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DIY DRONES, amazing forum, unfriendly store

Hi all,

ok.. it was my fault. I usually buy online, I usually pay immediatly (because i'm an honest guy) and I wait for my items.

This time happens to me, probably the first time, to realize i've bought wrong items.
I would like to build my first quadcopter and Arducopter project is interesting.. but Arducopter project is at the first, alpha, stage. So.. probably not a good project, not a tested software for my purpose.
Probably not tested hardware ... will I be surprised if a new version will be released soon, after first delivery ?

After understood that, i said "Ok.. no problem.. OilPan shield is in pre-order". So.. probably i can ask to cancel my order, because items are not available yet and it's impossible they already ship them.

After 2 days I've sent an email to ask to cancel my order. Answer is :

"Once orders have been payed for they cannot be canceled. This is specified under the payment information when you check out to place you order"

That's all!

Fine.. No itemes available (pre-order), but no money back. I can not cancel my order. I could agree to pay, i don't know, we can say ...10% of cost, as "Order Management fee". No.. it's not possible.

This is just a warning for buyers : read carefully "Term & Conditions" before buy anything !!
It's not a school test : here you can not do a mistake !

What happens now ? Ok.. i will wait for OilPain.. and i will not buy at this store anymore.


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I haven't quite got enough cash to outfit my Skywalker airframe yet, so I've installed the new AttoPilot v1.9 RTL into my Multiplex Funjet to play around with the tuning / have some fun ;)

This is the new RTL which features a rectangular return to home path, when you engage RTL the aircraft will cover a 500m x 200m path centered around the area where you switched on RTL.
Once this path has been flown the aircraft returns to home and loiters above.

My grand idea is to have the Skywalker fitted with a nice 10megapixel camera looking straight down, along with a nice FPV setup to remotely fly and trigger the RTL at an area. The system would then just map the area automatically, once its done I can choose to fly it to another area and repeat the process straight away.

Anyway, the Atto-Funjet is just to get some experience tuning the autopilot & see how nicely we can get it flying the RTL path.

I'll post up all the onboard video, KML's and SET file changes as I go along.

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Paradrone : a paraglider drone

here is my project : an autonomous in thermal drone.
No motor, able to use the only thermal energy to climb.
I started this project 2 month ago, I did the first glider prototype and pod:





And did my first try with non-autonomous flight :

Now the pod has cam and 2.4ghz emitter and I finished my interface computer->DX6i in order to drive everything...

next to come.
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Drone Fish (AUV fish) Lead Real Fish to Safety


Robot fish take over schools, lead real fish to safety
Popular Science (1/6/10) Boyle, Rebecca

A New York University researcher is building a series of robotic fish that could enter into a school of real fish and take over their maneuvers. It could herd the fish away from dangers, such as underwater turbines. The research the leader fish robot is based on determined that the fish in the school that beats its tail fastest is the one that gets the attention of a school.

No word yet on which IMU or Kalman filter they've chosen.

Full story here.

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iDrone announced!

Yesterday, Steve Jobs announced the iPhone 4g... and to my ears, he was really announcing not the latest phone from apple, but the "iDrone". As I heard him talk about the new gyro built into the phone... I started adding the feature set... a fast CPU, lots of memory, built in GPS, compass, accelerometer and now a gyro... of course it could pilot a UAV!

With the built in cameras, it could do photo and video recon... and since it has two cameras (provided they can both be made to operate at the same time), add a couple of mirrors and the craft could do 3D images in real time... to assist in terrain mapping or landing.

It sports a good set of software development tools and on the whole, probably weighs less than all of the same components placed together, and at only $200 it's ecoconomical.

This is a project that could really get off the ground!

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Aerial Mapping with multicopter

Hello all, I've been toying around with the MikroKopter Hexakopter as a tool for aerial mapping and photogrammetry. After a few weeks of learning the ins and outs of the system, I finally had some time on the weekend to test the system for mapping.

In short, we placed Ground Control Points (GCPs) around a man-made ponding area at roughly ten meter intervals (~40 x 30 m in total area). The GCPs were shot in with a deferentially-corrected GPS (~0.1 m horizontal and ~0.2m vertical resolution) and with a Total Data Station (>0.03m vertical and horizontal resolution). We then flew the Hexakopter at 40m above the ground surface in an east-west grid pattern with a photograph being taken straight down every 10 m or so. The camera used was an off the self Canon A540.

