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ArduPilot and Jasons Sim. Realtime 3D

It was exciting for me to see Jasons Sim working in 3D, so I thought I would share a pic

>> With the minor modification shown below which adjusts the climbrates

// guess the climb rate

// --------------------

if(pitch_sensor >= 0){

climb_rate = (pitch_sensor * (CLIMBRATE_UP/100) * (long)dTnav) / 90000L;


climb_rate = (pitch_sensor * (CLIMBRATE_DOWN/100) * (long)dTnav) / 90000L;


current_loc.alt += climb_rate;

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3D Robotics

Badass British stealth drone

We don't cover military UAVs here, but I'll make an exception on design grounds for this one. Just look at it!

From BoingBoing:

"British empire presents new kite to Lord Vader

Britain's Ministry of Defense announced this unmanned fighter jet today, the Tiranus. Named for the Celtic god of bad-assery, it looks markedly more sinister than America's one, itself revealed in May. There's something about that blue-gray hangar ... it reminds me of something.

Photo: Sienar Fleet Systems.

MoD lifts lid on unmanned combat plane prototype [BBC]"

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3D Robotics

RC control via WiFi (and iPhone)

From MakeZine: "From the MAKE Forums:

If you've been looking for a way to control your robotic project over a WiFi, then you might want to take a look at the Remote Control Over IP (RCOIP) project by Mike McCauley. He uses a lot of complicated words, but it's basically a communication protocol to do RC-style control over an Internet connection.

Of course, you can't connect directly to a traditional RC device using your laptop, so you will need to substitute your radio receiver for an Arduino with a WiFi shield, and put the RCKit library on it. For the controller end, you could use another Arduino or a computer. He's also got a (nonfree) iPhone control app, which allows you to control your creation using a simulated touchscreen RC controller.

There are probably a bunch of different protocols that people use for this, such as Open Sound Controller- do you have a favorite?"

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Boeing taps hydrogen for Phantom Eye UAV

Boeing on Monday unveiled a potential new eye in the sky, this one powered by hydrogen fuel.

The Phantom Eye, an unmanned aerial vehicle from the company's Phantom Works division, is expected to make its first flight early next year. Boeing is pitching the demonstrator UAV as a "first of its kind" aircraft that "could open up a whole new market in collecting data and communications."

A decade into the 21st century, surveillance drones are nothing new considering the now long-running successes of aircraft such as the Predator and the Global Hawk. What sets the Phantom Eye apart is the hydrogen propulsion system. Although hydrogen has been bandied about for some time as an alternative energy source, it has yet to progress much beyond the novelty stage.

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Ardupilot 2.6 Autolaunch tested

Tested the autolaunch function this weekend.

Launch altitude was set to 25 meters so it went almost instantly to WP1 after launch.

Next time I will try a higher launch altitude.

This was the last flight of the day the lipo was empty as can been seen at the end of the video the plane could not hold altitude.

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Android GCS/PFD (proof of concept)

I played with an Android phone and UAV Playground and ported some of my GCS/PFD code.

- FlightGear flight simulator is controlled by UAVsim
- UAVsim receives FlightGear telemetry data and sends it to an Android device via Bluetooth
- Android device graphically displays the telemetry data
- Android device uses text to speech to announce telemetry data

What's it good for?
It's a proof of concept that should demonstrate what an Android phone is capable of.
It's not a ready to use GCS or PFD and I haven't planned to include the code into a next release of UAV Playground.

My opinion
- The Eclipse Android IDE makes programming an Android device supersimple
- Once you've got the concept behind Android then it's more or less just Java and OpenGL programming
- The performance of the Samsung I5700 (800 MHz + GPU) is surprisingly good at a cost of only $300

What's next?
I'll connect a Bluetooth adapter to an XBee to receive live telemetry data on the Android phone.

Update 08/14/10
Yesterday I made some successful test flights with Intermezzo 100. In the setup I used an ArduPilot, two XBee Pro modules and a BlueSMiRF Gold Bluetooth module from Sparkfun. As this is just a serial connection from the plane to the Android device, I used my SimpleSerialization library for the Arduino to serialize and deserialize the telemetry data.

