I know the basic things like get best lightest battery and less body weight but 'not' including those I wanted to know if I could go "further" (over trees woods property) :)
I want to get to a river at a park near me and film it.
I am trying to tune my quad with arducopter 3.0.1 firmware for loiter mode. My copter sometime twitches when I switch to loiter mode and in guided mode. Also copter loose altitude significantly when in loiter mode after some time.
I am trying to understand the mission planner code from a week now so that I could contribute to it. I have been doing C# programming from some time now. If any of you guys have some flow diagram for the code, please share it on the threa
I installed an Attopilot 90amps sensor for current and voltage on my Octo.
I then did the mission planner configuration in battery monitor, first trying with the preprogrammed Attopilot 90 option in the sensors drop down list. The calced voltage
Not sure what this guy is using to accomplish this fpv run but I have never seen anyone go that far off. He must have a huge battery and a super powerful transmitter. Looks like he is just running stock stuff from the beginning of the video but what
I am developing my own autopilot system with arduino Mega 2560 i added most features that the arducopter has like gps position hold, waypoint, point of interest but the thing that i cant be success is altitude hold. I am usning Bosch BMP085 barometri
I have had a quad fall twice in 2 days during autotune, I may have posted it in the wrong forum, not sure. Could you guys look over my logs and give me an idea whats going on?
Hello everybody, I need to know if the quadrotor "ASC TEC Pelican" can reach a height of 300 meters, or if there is any other quadrotors that can reach this height with a payload of 500g. It is important for my project at the university. Would anyone h
I just updated APM to 3.1-rc-4 , did the live calibration and tried to take it out for a simple run and it wont arm. Is there a new arming scheme other than turning the left stick to the far right??
As a newbie, I think having some LED along the arms would help with initial learning curve to allow for a better visual attitude of the copter. Can LEDs be added easily and if so, roughly how? Where would they get their power? Could they be progra
I posted on here a few days ago with a auto problem but didnt hear anything back. After installing the external compass I tested it will stab - loiter - RTL and it was ok.. Not great but ok. I then did a very short auto mission with a take off one w
When I set a waypoint I see 'Delay', 'HIT RAD' and 'YAW ANGLE'. I would guess Yaw Angle is the orientation of the copter while it travels away from the waypoint? I guess delay is how long the copter will stay at the waypoint but I am not sure what
Hi I was doing some testing with my Hex in auto mode. I planned a takeoff 2 way points and rtl. 100 foot alt for the whole deal. The machine left here fine rose to 100 feet and went to way point 2. Upon getting to 2 and just as it headed to 3 the thi