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ArduPilot code, modified version for use on Microsoft Visual Studio. Compatibility with Arduino studio still maintained.Also contains parser of KML files, for importing fly paths drawn in Google Earth.Installation instructions:1) Download and extract ArduPilot_20090211.zip2) Download Arduino AVR studio3) Extract above into ArduPilot.vs\arduino-0012 folder4) If you don't have Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 yet, you can download free edition here (choose Visual C++ Express 2005)

5) The code is still compatible with Arduino studio, simply run arduino.exe and open project from ArduPilot.vs\ArduPilot folder

Build instructions under Visual Studio:- Open workspace ArduPilot.sln- Workspace contains folder "Source files" with ArduPilot code, this is where changes can be made

- Another folder "System" is containing source files from Arduino studio needed to run ArduPilot executable, do not modify these- Build project as usual, if you see "Created ArduPilot.hex" in log window, then everything is OK

- To upload to board, use Upload.bat from command prompt (you need to specify correct port in -P parameter)Note: if you change anything in *.h files, hit Rebuild Solution, because source dependency is not working in this caseWhy using MS Visual Studio for building ArduPilot code, when Arduino studio does the same thing?Well, if you're a programmer, then answer is clear - VStudio has better text editor, it will assist you in writing code by tools such as finding variable/function definition and declaration, text editor code highlighting, provides auto-complete, etc.Alghough we don't use C++ compiler from Visual Studio, rather custom build step is used with AVR compiler, mentioned advantages will help to make the code reliable and robust.On other hand, Arduino studio has very simple text editor, usable for the task, but if we have better tools, why not using them.Note: Visual Studio can be used on Windows only, so using Arduino studio makes sense for Linux/Mac users.How to use KML parser:This tool transforms KML file from Google Earth into ArduPilot friendly file.Usage:- In Google Earth, use Add -> Path (Ctrl+Shift+T)

- Click to define waypoints

- Do not connect last waypoint with first, it would create polygon which is not supported- Save the path in KML format (not KMZ)

- Use KML parser to extract coordinates and create ArduPilot compatible file; the utility accepts 2 parameters - source KML file and destination H file; first is your KML path file from Google Earth, second is usually set to ArduPilot\waypoints.h, this will create waypoints file compilable by ArduPilot code. There's testing KML file as well as KML_test.bat file which puts proper parameters to the KML tool.- Compile ArduPilot executable and upload to boardSource code is provided for KML parser tool. It is compilable under MS Visual Studio, and runs on Windows.Problems and tasks:- Google Earth doesn't allow to define altitude for individual waypoints, or to export KML file with absolute altitude,so we end up with same altitude for every waypoints for now.We can fly on same altitude level, or manually tune altitude in generated waypoints.h file, or come with some other fix (suggestions are welcome).
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Cheap 6 Degree Of Freedom Inertial Measurement Unit

I have finished my Master's Degree, and so I have to return all of the planes and paparazzi hardware which the school bought for my project. So I have begun working on my next project. So far I have purchased a cheap ($100 receiver ready + 2 free lipos!) 2 meter electric glider from Hobby City so that I can continue to fly. If it has enough space in the fuselage, then I may add an autopilot to it later. The glider will keep me flying, so my thumbs won't get too rusty.I am planning to rebuild my little ground robot, and I am going to give it a 6 DOF IMU. I found that Pololu(also available from sparkfun for similar price) sells a triple axis accelerometer for only $18 and 300deg/s gyros for only $29. So I can build a full 6 DOF IMU for only $110. So I have ordered 3 of the gyros and the accelerometer, and I am planning to build the IMU and run it on my little ground robot for a while until I have the IMU figured out. I am planning to use an arduino to process the IMU data.
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3D Robotics

Another one from Sparkfun, which is quickly becoming a serious UAV parts supplier: the power monitoring sensor board that Dean Goedde uses for AttoPilot. If you want to add motor current and battery voltage measurement to your autopilot, this is a good way to do it. Analog output, so you'd want to add it to a port with an ADC (ArduPilot has six free ones so it would work well with that). Oddly expensive at $26, given what's on the board, but perhaps that reflects the low production run. Woohoo! Now $12.95! (and half sold out immediately). Go Dean!
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An opportunity to carry out aerial mapping of several large African cities using RC aircraft is being discussed. These discussions are at an early stage but if the project goes ahead then I am unlikely to have the time to do everything myself and will concentrate on the business side and managing the technical side. Anyone interested in getting involved please mail me at datapolo@yahoo.comBoth individuals and corporate organisations welcome.It is likely that we will be competing for the job against satellite imagery - not necessarily easy but possible. As an example one of the larger of the cities requires imagery within a 30km radius....Where we can compete is on resolution and maybe cost.If you want to get involved you need to be available to work flexibly and to be competent in all the necessary data acquisition skills - from flying, maintaining and repairing the platform to planning the flight paths and checking the data. Processing for mapping can be taught as long as you are very capable on a computer and have a good understanding of co-ordinate geometry and maps.I stress that this is all at an early stage and I will be meeting the client in-country in February to discuss in greater detail our capabilities and their requirements. Hopefully I will also be able to make a demonstration flight and show them what we can do.Look forward to hearing from you,Mike
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We are pleased to announce that the UAV Challenge - Outback Rescue will take place in 2009 in the regional Queensland town of Kingaroy. The event will take place on 28 September - 1 October 2009.Aerospace students and enthusiasts alike will again have the opportunity to find and assist 'Outback Joe', a lost bush walker in Australia's vast outback, using UAVs.We look forward to your continued enthusiasm and support for this event.See you in Kingaroy!
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3D Robotics