The photographs were processed to remove most distortion and dropped into a photogrammetry program. A 0.05 m resolution DEM and 0.02 m photomosaic was created from 22 images. It took about two hours to collect the photographs, and shoot in the GCPs with both the DGPS and TDS. Processing of the imagery was nearly flawless and took about two hours as well. This time can probably be reduced to an hour or less.

Compared to doing this same process with a kite or blimp, I am very impressed with the Mikrokopter (and multi-copters in general) as a platform for high resolution, low altitude mapping. Let me know what you think.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be testing the same process in at a couple of archaeological sites in the southwestern US. I'll share some of those results when they are complete.

Can't wait to play with the truly opensource Ardupilot!


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3D Robotics

More Chinese UAVs hitting the market

From the product listing (I've pinged them for more info and a price):

"Clairvoyance" UAV is an small electrically powered UAV and it is to be used in Short-range surveillance.It plays an important role in reconnaissance and aerial photography equipped with Webcam,digital camera and microwave devices. It is compact, lightweight, and it is also easy to operate and maintain. During flight operation, it can fly according to the scheduled routes and the adjustable waypoints.Data and images can be transmitted at the same time.Horizontal resolution of the Webcam :420 TV lines. Effective Communication Distance :20km. It is a tactical reconnanissance UAV with national advanced level which recently launched by our company.

wingspan: 1100mm
Body length: 900mm
Load: 200g
Take-off gross weight: 2200g
maximum thrust:1350g
Cruising speed: 40-60km/h
flying height: 20-2000m
Endurance: 20-50min
Maximum wind: 4
Landing: hand rolls"

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Photo credit: Wired January 2006 article on Stanley, Stanford's entry into the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge:

This is a great talk by Sebastian at Google on winning the DARPA Grand Challenge:

The autonomous stunt helicopters we mention are a project run by Andrew Ng, a colleague of Sebastian's at Stanford. Check out the project's website if you missed earlier posts linking to it:

Also, anyone who's website is "" you know is just awesome.

Apologies on the audio—we both took recordings but it gets a bit muffled when we walk down hallways single file.
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Tedrocopter Frame

As most of you know, the booms/arms are T-Rex 600 tail booms. I've cut the booms to 33cm and connected them to a 4-way 1/2" PVC connector (from Lowes). Screw holes are drilled 7mm from the edge of PVC connector. The body, which will hold the Arduino Duemilanove and Aeroquad 1.7 shield (amongst other things), is a simple 7" x 3" project box from RadioShack. To connect everything, so far I've decided to use 6-32 threads with lock nut washers - each lock nut has a rubber washer after it to help with vibration. I'm still unsure about the land gear... I'd like the quad to float but I have yet to find anything with sufficient buoyancy.

Pontoon Style (maybe?)

Long legs for aerial photography?

6-32 thread & lock nut to hold PVC to tail booms

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Zhichuan ZCC210N compass

Hey everybody, I'm attaching the code written by me for the Zhichuan zcc210N 2-axis magnetometer compass module. It's cheap, supports I2C interface and spits out data pretty good, including Direction (N-NE-E-SE, ecc) and angle (0-360°). Tested on Arduino pro mini. Frrrrresh.

NOTE I wasn't able to clearly understand how calibration is made. However the compass works fine even without calibration; google "zcc210n datasheet" for further info.

Note2: you have to input your local magnetic declination and deviation angles in the respective tabs for true north correction.

Bon apetit.


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EM406: busted!

Ciao to everybody, just want you to know that today I finally made my EM406, ArduIMU and Ardupilot work together with a simple trick. From we see that the output baud rate of the infamous EM406 is 4800 bps. Adjusting the code for arduIMU, ardupilot to work at 4800 everything works very fast, ever without the "first time" GPS locking procedure. All right.
The only problem is that one might desire a higher than 4800 output rate. Argh, I am a very newbie to arduino and I am still searching for the solution.


So, with the help of Hopslink, I finally got it all working.

This made my arduIMU connect with the so-hatred EM406 module without using the NMEA protocol.

If you make arduPilot communicate with arduIMU @ 38400 bps you're really done. That's it.