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My Dynam Hawk Sky power plant upgrade>>>>>>>>

I recently have had very bad luck with my dynam hawk sky as you can see by the amount of gorilla glue and duct tape. So far I have sliced the wing off by running into a field goal post at a football field, hit trees twice, and ran it full speed onto the top of the roof of my local high school...but glue and tape can solve anything :)...with the extra weight from the tape and the glue I decided to upgrade to two 400 speed microjet v3 motors and 2 20amp ESC's to power this beast. I hot glued the wooden adapter to the wings and it holds up just fine. I also am going to be running 3 blade 6 by 4 props to get a clean crisp sound. Tomorrow I will testing this setup and I hope it works out well
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I have finished my Arduino based pulse width modulated (PWM) hot wire cutter controller. It allows precise USB or analog temperature control of a hot wire of length from 10cm to 2m for use with manual cutters or CNC based cutter. The PSU is extermal (battery or PSU) The 12v power is attached to the GND and + 12V terminals. The + to the hotwire is attached on the red terminal on the top. The current return thru the FET is connected to the black return terminal. An FTDI board can be attached to the Arduino thru the "programming window".

What do you think :) ?

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Want to meet in the real world

This is my first post here. Chris has kindly introduced my project in his post a month ago. I have years of experience with R/C but no experience with drones. I wonder how can I meet some of the people who post here and see their aircraft in action.

The photo is one of my smaller models, a 5 1/4 inch, 2 gram Geobat.

I am in Sunnyvale, Calif.

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Stuck to a measly 200ft because of lack of horizontal space.

Still got a glimpse of Monterey airport.

The main event was not knowing where North was, the resulting loss of control, & spending most of our laptop battery power troubleshooting the loss of control. Flight operations were eventually stopped by laptop battery exhaustion.

Had her go into uncontrolled flips again in manual mode but managed to regain control. If a motor gets too slow it'll stall & the ESC will shut down. Eventually it'll restart & hopefully facing up. The 12x6's are so close to their stall speed this happens all the time in manual mode.



The run of flying was bound to end with SUNNYVALE HELL. Either an ESC is bad, the ESC's are designed to stall at a low RPM, or she was near too many C-130's & caught a virus, but this was another total loss. She started flipping for no reason at 255ft & hit the grass upside down with the engines cut off.

Last shot before impact

Last decent shot before impact.

Last decent shot.

Interesting radar dish.

Pulverized again. Another crash with pride brought to you by U. Know. Where..

Flight recordings showed these flips happening in both directions, the ESC's looked good under the microscope. Down to PWM going below limits & putting them into safe mode.

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Here is a project I've been working with for several days,
and after 2 bluetooth modules and a Corona 2.4ghz exploded, I finally get the connection between my smartphone and a microchip pic plugged with a bluetooth module.

As my Corona transmitter died I used my Spektrum DX6i as transmitter via the trainer port.

The video show the man a little shakky, this is because I'm only sending commands at 5Hz for start, I'll try to obtain a minimum of 10Hz latter.

The movement I'm doing at start is to give the software the boundary of the accelerator module.


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3D Robotics

PixHawk competing at IMAV 2010

Our Swiss friends continue to impress with a new, lighter version of their PixHawk quad with optical navigation, which is competing at IMAV 2010 this week. From the team's update:

"We participated in the Indoor Autonomy and Indoor Dynamics missions. The Indoor Dynamics did start with some technical difficulties, we could not transmit the start signal any more to the helicopter because of heavy interferences on the 2.4 GHz link (which was fine during training). However as our approach is purely based on onboard computation, we changed the strategy for the second mission (Indoor Dynamics) and just automatically started after turning on the rotors.

That mission went better - we could fly autonomously and demonstrated for the first time on the International Micro Air Vehicle competition an onboard computer vision system. Our localization is based on articial markers. The flight inside the competition times was not perfect, but shortly afterwards we captured the video below, showing a fully autonomous flight in a figure eight at the IMAV 2010 Indoor Dynamics setup.

Tomorrow is the IMAV 2010 Outdoor Competition day and we'll enjoy the full day spectating the outdoor teams competing. We'll also bring our equipment, maybe we can help somebody out with a screwdriver or tweezers."

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