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3D Robotics

New products in the DIY Drones store

Jordi has added a whole bunch of new products to the DIY Drones store. Here are just a few, with product descriptions: ServoSwitch (camera trigger) $18.90 "Open-source Servo Switch. I developed this board in order to be able to take air pictures and i said: Is a great product, why don't sell it too? So here it is! The theory of operation is very simple, is just an Attiny45 microcontroller that reads and decode the PWM coming from any available channel of your receiver and that will enable you to trigger the on board low-power relay to activate everything you want! From landing lights to digital cameras! And because is open-source you can download the firmware and tweak it to your own needs. The ServoSwitch comes preloaded with the lasted firmware (you can use it out of the box). Note that the terminal block and the servo cable ARE included but NOT soldered, just in case you want to adapt it "

The awesome uBlox5 adaptor board ($19.50). Allows you to use the best GPS module on the market (Sparkfun is currently out of stock, but we'll soon be selling them ourselves) as a plug and play replacement for the standard EM406: " uBlox GS406/GS407 adapter to EM406A or easy to use pin headers (-,+,Tx,RX), also is configurable for servo connector's (-,+,S), easily adaptable to your system. You can power it with 3.3V or 5V-12V. Features * Ultra clean On-board 3.3V power regulator. * Input power selector (3.3V or >=5V). * Rechargeable backup battery (2 weeks) * Super small, almost same GPS profile. * EM406 Connector (ArduPilot Ready!). * Regular pin holes for easy integration with any project."

Breakout board for the LISY300 gyro ($24.95) "ST Microelectronics LISY300AL break out board with an output rate of 300 degrees/second. The smallest board in the market and includes low pass filter. Features * Super Small 12mm x 12mm * 2.7v to 3.6v supply * Power Down Pin * Self test Pin * Low Pass Filter"

Expandable IMU board ($44.95) "Amazing combo IMU! So small that the dust over it looks huge in the pictures. Can be transformed into 4,5 and 6 degrees of freedom by just soldering two extra LISY300 Breakout board gyros that can be located here. Designed to be easily adapted into any system."

900Mhz antenna for Xbee wireless modules ($10.60) "This a great 868MHz-928MHz antenna. Ideal for xBee 900 modules and you can tilt it! Features * Operation frequency: 868MHz-928MHz. * VSWR: 2. * Gain: 3.1dBi. * Height: Whip: 6.772" (169mm). * Connector: RP-SMA. * Type: Whip: Whip: 1/8 Whip: Swivel, Tilt (Right Angle)."
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3D Robotics

If you want to create a full hardware-in-the-loop simulator, where a flight simulator program on your PC simulates the ArduPilot sensors and GPS while ArduPilot flies the plane in the simulator, you've got to have a pretty sophisticated bit of gear between ArduPilot and the PC. It needs to take the serial output from the flight sim and feed it to ArduPilot as GPS and XYZ sensor data, and then take the servo commands from ArduPilot and feed that back to the PC as joystick commands. Jordi did it with some custom (and relatively expensive) gear here (using this ARM board), but it would be cool to have a cheap dedicated board that we could sell that would make it easy for people. We don't have time to develop this ourselves right now, but if someone wants to take a crack at it, the functional diagram is above. If you can design and test it, we'll manufacture it! [Note: you can also design simpler simulators: 1) "Half-duplex": This is just the above diagram, but without the return loop of reading the servo outputs and sending them back to the flight simulator as joystick controls. In that case, you could put a "human in the loop" and just copy the rudder/aileron movements yourself, tilting the joystick to reproduce what the autopilot is doing. Not perfect, but better than nothing. 2) Navigation only: this is the easiest form and just requires the FTDI cable you already have. Just have the flight simulator send its GPS coordinates to the serial port, and ArduPilot will read them and think that's where it is. Once again, you can move the joystick to reproduce ArduPilot's steering and see how the system responds. No sensors or stabilization, but it's a good way to test navigation algorithms.]
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3D Robotics