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3D Robotics

Synchonized/mated quadcopters

From BotJunkie:

"Quadrotors are getting smarter and more talented, but besides surveillance, their usefulness is a bit limited due to their size. Where one little helicopter fails, however, an assemblage of little helicopters might be able to succeed. The Distributed Flight Array is a project from the Institute of Dynamic Systems and Control at ETH Zurich that aims to combine a bunch of different little autonomous helicopters into a big glob of autonomous helicopters. Each helicopter unit has its own motor, computer, and sensors, and can wirelessly communicate with all the other units. In addition to flying, they also have little motorized wheels underneath to let them crawl around the ground.

There are all kinds of ways in which a distributed flight array could be useful. One of the most obvious is heavy lifting… Got something heavy? Call in a bunch of robots to combine and lift it. Got something heavier? Call in a bunch more. If one robot breaks, it’s not a big deal, since you can just swap in another one. The robots are even able to adapt on the fly to keep the entire array stable, so adding and removing individual robots is relatively straightforward. Still, getting the robots to reliably dock with each other in mid air is probably easier said than done… We’ll definite be looking forward to seeing some video of that in action."

[ DFA ]

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3D Robotics

Dancing quads

Another bit of quad goodness from BotJunkie:

"You can do some pretty incredible things with quadrotors in a precision motion capture environment. Angela Schöllig, Federico Augugliaro, and Raffaello D’Andrea from the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control at ETH Zürich in Switzerland have taught a pair of robot helicopters to dance in sync with a techno remix of the theme from Pirates of the Caribbean. Why? Well, why not? I imagine, though, that this demonstration is part of a larger research path towards enabling cooperative (or swarm, if you will) behaviors.

The environment that these quadrotors are dancing in is a 10m square box with netting on the sides and padding at the bottom, which allows for crazy moves with minimal risk to either the robots or nearby humans. At the top of the box are eight high speed cameras that are able to provide localization information with millimeter level of accuracy at a frequency of 200hz or greater. This means that you’re not likely to witness moves like this outside of a controlled and besensored space… At least, not until vision sensors and inertial measurement units get accurate enough, small enough, and cheap enough to put on the copters themselves.

[ IDSC ]"

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Stryker IMU SET file

I have been asked if I would mind supplying the SET file for my Stryker. See attached. Please keep in mind if you plan on using this with a differnet AP other then Atto then P and D gains may be way far off. Our scaling factors may not meet eye to eye. I also have added rudders for active yaw dampening.


$1,Mix Enable = 1 ' 0 or 1 allowed. Enable flag for Elevon/V-tail mixing. 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE
$2,Mix Servo1 Sign = -1 ' -1 or 1 allowed. If Mixing for Elevon/V-tail is enabled, this is Elevon 1 servo direction
$3,Mix Servo2 Sign = 1 ' -1 or 1 allowed. If Mixing for Elevon/V-tail is enabled, this is Elevon 2 servo direction

$4,Servo 1 Gain = 9 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Aileron, or with elevons it is the aileron component of the mix
$5,Servo 2 Gain = 18 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Elevator, or with elevons it is the elevator component of the mix
$6,Servo 3 Gain = 12 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Throttle
$7,Servo 4 Gain = 0 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Rudder
$8,Servo 5 Gain = 10 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Pan servo, or Elevon3
$9,Servo 6 Gain = 10 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Tilt servo, or Elevon4
$10,Servo 7 Gain = 10 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Trigger Servo

$11,Servo 1 direction Sign = -1 ' -1 or 1 allowed. Aileron, or for Elevons it is the aileron component of the mix
$12,Servo 2 dirdction Sign = 1 ' -1 or 1 allowed. Elevator, or for Elevons it is the elevator component of the mix
$13,Servo 3 direction Sign = 1 ' -1 or 1 allowed. Throttle. 1 would be standard for electronic speed controls.
$14,Servo 4 direction Sign = 1 ' -1 or 1 allowed. Rudder
$15,Servo 5 direction Sign = 1 ' -1 or 1 allowed. Aux_1
$16,Servo 6 direction Sign = 1 ' -1 or 1 allowed. Aux_2
$17,Servo 7 direction Sign = 1 ' -1 or 1 allowed. Aux_3

$18,Servo 1 Upper Limit = 1688 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Aileron, or Elevon1
$19,Servo 2 Upper Limit = 1667 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Elevator, or Elevon2
$20,Servo 3 Upper Limit = 1900 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Throttle
$21,Servo 4 Upper Limit = 2000 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Rudder
$22,Servo 5 Upper Limit = 2000 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Aux_1
$23,Servo 6 Upper Limit = 2000 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Aux_2
$24,Servo 7 Upper Limit = 2000 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Aux_3

