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3D Robotics

Random images from the ArduCopter dev team mailing list this week. They're doing world-class work--amazing to watch! Stay tuned for product announcements...

Above: Base plate prototypes made with the CNC machine, some of them anodized, some powder coated. These are anodized. (all from Ken McEwan)

Aluminum, powder coated.

Power distribution PCB, from Jani Hirvinen

Motor mount, from Sandro Benigno.

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3D Robotics
Great news! Jordi has now released the awesome new (and tiny!) 10Hz Mediatek GPS module attached to an adapter that makes it 100% ArduPilot (and ArduIMU and ArduPilot Mega) compatible. All in one--no soldering required--and you won't believe how small it is! (And just $38.95!) It's preloaded with custom DIY Drones firmware so it outputs an efficient binary protocol optimized for UAV use. Sample code is provide here and will be added to ArduPilot, ArduIMU and ArduPilot Mega over the next month.

We like this one a lot. It's nearly as good as the uBlox module, but cheaper and smaller. We'll be supporting it as a recommended GPS module going forward.

Here's the product description:

State-of-the-art 66 channels MediaTek MT3329 GPS Engine

High sensitivity: Up to -165dBm tracking, superior urban performance
USB/UART Interface
Build-in patch antenna for optimal sensitivity
DGPS(WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS) support (optional by firmware)
Maximum update rate : up to 10Hz (optional by firmware)
RoHS compliant

Note that the new MediaTek has custom and exclusive "DIYDrones" firmware that allows the unit to output an efficient and very compressed binary protocol. You can still change between NMEA and Binary protocol with standard MTK messages, and switch the refresh rate between 1hz to 10hz, or set any standard serial baud rate (by default is set to 38400 bps and custom binary protocol).

-Based on MediaTek Single Chip Architecture.
-Dimension:16mm x 16mm x 6mm
-L1 Frequency, C/A code, 66 channels
-High Sensitivity:Up to -165dBm tracking, superior urban performances
-Position Accuracy:< 3m CEP (50%) without SA (horizontal)
-Cold Start is under 35 seconds (Typical)
-Warm Start is under 34 seconds (Typical)
-Hot Start is under 1 second (Typical)
-Low Power Consumption:48mA @ acquisition, 37mA @ tracking
-Low shut-down current consumption:15uA, typical
-DGPS(WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS) support (optional by firmware)
-USB/UART Interface
-Support AGPS function ( Offline mode : EPO valid up to 14 days )
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ArduIMU/Ap test platform ready!!

Hello all,

Developers of this combined project, Thanks!

Ugly and dirty, the system is ready to roll tomorrow, the bench tests all went well, although I think that the elevator amplitude (gain) isn't enough when in stabilize, which probably will happen also with RTL mode.

More to come, tomorrow.

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EZ430-Chronos as Telemetry system


Some month ago TI developped a watch based on there super low current 430 ic,
in it you can find a µc, a triple axis accelerometer, a pressure sensor, and a 868Mhz RF chip with antenna.
they also give the sdk for cooking custom apps...

And all of this is sold ... 50$...

Pretty cool, except that I had to wait 3 month to have one...

Maybe I'm not the first to do this, but I added a variometer function to the altimeter module and to the RF module to be able to send the vario Data to the computer ;)



I'll try to make a video of this ;)

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Proposing a type of configuration tracker

Hello All,

I've mentioned this before briefly in a couple of posts, but I'd like to pose it in a bit more formal way.

I also ride off-road motorcycles. A 2005 CRF450x to be exact. Fun bike, but it's a hobby, and there's a lot to learn and tinker with.

On my 450x community, we have a very detailed thread on people's setups. Year, mods, carb jetting, suspension settings, type of rider, weight, location, etc...

This helps enormously to answer newbie questions on what is the "cherry" setup for a given persons weight and bike year. There are some fundamental changes that make these bikes haul (and reliable), and it's great to see how people with similar goals (and bellies) set up their bikes.