Cool new autopilot from Procerus

This is a little out of the hobbyist league, but at the AUVSI convention, Procerus showed off its new gear, including the awesome Kestrel 3 autopilot. Check out the features above! Here's a link to the pdf of all their new product offerings, and a little more info on pricing. Way out of our range, but a sense of where the pros are right now in terms of features and tech. Our ambition has always been to offer 90% of the functionality for 10% of the price of commercial gear. We're there on price, but still have a ways to go on features.
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UAV DevBoard firmware progress report


UAV DevBoard pilots,This is an update on a few UAV DevBoard related activities.There is a new release (1.6) of MatrixNav, that now includes rudder-elevator mixing, and yaw stabilization in both stabilized and and RTL mode. It is available under the UAV DevBoard tab.Ben Levitt just created a couple of groups in the DevBoard code repository. The groups are intended for open source development of firmware for the board. Anyone interested in helping or in monitoring our activities is invited to join the groups. There are several activities on the near horizon, including telemetry, waypoints, helicopter control, and altitude hold, for example.Also, Ben has figured out how to use the spare pins on the board to implement extra interrupt-driven PWM inputs and outputs, bringing the total to 5 PWM inputs and 6 PWM outputs. This considerably opens up the the possible applications of the board. Ben has implemented and tested the firmware for the extra channels, but has not yet released it. It will be available soon. You can see his code here.Best regards,Bill Premerlani
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Config Tool Updates

Config%20Tool%203.gifDelete waypoints, save & load missions, drag & drop.... it's really getting there!Feel free to download and try it out. I have not yet tested with the ArduPilot itself so read/write may not work.Config Tool DownloadIf your map on the right is blank or you see a series of odd buttons where the map should be, you'll need to look into issues with your Internet Explorer and Google Maps. See here for instructions: Google Maps TroubleshootingPlease also check out this blog post GPS Emulator for info on how to use the GPS Emulator that is now included with the ConfigTool.zipParis.gif
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Done a air test today

Today i have done a ground test and it shown good results on ground navigation test it sensed the location i changed code little bit for navigation so that it shows the waypoint achieved with the buzzer beep. And it was succesfuly alarmed me the waypoint captured . The next step i did i load 2.0 version and i have fma xy sensor, and no telemetry so used buzzer for ground test navigation. Well i put the original code of jordi of 2.0 ver and i just did the settings as prescribed in 2.0 user manual.(nose down the plane and sensed it for the calibration.) But here was the problem in stabilization , the elevator movements was not exactly according to the manual. i connected fma correctly. And about weather conditions it was bit cloudy today will it be the reason. Sorry i m quite behind u guys but soon will come as i wil get some budget to upgrade it . And i m using twin star plane model and using elevator and aileron combination..... Please suggest me what could be the problem and any changes required to made in code. Well i will test it again tomorrow morning hope i wil get good valuable suggestions from all of you thanks in advance guys.
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uBlox GS406/GS407 Available for Pre-Order

uBlox adapter is ready for Pre-order here (remember is FIFO service). The price is $19.90, i can't give it for less, is extremely difficult place the tiny uBlox connector, always after the reflow the 50% of the boards have pins that are making short circuit and i have to repair it manually. Due to the lack of time i will ship the first orders that are placed before Friday, luckily they will be ready and shipped the next Monday 08/17/09.uBlox is the only GPS that let you mix Binary Protocol (ArduPilot) and NMEA (for OSD's). Super accurate and truly 4Hz refresh rate.It even works indoors:

Adapter features:-Ultra clean On-board 3.3V power regulator.-Input power selector (3.3V or >=5V).-Rechargeable backup battery (2 weeks)-Super small, almost same GPS profile.-EM406 Connector (ArduPilot Ready!).-Regular pin holes for easy integration with any project.

Soon i will offer the package that includes the uBlox unit, the adapter and is pre-configured for ardupilot for only $95 dlls.
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ArduPilot 2.3 Release Candidate 1