$25,Servo 1 Lower Limit = 1350 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Aileron, or Elevon1
$26,Servo 2 Lower Limit = 1371 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Elevator, or Elevon2
$27,Servo 3 Lower Limit = 1100 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Throttle
$28,Servo 4 Lower Limit = 1200 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Rudder
$29,Servo 5 Lower Limit = 1000 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Aux_1
$30,Servo 6 Lower Limit = 1000 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Aux_2
$31,Servo 7 Lower Limit = 1000 ' Pulse width in microseconds, from 900 to 2100 allowed. Aux_3

$32, Path Angle Max = 30 ' 0 to 90 allowed (in degrees). "Cone" is shown in ASCII art below. Use 0 to disable TruTrak, but 30 is a good value
$33, Path Merge Line distance = 60 ' 5 to infinity allowed in meters. This is the half width of "highway" that we merge onto the line over. See ASCII Art below

$34,Roll Angle Limit = 30 ' Max allowed roll in degrees, from 5 to 40 allowed
$35,Pitch Angle Limit = 25 ' Max allowed pitch in degrees, from 5 to 40 allowed

$36,Steer Proportional Band Width = 195 ' Width (in degrees) to spread proportional control of roll response. 5 to 360 degrees allowed.
$37,Alt Proportional Band Width = 210 ' Altitude window (in meters) to spread proportional pitch response. 1 to infinity meters allowed.

$38,Steer_D = 35 ' Gain factor for "D" dampening term of heading control. 0 to 100 integer allowed. 10 is a good start
$39,Alt_D = 2 ' Gain factor for "D" dampening term of altitude control. 0 to 100 integer allowed. 10 is a good start

$40,MaxRate = 50 ' Max allowed pitch and roll rate of change in deg/second. 1 to 120,000 is allowed (0.01 to 1200 deg/sec)

$41,WP Distance Satisfy = 100 ' For departure WP sequencing, minimum distance (meters) to activate WP for departure. 10 to infinity meters is allowed.
$42,Hold radius = 200 ' Radius (in meters) of holding pattern at end of flight. 1 to infinity meters is allowed.
$43,Hold Direction = 0 ' 0 or 1 is allowed. 1 is CCW flight direction, 0 is CW rotation for end of flight hold pattern
$44,Hold Alt = 125 ' User-specified altitude for the default RTL hold pattern. 25 to infinity meters is allowed

$45,XY TPile Orientation = 0 ' Describes orientation of XY thermopile head. 0-7 are valid. See ASCII art in comments section.

$46,ThrottMid = 1400 ' 900 to 2100 allowed. Initial PWM value for Throttle, user-definable to control ESC arming or not upon boot up.

$47,log_freq = 0 ' Number of 1 second delay intervals between writes to LOG.txt. 0 to infinity is allowed. 0 is 5Hz.
$48,Num_Pulses = 20 ' Number of consecutive good pulses on Aux1 Rx channel required to switch flight mode. 1 to infinity allowed

$49,VoltScale = 51810 ' Conversion factor for analog voltage sensor. Units are number of mV per entire 3.3V analog scale. E.g. 51810 for Atto V1.7
$50,CurrentScale = 92623 ' Conversion factor for analog current sensor. Units are number of mA per entire 3.3V analog scale. E.g. 92623 for Atto V1.7

$51,Plane mass in grams = 0 ' Flying mass in grams
$52,Motor Efficiency Percentage = 80 ' Estimated efficiency percentage of electric motor + speed control. 80 is a good value for brushless outrunner, perhaps 40 for brushed motor.
$53,mAh usage upper limit abort = 0 ' 0 = don't use this function, 1 to infinity means YES and tells the used mAh RTL trigger

$54,Pitot Present = 1 ' 0 = lock throttle in non-RC, 1 = use pitot airspeed control, 2 = use GPS for speed with Cosine(Pitch) corrections
$55,Test Mode = 0 ' 0 = NO, 1 is YES. Causes AttoPilot to start Rx/Servo object, start 50Hz IMU object, and then hold. No GPS startup, no WP loading
$56,Ground Launch = 30 ' 0 = NO, 1 to infinity means YES and hold roll angle to zero until specified AGL altitude in meters is reached after launch in AutoMode