I'd like to recommend a similar resource for this community. I know there are a couple of recommended setups. But I think real world success and details really speaks volumes. I'll leave the formal vehicle (sticky?) up to the site experts, but perhaps I can suggest a draft of the contents.

(Name and location are already covered)

Radio Tx/Rx: HK T6A
Airframe: Easystar, rudder only
Motor: HXT 2200kv brushless
ESC?: Turnigy 30A plush
Battery: 2200mAh 3S 20C Lipo
Prop: 5.5 x 4.5 Prop
COG: ~55mm back from leading edge
Common Modifications: CF support in boom, magnets in canopy/wing joint, larger rudder
Autopilot: Std. Ardupilot with blue shield
Airspeed: Connected
Throttle: Connected
Manetometer: No
GPS: uBlox5
IMU or Thermopile: Thermopile
AP Code level: 2.6.1
Telemetry: xBee Pro
Groundstation: Std. Labview / Putty log conversion to KML
Advanced Antenna Systems: none
Advanced Vision Systems: none
Open Items: Flyable, Still tuning PIDs
Attach header file: AP_2_6_header.h

The thought is basically people take a couple minutes of their time to copy/paste/replace their current successes, and post new ones as they hit new highs.

What do you guys think? I think it would not only spark interest and conversation with people who have similar or desired setups, but theoretically it would minimize the basic questions from people new to the hobby.

Let me know...thanks!


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We all know it's easy to display information on Google Earth, like the position of a UAV. However getting information back, like the GPS coordinates of a mouse click, is another story. I really wanted to give my LabView GroundStation for my UGV SAGAR the ability the to 'click and go' anywhere on the Google Earth map. This is similar to the various wishes I have heard around here for the ability to upload new waypoints to ArduPilot while she's flying.

Well, I figured out how to do it, and I'm here to share. Here's a video of my sample LabView VI that reads in the GPS coordinates of the mouse over the Google Earth map, captures the position of a left mouse click, and feeds it back into Google Earth through the well known network KML file.

The Source code is available at my website here

The opens the door to new GroundStation features, like "Click and Go" during a flight. Also, it could mean the retiring of ConfigTool, as all mission planning and status could be done through a single LabView VI with Google Earth.
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I would like to share my art and DIY project. Beatfly is a small illuminating blimp, whose light and movement can be controlled via various interfaces such as MIDI controller, iPhone, Flash interface on a web site, computer keyboard, mobile phones and voice, and music. It is based on Arduino and its technical resources are published as open source. Beatfly DIY kit is also available for $65 (You need Arduino FIO, XBees and other electronic parts too).

Please visit our website!
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ArduCopter Hexa First outdoor test

Hi ,
this is the first video of early test doing on Hexafox that using my branch of Arducopter firmware .
The hardware is MultiBoard because I'm waiting APM from Chris .. ;) Now I'm implemented Matrixtable , I2C Bl-ctr and a RPC server for sharing the sensor on Multisensor Board .

The main board control, Multipilot Board :
  • Gyro.
  • Accelerometer.
  • Radio RX.
The second board interface the sensor :
  • 4 Ir-sensor.
  • 1 Sonar.
  • 1 GPS.
  • 1 Magnetometer.
The comunication between the board using RPC protocol with binary payload and CRC control.

all the code is avaible update daily on my repository :

or on arducopter repository :

Some news and update about the status of project is on my blog here : and on this thread on Diydrones.

I need more help to set the PID ;)

In the next day I start to test GPS Hold and Sonar automatic altitude . That's function is yet implemented in the code .

Roberto (FOXTEAM ArduCopter DEVTEAM)
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Specifically designed for Hobbyking range of board cameras. Light weight
and easy to install. Price is US$ 4.99


Our HobbyKing FPV mount system is a great way to mount your FPV board camera. Special included bearings make pan and tilt smooth and bind free. Kit includes bearings, screws, ball/socket, threaded rod and pre-cut fiberglass board. Specifically designed for our 1/3 inch sony CCD video camera.

