All Discussions (33325)

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Heartbeat MAvLink missing

Hi all

Please the answer mean the world for me ,I really need help

I am trying to connect Xplane 10 with MP via SITL all went good except that MP gives me the message below .

What 's the problem ? is there any extra files should I add them to MP folder

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pixhawk problems

hey, today i did my first flight with the 3dr pixhawk. i stared with manual mod and everything worked but when i changed to position hold it wont respond to my commands. later the quad wouldn't even fly and would just blink when using stabilized or p

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long range hd

what are the options for even 720p at 5+km? Lightbridge, which I hear is more like 2km with drop out. Has anyone designed a multichannel HD option? I guess what I should also be asking is what kind of bit rate can transmit a digital signal 5km? Is an

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droid planner 3 planning

When i connect with flight data and click on the small button top right of the screen it then showws my position in close up. However when i do this in planning nothing happens and i am still seeing the large scale map and i have to enlarge manually.

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