$57,Servo 1 D_Term = 16 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Aileron, or with elevons it is the aileron component of the mix
$58,Servo 2 D_Term = 12 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Elevator, or with elevons it is the elevator component of the mix
$59,Servo 3 D_Term = 0 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Throttle (not implemented)
$60,Servo 4 D_Term = 50 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Rudder
$61,Servo 5 D_Term = 0 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Aux_1 (not implemented)
$62,Servo 6 D_Term = 0 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Aux_2 (not implemented)
$63,Servo 7 D_Term = 0 ' 0 to 100 integer allowed, is 10x format. Aux_3 (not implemented)

$64,Hold Speed = 60 ' 5 to 255 integer allowed. Hold pattern airspeed target in km/h for when PitotPresent = 1
$65,Min Speed = 50 ' 5 to 255 integer allowed. Min allowed aispeed target for when PitotPresent = 1
$66,Max Speed = 140 ' 5 to 255 integer allowed. Max allowed aispeed target for when PitotPresent = 1

$67,Telem Baud = 38400 ' User can set this to ANY integer from 4800 to 230400. If unspecified, it defaults to 38400 baud

$68,MaxDistance = 10000 ' User-defined max distance (meters) from home to force abort and go to home. Default is 300km, but user can make less

$69,LoiterRadius(1) = 50 ' User-defined loiter radius, in meters. 0 to 32767 is allowed
$70,LoiterRadius(2) = 100 '
$71,LoiterRadius(3) = 150 ' To specify this at a waypoint, make last trigger digit (the 8th one from left)
$72,LoiterRadius(4) = 200 ' set to 1 through 9. To disable, set this trigger to zero (0)
$73,LoiterRadius(5) = 300 ' MUST be used in conjunction with non-zero 7th trigger value, otherwise loiter has LIMITED affect
$74,LoiterRadius(6) = 500 ' and the result would be plane will circle ONLY UNTIL it is line up with next waypoint.
$75,LoiterRadius(7) = 1000 ' T2 field sets the loiter direction. 0 (default) is clockwise, 1 is counter clockwise
$76,LoiterRadius(8) = 2000 '
$77,LoiterRadius(9) = 10000 '

$78,LoiterTime(1) = 10 ' User-defined loiter time, in seconds. 0 to 32767 is allowed
$79,LoiterTime(2) = 20 '
$80,LoiterTime(3) = 40 ' To specify this at a waypoint, make 2nd last trigger digit (the 7th one from left)
$81,LoiterTime(4) = 60 ' set to 1 through 9. To disable, set this trigger to zero (0)
$82,LoiterTime(5) = 120 ' MUST be used in conjunction with a non-zero 8th trigger value, otherwise time has no effect
$83,LoiterTime(6) = 240 '
$84,LoiterTime(7) = 600 '
$85,LoiterTime(8) = 1200 '
$86,LoiterTime(9) = 3600 '

$87,Trigger time interval (2) = 5 ' Specify value between parenthesis for Trigger field 3 (4th from right)
$88,Trigger time interval (3) = 10 ' 0 is no trigger for that waypoint
$89,Trigger time interval (4) = 20 ' 1 is trigger at waypoint only
$90,Trigger time interval (5) = 60 ' 2-5 are time interval triggers, in seconds
$91,Trigger Distance interval (6) = 100 ' 6-9 are ground distance interval triggers, in meters
$92,Trigger Distance interval (7) = 150 ' Time interval allowed from 0 to 32767 seconds
$93,Trigger Distance interval (8) = 200 ' Distance interval allowed from 0 to 32767 meters
$94,Trigger Distance interval (9) = 500 '

$95,Trigger Type = 1 ' 0 is logic controller from servo7 signal line, 1 is PWM servo controller from servo7
$96,Trigger Active = 1400 ' If trigger is logic, enter a 1 or 0 here. If PWM servo driver, enter servo position in microseconds
$97,Trigger Rest = 1600 ' If trigger is logic, enter a 0 or 1 here. If PWM servo driver, enter servo position in microseconds
$98,Trigger Duration = 5 ' Number of 0.2 second time intervals to hold trigger in active state for each episode of the trigger, 0 to 32767 allowed

$99, Roll Expo = 30 ' 0 is no Expo, otherwise 10X units amount to add per 90 degrees attitude.
$100,Pitch Expo = 30 ' 0 is no Expo, otherwise 10X units amount to add per 90 degrees attitude.