Dimensions: 42x40mm
Weight: 10g
Servo type required: 5~10g

Stock Arrival: 12/July

Pre-order here:

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Sneak peak at the new AttoPilot v2.0 line up

Here is a sneak peak at the the new AttoPilot v2.0

AttoPilot v2.0 will be replacing v1.8 & v1.9 and be available in 4 flavors.

AttoPilot 6DOF IMU

AttoPilot v2.0 Thermopile

AttoPilot RTL
(Same as above...)

AttoPilot PPK

Pricing is still being confirmed, you can expect price drops across the complete range starting at around $250 for the PPK.

RTL will be cheaper than the v2.0 waypoint unit.

IMU system is looking at coming down significantly also.

Documentation & specifications should be ready within the week, once everything has been confirmed and stock has arrived the AttoPilot International website will be updated with all the new info.

Cant wait to try the RTL in my Multiplex Fox ;)

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AUVSI SUAS Compeition 2010

Overall Results
  1. North Carolina State University
  2. Mississippi State University
  3. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (Blackbird)
  4. Sherbrooke University (VAMUdes)
  5. University of California at San Diego
Best Flight - North Carolina State University
Best Journal - University of California at San Diego
Best Oral Presentation - ???
Safety Award - VAMUdeS, University of Sherbrooke.

Prize Barrels
Automatic Target Identification
  • University of Texas at Austin
High Accuracy Target Finding
  • Rutgers University
  • Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (SOAR)
  • Florida International University
Pop-up Target
  • Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (Blackbird)
Actionable Intelligence
  • Utah State University
  • North Carolina State University

North Carolina State University
- Cloud Cap Piccolo LT
- 8ft Modified Telemaster

Mississippi State University
- Cloud Cap Piccolo LT
- Large carbon fiber gas powered plane

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (Blackbird)
- Cloud Cap Piccolo II
- Small electric hand lanched

Sherbrooke University (Élise)
- Micropilote
- Long thin aircraft with four props for quad-copter like VTOL (only two engines used in horizontal flight)

Air Force Academy
- Cloud Cap Piccolo II
- High wing electric trainer

Utah State University
- Paparazzi
- Foam blended wing-body with rudder and elevator set back on booms

Embry Riddle Aeronautical University (SOAR)
- Ardupilot
- Easystar

Oakland University
- Quad-copter

- Helicopter
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Yesterday, my GentleLady sailplane, under the guidance of MatrixPilot running on a UAV Devboard with an EM406 GPS and Jordi's magnetometer, achieved 3 consecutive autonomous flights, with the transmitter off most of the time. The above picture shows the tracks of the three landings. Waypoints 18 and 19 were arranged so that the plane was supposed to land halfway between them. The closest landing was 6 meters from the target, the farthest was 21 meters.

Here is how the flight sequence worked:

1. Power up with Tx on.

2. Shut off Tx, this causes the fail safe on my Rx to trigger MatrixPilot to go into waypoint mode.

3. Hand launch the sailplane.

4. Sailplane makes two circuits around the field and lands.

5. Turn on the Tx, this puts MatrixPilot back in manual mode.

6. Turn off Tx, this puts MatrixPilot back in waypoint mode.

Repeat 3 times.

Here are the three flight paths around the field:

Here is the side view of the landings:

You can watch an animated view of the flight track on Google Earth with this kmz file: LOG00122.kmz.

The kmz files are produced by a tool that Peter Hollands put together that reads the telemetry and generates the kmz file. It has some nice features, including displaying the orientation of the plane, the waypoints, the wind vectors, and magnetic field vectors.

Simply download the kmz file and double click on it, Google Earth will open it. You will not see any flight tracks when you open it, but there will be an animation tool visible that you can use to animate the tracks, and/or select portions for viewing.

There will also be items in the layers visibility for you to turn the display of the tracks, waypoints, etc., on and off.

If you are interested in looking at them, here are two other files associated with the flights.

First, there is the raw telemetry file:


There is an excel spreadsheet with key telemetry items:


I want to thank all of the members of the UDB team for their contributions, especially Ben, Peter, Adam, Ric, Sid, and Rana. You guys are always there for me. Thank you Jordi, for your magnetometer breakout board.