It's raining autopilots! Sparkfun has just released a new and much improved version of Bill Premerlani's original IMU-based autopilot board. The previous one was just a 5 DOF board, but this one has a full six degrees of measurement, with three gyros and a three-axis accelerometer. Also has a faster CPU and other goodies (see below). The code is open source and available in C (a big improvement over the assembly code of the first version). We'll be hosting the home page for the autopilot board here at DIY Drones, and you can now see it in the tabs above. I've set up a discussion forum here. If you want to move from a basic entry-level autopilot to a full IMU-based one and stay open source, this is a great way to go. IMUs are a lot more expensive than thermopile-based units like ArduPilot, but if you want full control they're worth it. This one is $299. Features: * Connection for a 20-Channel EM-406A SiRF III GPS Receiver (not included) * PIC dsPIC30F4011 Controller (with onboard 3.3V and 5V glue logic) * dsPIC runs at 120MHz with 16MHz resonator and PLL * MMA7260 three axis accelerometer * 3 ADXRS401 gyros * 4 Input, 3 output PWM points * 6-Wire ICSP debug header * 2 Separate colored status LEDs * 3 General purpose switches * On board 3.3V and 5V regulators (150mA max) * 10m Positional Accuracy / 5m with WAAS * GPS Outputs NMEA 0183 and SiRF binary protocol * Spare USART connection for debugging * 4 Spare digital I/O pins for debugging
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3D Robotics

ArduPilot now available to buy!

Great news! ArduPilot is now available to buy at Sparkfun. The price is $24.95 (or buy 100 at $19.96 each ;-)). Note: there is a limited number available now, but Sparkfun can make more pretty quickly so get your order in now and they'll be filled from backorder in the order they were received.

[Update on availability from Sparkfun: ~15 coming out of production today/morrow. 63 more PCBs ready. Waiting on xtals (probably about a week).]

You'll also need an EM406 GPS module, and for all but the most stable planes, an FMA Co-Pilot, so unless you already have those items, the total cost of the autopilot will be around $155.

Huge thanks to Nathan Siedle at Sparkfun for helping us get through the production snafus and otherwise taking this project under his wing. Now let's win his autonomous vehicle competition with an ArduPilot-guided plane!

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NXT AutoPilot v. 0.1 BETA

UPDATE: 0.2 BETA and a simulator setup have been published HERE.So, here it is; one more BETA of NXT AutoPilot.I didn't have the time to do enough testing during the holidays so this is still going to be a BETA version instead of the non-BETA I promised. However, I caught some very nasty bugs in the stabilization loop and added some nice functionalities.// -Fixes in 0.1:// -Added variance (gyro vs. accelerometer) based coefficient for gyro drift fixing.// -Fixed some crucial GPS errors.// -Everything is now based on PID controllers (even yaw).//// -Still not using compass or barometer although the device driver for compass is still there// if you don't mind some home brewing..TO-DO:-Navigation still assumes GPS co-ordinates to be co-ordinates on a flat surface. Introduce ball geometry..-I'm planning to buy a 3D Bluetooth GPS so alternate device driver and control loops are needed.-Documentation.Hopefully someone finds this useful..NXT AutoPilot WARNIGN: This version of the auto pilot is out dated!Sami F.
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A long-held ambition

