing exponentially, the future is really hard to predict. One of the really powerful things about open source is that by giving up control, you allow the community to do much more than you could possibly do yourself," says Ken Conley, a senior software engineer at Willow Garage.

Willow Garage does have one big hope for ROS: that it will take on a life of its own, outside of the nurturing Willow Garage environment. The company is in the beginning stages of developing an independent ROS Foundation inspired by the Mozilla Foundation, Apache Software Foundation, and the GNOME Foundation. "We're talking about this with a number of government agencies and robotics companies," Cousins says. "It will be an independent organization funded by the community, chartered with moving ROS forward."

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Closed-source developer forced open-source

For those who are just now joining this thread already in progress... I recently learned how easy it is to disassemble .NET programs. I belived my source code was being posted without my consent and have since been in contact with the user in question and all is good...

That said, please, if you're a .NET developer who's considering creating and selling a commercial program there are programs out there like .NET Reflector (FREE) which can easily disassemble and display your code in seconds.... Do yourself a favor and look into obfuscation software for .NET which will atleast make it harder to disassemble and will, for the most part, stop the casual hacker from viewing your code.

I appreciate all of the positive feedback I've gotten from everyone here and I'm moving forward with the GCS .NET. I am going to release it as open source but I'd like to get more of the development out of the way before I start getting other people involved. I haven't had much success with multi-developer situations and I'd like to get my "big ideas" done before letting everyone else have at it.

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MAV Computer Vision on Gumstix Overo COM


We were already using the Gumstix Overo COM in our winning EMAV 2009 entry. Other projects have started to adapt the system design with Linux onboard computer. It separates the Linux computer vision system and control/estimation code running on an external microcontroller. At that time we already did the electronics design for a custom camera board, but eventually used a USB machine vision camera. However now we have a working driver, which allows to attach the Aptina MT9V032 machine vision CMOS sensor directly to the Gumstix Overo COM. The board will be available from Gumstix Inc., but is not yet released as a product. The pxOvero base board weights only 28g including the camera with M12 glass lens! It works under very low light conditions and has a much lower noise level than typical webcams. We hope to see this pair soon in many computer vision MAVs. Our upcoming aerial robotics middleware is lightweight and has been developed so scale to lightweight computers. Together with this camera, it will provide a very convenient toolkit for computer vision on micro air vehicles.

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Open source KINECT drivers on the go!

Well it was high time someone won the Adafruit "competition".
Now on to exploit...uh..sorry making good use of his achievements!

See the vid:
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>

Get the drivers:
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This project has started with the arrival of the APM / IMU boards in June. Soon I realised, that APM will be more than just copy the software to the board and go flying. From my experiences with microcopter projects, I recognized sometimes the lack of monitoring status information and configuration capabilities at the airfield.

In Europe, most people in RC community are talking about telemetry. Today, there are a couple of manufacturer selling transmitter and receiver with this feature. One manufacturer is selling products with a public known protocol: JETI.

JETI does not sell the complete range of RC equipments. They sell modules or kits for a lot of transmitter used today, receivers and sensors. My transmitter, an older MPX 3010, has been modified with a JETI Duplex TMp transceiver module. This module can be expanded with the JETI-Box Display. Its just a dump display with 4 buttons that acts as a display/input device for a wide range of products from JETI.

Connected to the transceiver, the JET-Box can display data from the tranceiver or the receiver (over air link). If you connect a sensor to the receiver, his data can be displayed as well. With the JETI expander, you can connect more sensors. But the most advantage is, you can configure settings on all devices connected. No need to have a PC with USB cable with you.

Over a couple of weeks, I wrote a library for the communication between APM and the JETI-Box. It acts like a sensor connected to the JETI receiver. The JETI-protocol runs at a baudrate of 9600. It sends 34 bytes per frame to the receiver. Unfortunately, it uses a unusual frametype of 9O1 (9 databit, odd parity, 1 stopbit). Using the FastSerial lib was not possible, so i wrote my own code.

The concept is pretty straight forward. The JETI-Box sends every 180ms a byte containing the button status. When this byte is received, after a 10ms delay, the data for the display is send back. The JETI-Box will send the buttonstatus again, after 10ms - we send updated display data like before.

One of the most problem was the lack of free timers to implement a 10ms delay. A check on the Arduino library lead to a solution. Timer0 is used for the function millis(). It is configured as an overrun timer and therefor the timer0_overrun_interrupt routine is occcupied by Arduino. The other two interrupts (compareA, compareB) are still available. The solution is to set the compareA value to 128 and use this interrupt to run a routine handling the 10ms delay. Please look at the code for more details.

Changing parameters inside APM is not implemented at the moment. This will take one or the other week.

Project documentations could be found here, pics are here

JETI website

Uwe Gartmann

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