Hi, let me introduce my latest plan, a 300-sized FPV quadrocopter. My goal was to design a small 3D printed quadrocopter that can be printed on any cheaper DIY 3D printer. Additionally I wanted to simplify wiring and maintenance. So I decided to make a modular design. The hard-cased battery is fixed by small clips and can be replaced really fast. The front and rear arms are also modular, only 4 screws have to be removed before get out the arms. So for example, a complete pre-wired and assembled arm can be taken out to field as a replacement part. After a crash, can be replaced.
I tried to design the frame as closed as it can be, with maximum strength. As I said, all parts can be printed by a simple and cheap DIY printer too (the only requirement is at least 250 mm long table on printer), without support material!!! (I printed some test parts using a Makerbot, now the first complete prototype is under printing.). All parts will take around 250 ccm modell material, so will weight around 260 g in total of ABS.
Here are the most important dimensions:

Here are some cool features. First, the modular design:

Hard-cased battery (up to 114 x 38 x 24,2 mm battery size):

Custom PCB for RCTimer ESCs:

2 types of different Mobius vibration dampened mounts, can be adjusted in two positions (up by 10 degrees or level):

Any 1806 sized motors can be used (like DYS 1806), with props up to 6":
I designed a vibration dampened flight controller mounting too, for 30x30 hole positions:

Separated space for VTX, to help heat dissipation:
These parts are required for building:
- 2 pair of green Multiplex connectors (6-pin)
- 1 pair of XT60 connector (and additionally as much as much battery case needed)
- 8 to 22 mm long DIN 7981 2,2 DIA plastic screws (or similar type)
- 8 pcs of small blue HK dampene
Additional parts list:
- FLight controller with 30x30 hole spacing (for example VR micro brain?! :) )
- Power distribution board with 30x30 hole positions (I suggest the HK one, with built-in BEC and V-I measurements)
- 4 pcs of ESC (I suggest RCTimer Argonaut 20A, my custom PDB is designed for them)
- 4 pcs of props, up to 6"
- small RC receiver
- Mobius HD (or similar sized HD camera)
- Video TX (I'll use DAL 600)
- some M3 plastic screws, spacers, nuts
- mini Telemetry module (optional)
- mini OSD (optional)
- GPS receiver with 30x30 hole spacing (optional)
I suppose the AUW will be around 650 g which is, I think, quite acceptable for this size.
Since I spent many-many hours on design and parts testing, I can't share STL files for free, I hope everybody undestands my position. I even have to collect money on additional electronics for my prototype too (I'll post pictures once I finnished printing, assembly)...
So finally I decided to sell the complete STL package for 39 USD. Payment can be done by Paypal, email me for details (nhadrian@gmail.com)! The other reason is that I never get any donation related my work...
*** CAUTION - 1***
Please note that this is a prototype project not a final market product.
I'll not take care of any damages caused by faulty assembly or inproper printing result.
I'll not guarantee successful printing, since it depends on printer setup, used technology, etc...
*** CAUTION - 2***
Please note that I made the design regarding my current needs. I won't modify any of them for further requests (ie. other type of camera, FC, etc.) unless you pay my efforts, since I'm doing this in my limited spare time.
***CAUTION - 3***
And, as always, use it on your own risk!!!
Thanks for understanding...!
I hope you like my design, Best Regards
PS.: special thanks to Sys-ak for his support in this project!