When I was a small boy, I used to watch the Jindivik target drones take off from Llanbedr (see on family holidays to North Wales, where my father was born. I've been interested in unmanned flight ever since.Currently, I have built nothing whatever in this line, but I have done a lot of reading (not least here - thanks Chris!). Ultimately, I'm thinking of a small electric fixed-wing based on a simple kit like the Multiplex Easy Star or Twinstar. My current thoughts on the rest of the kit:Mainboard: Gumstix OveroThe familiar Linux environment is too tempting to pass up, I think (I'm a Linux/BSD sysadmin by trade). Also, the surplus of CPU horsepower means that I can concentrate on getting something working in a scripting language and then making it faster rather than having speed as a constriction from the outset.Servo control: and lets me outsource the servo-control nastiness (of which I know very nearly nothing) in favour of talking to a serial port, which is more familiar territory.GPS: A 5Hz GPS module of some sort - there's a San Jose 32-channel on sparkfun which looks impressive. It appears to do serial output over two pins at 2.8V.IMU: I think this is going to have to be the Sparkfun 5DOF. I simply don't have the electronics chops to build my own, and anything nicer is going to cost too much for a first go-round.Telemetry: at least initially, wifi looks like the way to go. Unfortunately, the Overo currently lacks a wifi implementation, but there's a known-working USB dongle.This gives me a functional diagram like this:

Some Unresolved Questions (in no particular order):1) Serial connections. The Gumstix Summit board claims two "2-wire serial" connections - are these right for direct connection to the GPS module? To the servo controller board (I suspect not in this case)?2) Are the AD convertors on the Overo accurate enough (10bit) to be useful?3) Are they electrically compatible with the output from the IMU in any case?Have got the wrong end of any very important sticks? Have I made some glaring omission? I throw myself on your mercy.
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We are making a Autonomous flier (quad rotor based) which will carry Sensor system(LIDAR,INS etc) and a camera; and is capable of obstacle avoidance and precise hovering.We have narrowed our search for a quad rotor flier to 'X-3D- Scientific' as our base model of which we will change motors,propellers and battery.We plan to change the motors with Hacker A 20-22l outrunner and the standard propeller of 10*4.5 and also the battery with a 5000/6000 mah for higher flight time (about 10 mins).Certain queries:1. Will the flier with new configuration and total weight of 1433gm produce enough thrust (about 1.8kgs) ?2.Is X-3d best one around?3.Do we have better motors (producing more thrust ) ?4. Is 6000 mAh correct estimation of the Battery type?
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3D Robotics

Here's the final board (v6) that will be going into production (click for big picture). No big changes and it's pin compatible with all boards since v431, so all current software will run the same and there's no need to upgrade for people with boards since v431. The main thing was better labeling and other cosmetic changes, but here's the full list. * Even smaller! * Has holes in the corners so you can screw it onto the gondola * Optional extra pair of pull-up resistors (R9 and R10) on the I2C port, in case you want to add more sensors • Fully labeled, including part numbers * SMD power regulator, smaller and easier for mass production. * Added an extra pair of .1uf capacitors in the motor ports to reduce noise. * Added a solder jumper (very tiny) so you can select if you want to read the ultrasonic sensor in analog or PWM mode. • Changed labels north, south, west and east to front, back, right and left. • Solder jumper to the 5 volts of FTDI cable (so you can power it from the FTDI if you want) • Better traces • Changed the ICSP position (the port was a little too close to the IR sensor on the previous version, and it was hard to get a connector in there) • Power switch before power regulator and motor controller. (the power switch was after some electronics in the previous version, which could slowly drain and kill a LiPo if you left it plugged in long enough with the switch off) You can buy the boards here Eagle 5 PCB and Schematic files are here. Assembly instructions and component lists are unchanged from the previous version.
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3D Robotics

BlimpDuino code Beta1.1 released

Jordi's now finished the Beta release candidate of the BlimpDuino code. Lots of goodies:

  • Full PID loops in both altitude hold and navigation
  • Autosenses if a RC receiver is connected and switches into RC mode
  • Voltage monitoring cuts off power to save LiPo when voltage is low
  • Fully proportional vectoring servo control
  • Goes into altitude-hold-only mode if beacon signal is not seen
  • Code better commented and easier to read
The source code is now located in a proper Subversion repository on Google Code. This version reflects the current operating instructions, both for assembly and flight (RC and autonomous). They've been updated, so if you haven't checked them out recently, please do.
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Seeduino boards

I bought few of these about a month back. They are much lighter than the normal Arduino board due to the use of the small USB 2.0 header and surface mount chips. I'll weight both and post, but if you are looking to build a mikroquad, or anything where weight is an issue and you don't happen to be using the ArduPilot (which is already really optimized for size!) this is a good alternative. Oh, did I mention it adds two ADC pins to the normal arduino configuration? Really nice if you want to add a barometric altimeter to your mikroquad! Now I just need to find a shield that supports the extra pins.
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3D Robotics