And thank you very much, Chris Anderson, for your encouragement and for this website.

Best regards,

Bill Premerlani

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This week in unemployment

Flight test photos. It sux, but renaming a ship is bad luck. We still
fly ships named after Russian Heroine. Scorpio is very prominent this
time of year, providing an ironic background.

So in using a model to aid Marcy-1 navigation, the velocity due to
cyclic is always a sine wave in all 3 dimensions resulting from all 3
controls over time. Your goal is to integrate the sine wave over enough
time to predict future position.

The neural network implementation ended up a lot simpler than it was in 2007,
but can't be applied to Vika 1 without serious magic to work with a 3
DOF IMU. Leaning towards finishing the back propagation through time we
started in 2008. It has long been a dream to have a lightweight,
recurrent neural network library.

Well, that actually showed the neural network managed to stabilize the X
direction. Not getting the weather needed to give it control of the Y

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First flight coming up!

Hey Guys.

4712248374_fd0d27630c_m.jpgJust wanted to let you know that after what seems like ages playing with wires and getting things working, it looks like we are about to take to the air for the first time with the Ardupilot and ArduIMU installed and active. 'We' are a team of three from the UK ( Jim, Paul and Iestyn) who have decided to get into UAVs for the engineering challenge. Iestyn and Paul (but not me!) have solid RC plane experience, while I'm bringing the Arduino and software experience. If the weather is in our favour, we hope to fly some time next week. Progress has been tortuously slow, as we are only able to work on this and fly during lunch hours at work!

The plan is to fly on manual with all the systems installed and wired up, so that we can make sure we are comfortable with the weight load, power and COG. If we are happy we will flick it over to stabilisation mode and see how the gains look and feel. Before flying we'll do a full test of the systems on the ground, including checking for servo reversing.

I don't think there are any questions right now that haven't been answered in the forums or the on-line docs, but I would like to just check a couple of things. We are going to be using a DX6i radio to fly with, but it only has a two position switch (I'm planning on using the 'gear up/down') for the (mode) control line. I don't think this will be a problem will it? (other than only having one AP option to fly with!). When the switch is toggled, which mode will be active? (Stabilisation or Fly-By-Wire? (I've not changed the defaults)).

Has anyone got any useful advice for our first flight? Perhaps things they know now which would have been useful back then. What can we expect to see in an airframe running in stabilisation mode that is running with stock settings for the gains, big oscillations?

I'm planning on trying to capture telemetry via the laptop through a pair of Xbee's. They are the low power versions so I they will be dropping in and out of range quite often. I haven't got my head around the various Ground Station projects yet, in fact I plan on writing my own (yet another half baked GS). Is there a link to the autopilot telemetry protocol, and perhaps a recommended existing GS project? (I'm sorry, I've not done any research here, I should be able to find these myself).

I'm keeping a project wiki for this, you can see it here if you are interested. I'll post back with results good or otherwise...

Wish us luck and light winds!


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AGV update--- Custom Controller


Parts list:

It is programmed on the side via a FTDI cable. The lipo's charging cable comes out of the top so it can be charged without having to open up the controller.


This custom controller allows for more options and modes than a normal, off of the shelf controller.

Some modes and features might include:

  • RC mode
  • GPS waypoint mode
  • Sending new GPS cordinates
  • Return to home (back track of GPS waypionts)
  • RC mode with Compass assistance (like keep on x heading)
  • Kill switch
  • Adjustment during GPS waypoint mode
  • Speed control via sliding pot
  • And so much more....

The xbee adapter plugs into the FTDI port with a homemade male to male adapter

RC control will have the option of using the joystick on board the controller, the wii nunchuck's joystick, or the wii nunchuck's accelerometer.

When i get the money i hope to update to this rc truck as my AGV. As you may know, right now i am using a cheap hummer from Walmart.

I have also made my own AGV arduino PCBs. I just sent the gerber files off to seeedstudio yesterday and in a few weeks they will arrive. But more on this later.

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