After several weeks I finally got my new all-aluminum frame 605mm quad-rotor flying. Ran it thru it's basic flight tests and PID tuning. And ran an endurance flight test with mixed flight modes, and not just in hover. I got 31 minutes 14 seconds f
I just received a pair of RFD900+ radios, and was expecting them to work (more or less) out of the box when used in conjunction with my 3DR radios. But they don't
I used a USB <-> TTL adaptor to connect to the RFD.
I recently bought a new apm 2.8 with neo 6m gps module and i configured using mission planner build 1.1.6056.17827 and with version APM Copter v 3.3.3 quad. Did all the calibration and the quad fly's so stable in stabilize mode normally. NOW
Hi guys, I'm using an Iris+, anyone here can explain me the roles of the FrSky D4-II, the internal(inside the iris+) 3DR radio, the external 3DR radio (usb plugged in a computer/phone) and there is a transmitter in the radio controller. I wanna know
Ok, so this is my second HakRC Storm32 Gimbal I've purchased from
They both have arrived not working correctly. I don't get it...Below are links to videos of what's going on, basically during the initial boot up the thing malfunctions a
I am planning my missions using with mission planner is there any option to get the status of Radio Control Status On/Off in mission planner or any MAV command to find the RC status Please help on this.
i have noticed the lack of research in the past 2 years (2014-2016) on system identification on quadcopters (multicopters in general). Back in 2013, i built my 1st APM based Quadcopter, and took advantage of the power that the open source provides. I
Perhaps this is the wrong board but this is my first post and we all need to start somewhere.
So I purchased a Walkera Furious 320 the other day. It was a really good deal so I could not pass it up, but it does not do what I want a drone to do. IE.
hey guys im having a problem with my ardupilot arduplane on a mugin design airplane ( the plane doesnt make sure that it accomplished the altitude wanted for the waypoint ) the error started with just 15 meter highet error and then reached to more th
I am using the Futaba R2008SB receiver with the PX4. When going through the wizard, I am unable to both test the motors nor calibrate my transmitter as it is not responsive to any movement from the control sticks. The transmit
More than two million homes are burglarized in the United States each year. According to the FBI, a burglary happens every 16 seconds in the U.S. and the summer months of July and August have the most burglaries. Cardinal Robotics solves this problem
We have an stationary experimental setup that consists of a beam rod whose centre is held by a base column. The joint is designed such that the rod has a 2 DOF. At each end of this rod is a motor, with only one end motor having vec
After a dozen successful flights I was flying my plane at an altitude of around 250-300m when my RSSI dropped and the plane went RTH. I've tested the RTH plenty of times succesfully but this time it went into an extremely s
Hey all I am a newcomer to the hobby and am trying to expand my knowledge before getting tucked in, I am having trouble understanding how to use a laptop as a ground station with mission planner installed, and an RC at the same time.I understand this
Hello everybody. I have an APM 2.8 with Emax ESC 30A Blheli. And there's the problem. At the beginning, when ESCs were connected to RX on my AT9 Radiolink, they seemed to freeze for a milisecond and kinda freeze or shake. I didn't consider it as some