$101,AutoLock Distance = 0 ' exceed this and mode is forced into Auto. 0 means disable the feature.
$102,RTL mAh autoLock = 0 ' 0 is DISABLE, 1 is ENABLE. If mAh cutoff happens lock out other modes and go Auto for RTL
$103,PhotoDeadPre = 0 ' 0 to 50 allowed and is number of 0.2 sec intervals (0 to 10 seconds) pre trigger to lock attitude at level and idle throttle
$104,PhotoDeadPost = 0 ' 0 to 50 allowed and is number of 0.2 sec intervals (0 to 10 seconds) post trigger start to lock attitude at level and idle throttle
$105,StopNav = 0 ' 0 or 1 allowed. 0 is continue nav during motor off period of photo, 1 is stop nav and hold flat attitude during photo

$106,Pitot Offset = 21 ' -200 to 200 allowed. Value derived from indoor session of Test Mode (line 55 in this SET). Corrects hardware bias for accurate low airpseed range

$107, GPS Altitude = 0 ' 0 is NO, 1 is YES. Generally DO NOT enable this unless your UAV has hermetic sealed cabin. Pressure altitude is MUCH better

$108, Telem Freq = 1 ' Number of 1 second delays between telemetry updates out from Atto. 0 means maximum which is 5 Hertz

$109, Roll Bias = 0 ' 1X degrees. Put in non-zero value to seed the bias at start
$110, Pitch Bias = 4 ' 1X degrees. Put in non-zero value to seed the bias at start

$111, RC Dampen Roll = 14 ' 0 to 100 allowed though generally don't exceed the D_term in line 57
$112, RC Dampen Pitch = 10 ' 0 to 100 allowed though generally don't exceed the D_term in line 58
$113, RC Dampen Yaw = 35 ' 0 to 100 allowed though generally don't exceed the D_term in line 60

$114, Min_RollRate% = 25 ' 1 to 100 allowed. Is percentage of MaxRate to use when roll error is zero for soft landing on target
$115, Min_PitchRate% = 25 ' 1 to 100 allowed. Is percentage of MaxRate to use when pitch error is zero for soft landing on target

$116, Altitude by Throttle = 0 ' 0 is no 1 is yes. If yes, the next 6 lines need a value
$117, PitchSpeedGain = 60 ' Terminal velocity in km/h with motor off and pitch at -30. 0 to 1000 allowed
$118, ThrottAltGain = 18 ' 0 to 100 allowed. Throttle gain in special case of throttle altitude. Seperate from airspeed throttle gain.

$119, DistNear = 20 ' meters from altitude target. MUST be no larger than DistFar
$120, DistFar = 100 ' meters from altitude target. MUST be no smaller than DistNear
$121, NearB% = 50 ' % mixing Pitch Airspeed when at or closer to target alt than the DistNear value. MUST be no larger than MaxB
$122, FarB% = 80 ' % mixing Pitch Airspeed when at or farther to target alt than the DistFar value. MUST be no smaller than MinB


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Hi Guys,

Maybe you know, i'm designing FPV electronics but this product not for FPV :)
We are sharing same flight field with gliders,glow and electric planes and most important problems was switches for everyone.
This is why we designed this small circuits

Standard slider type switches are the most important crash reason on glow planes/gliders and they can affect from vibration, dust, oil and moisture.
Ultra Reliable Switch works when only slider switch mechanical off, and you are forcing to close it when switch on. This electronic design uses high power MOSFET for opening the switch and current limit is extremely higher than all mechanical switches.
We are using 20Ah MOSFETs for this small switches and they can handle 100Ah peak currents on hard conditions.
You can use it with your Gliders, Glow planes or Small EP planes.

  • Low Quiescent Current (50uA on 5Volt)
  • Very Low Internal Resistance (0.006 Ohm on 5V)
  • Wide Operation Voltage (2-30Volt)
  • Very High Current Resistance (20A Continuous, 100A Pulsed)
  • Onboard LED indicator
  • Large Soldering Pads
  • Receiver battery switching for Glow and Gliders
  • Ignition system switch for Fuel Engines
  • LiPO switch for small EP planes (20A Max)
  • Safe Switch for other hobby electronics


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