The DIY Drones open source business model

MAKE magazine noticed my tweet about our business model: "Business model for my open source robotics startup: disclose the cost of everything and charge 40% markup. Want it cheaper? DIY!" What that means is that BlimpDuino, the first product we'll be launching ourselves (rather than through a commerical manufacturing/retail partner), will follow that model. I'll disclose the cost of every part and step of the manufacturing process, linking to sources wherever possible so you can do it yourself if desired. So in this case, the cost of the BlimpDuino kit parts and manufacturing are about $70. 40% margin is $28, so we'd charge $98. Let's say you want it cheaper. Although we get volume discounts on most of those parts, I provide links so you can buy single items for not much more, and avoid our 40% markup (you will be paying shipping and taxes with those retailers, so your savings will be less). The automated SMD soldering can't be done as a one-off, so you'd have to do that yourself (not hard if you've got a bit of SMD experience), saving more money. And perhaps you already have some of the needed parts. Great, more cost savings for you! Let's say you want to make your own company and compete with us, charging just a 30% markup, or maybe just 20%. Excellent! All of our source code and PCB/schematic files are open source and licensed to allow commerical use. If you can make it cheaper or better than us, go for it! The more the merrier. The only requirement of the license is that you credit us for the design and link back here. Let's say you're rich and just want to make them and sell them for cost, with no profit margin at all. Also excellent! More robotics blimps for all! The market grows! Our bet is most of you will be happy to pay us 40% for the security and convenience of making and testing the kit for you. Some of you will want to do it yourself, and that's terrific (we are DIY Drones, after all). And, frankly, I'd be delighted if some Chinese company decides to make BlimpDuino and sell it at half our cost, paying us nothing. We don't want to have to make the hardware if we don't have to (no dreams of being a factory manager here), and if someone can undercut us by that amount with the same or better quality, we will happily move on to designing other things where we can add more value. Everyone wins!
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3D Robotics

Review: World's first toy autopilot

WowWee's BladeStar indoor flying machine is advertised as the first toy with an autopilot. From its description: "The exclusive Autopilot Mode with sensor-based navigation enables it to glide through the air, avoiding ceilings and flying away from obstacles." Basically, it's got three IR sensors, two on the side and one on top. The lower sensor on the side is just to communicate with the controller. The one on the top just spots the ceiling and keeps the BladeStar away from it. The one on the side does all the clever work of staying away from walls. Here's a close-up (the sensor is circled):

That's a IR sensor shielded along the rotational axis. The way the Bladestar flies is that two props (tilted slightly up) on stalks spin the body, and the passive rotors are spun along with it, generating lift. Because the entire body is spinning, there's no "front" or "back" of the aircraft. Instead, all controls are relative to the absolute frame of reference (push left and it goes to your left). I presume the way the "autopilot" works is that it has an internal sense of its rotation speed within the absolute frame of reference (it sees the transmitter's signal most strongly once every 60th of second, say, so it must be spinning at 60Hz). So it times its motor controllers to slightly increases the speed of the motors when they're on the side opposite the desired direction of travel, which tilts the Bladestar slightly in the direction of desired travel. As for the obstacle avoidance, it must work the same way: when the IR sensor is showing higher readings (indicating that some warm object, like a wall, is near), the motor speed is slightly increased on that side. Then, as the IR sensor spins away from the wall, motor speed is reduced, and so on, with every rotation. Since the IR sensor is spinning the whole time with the aircraft, the motor speed controller and IR sensor must be tightly linked and pretty much instantaneous, with the speed gradient changing at the rotation speed of the aircraft. (I imagine the really advanced technology in this is the high-speed motor controller). So how well does it work? Pretty well. It does seem to want to stay away from walls, but the ceiling sensor is over sensitive (maybe the problem is that we've got a wood ceiling and it prefers white) and it sometimes plummets almost to the ground after sensing something above it. You can manually fly while it's autopilot mode, but the controls are very insensitive and it's at best a gentle hint of directional control. It's actually most fun to put it in a relatively small room and watch it hover, swinging gently away from the walls and otherwise seeking equilibrium. If you have two, they can also "dogfight", which actually just means that you point your controller at the other Bladestar while yours is in autonomous mode and try to get off three shots before your opponent can do the same to yours. If you're interested in indoor autonomy and optical-flow autopilots, this is worth checking out. It's also a neat toy and an impressive bit of sensor integration. You can buy them at Amazon. I got two for $18 each in a post-Christmas sale, but I see they're now $37, which seems to be the standard price.
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VicaCopter 3.0 4 U

2 months after VicaCopter 2.0, it's VicaCopter 3.0. The autopilot has been moved to quad rotors. All control is done by VicaCopter. Just get 4 motors, 4 ESC's, 4 propellers, & fly. The quad rotor is the cheapest & easiest route to the air.A UAV programming language has replaced the table of waypoints to enable more complicated maneuvers. Automated takeoffs & landings, curved paths, pirouettes, turning towards a point are supported.Go to & build it.
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Project multirotor starting up.

I'm gathering information about multirotor controls and different type of ready products on wwwInteresting web site's on this project couple forumsAnd this ArduPilotPro sound good for this projectIf somebody find good website for this project i'm more than happy if you post www address for me :)Sorry my english but i hope you understand me...
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