Whats new:-Upgrade the navigation algorithms for the REAL ones.-Fixed the airspeed (yeah the problem was the groundstation not the ardupilot itself).If you have an ardustation download the version >= 1.2 please.-I added the RSP (Roll Set Point) variable to know if the NAV is doing the right job.-I added the TEST_SENSORS in line 5-8. This will inject the orientation data comingfrom the IR’s sensors to the servos, so you can test fast and easily if you setup is correct.If the rudder/ailerons and elevators moves contrary to the aircraft orientation means you’re are OK.-I added the CALIBRATE_SERVOS in line 5-7. Will let you see the range of your servos(+-45 degrees). For example in my Hitec HS-81 the full range of +-90 degrees is 600ms and 2400ms,this values must be set in SERVOS MAX and MIN located in lines 3-1 to 3-4 (now are in depended forailerons and elevator), you should see you servo moving perfectly 45 degrees (IF NOT, ADJUST IT!).-Walk Around mod. Line 5-6, If is set to 0 will let you test visually the navigation.Actually will disable the stabilization and will pulse the rudder/ailerons servo directly.You can also use it as ArduPilot V10 (is what actually does to navigate).Ardupilot V10 can be killed now.-FIxed the Header comments (Chris actually did it).Tricky, Tricky!I have found some Tricks:-If you don’t connect the receiver to the ardupilot it will get stuck when the GPS is not fix and during the start up.This thanks to the PulseIn function (not my fault).-Note in this version the PI gains are not calibrated i need to tune them again.-I've change the default servo polarity (plug and play in my setup (= ) Nothing personal
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Here are some photos of my new pulse width modulated (PWM) hotwire foam cutter prototype.

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I use it for cutting foam of all types. Instead of moving the wire, I move the object to be cut. In this way it is possible to make straight and 90 degree cuts referenced to the base plate. I have drilled a hole in the baseplate for the hot wire to run thru.

My new airframe that can contain a lot of electronics will be cut by this cutter.

Its not CNC controlled, however the PWM controller can be used for a CNC controlled unit (plans in progress).
I use a power fet and a Atmel controller do do the PWM control. It can accept PWM commands from a host PC or analog input via a A/D port.

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Antenna tracker prototype up and running

I got the telemetry and videolink azimut / elevation antenna tracker prototype up and running the other day. Here is a video of it (without antennas) when it receives ASCII commands from the test software running on my lab PC.

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Preliminary specs:

720 degree azimut rotation range
>110 degree elevation rotation range
Relatively high torque
Ball bearings on shafts
Tracking controller programmable in C (Arduino based)
Commands to tracking controller can be sent via serial link from the ground control computer
ASCII based command protocol.

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What's the limit on number of waypoints?

Config%20Tool%20106%20points.gifAnyone know what the max number of waypoints you can add to the ArduPilot? Here's a quick and easy 106 points setup in about 2 minutes.Download Here: ConfigTool.zipFor those of you who'd like to mess around with my changes, I've posted the compiled application. I'm working with Jordi and will be happy to post the source once we've added a few more things.Right now, typing values in the grid doesn't do anything and neither does editing the "home" location (at the top left).Just unzip both files into a directory and run the exe.
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Need help with DIY high alt glider

Hello againI'm trying to make a UAV that will go to about 30Km high with the aid of a weather/sounding balloon. After the balloon pops/ gets relised I want the UAV to parachute down taking pictures as it goes then at around 20,000 feet for ether a glider to open out on top, or a ram parachute to open up to help fly the UAV back. The only problem is that I have found very little help on the net on which is better or how to make them for a UAV that weights about 1.5kgAny help with ether how to make a powered parachute or powered glider would be very much appreciated.Thanks for all the help with the tracking of it by the way.I've decided to chance to a fixed wing aircraft (powered glider maybe?) due to the high speed at which it will be traveling. Dose anyone have any ideas on what materials are a good choice for the wings as during the descent they will experience high g-force. I was thinking about foam maybe but not to sure as I don’t have any experience at designing and building foam models. I am planning on doing a lot of testing between now and Christmas with different airframes if I can build a strong yet light enough model. (Less then 1.5kg.)Dose anyone know if it would be possible to get ardupilot to relies itself from the balloon at between 60,000 to 80,000 feet and follow waypoints back to base camp. And is it possible to use an xbee-pro with ardupilot to control the UAV whiles in flight? Or can you update ardupilots waypoints using xbee while the UAV is in flight?
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ArduPilot Telemetry Protocol

If you ever wonder how to read and decode the protocol check this:The protocol looks like this in terminal:!!!LAT:33952600,LON:-117409072,SPD:0.38,CRT:0.00,ALT:0,ALH:0,CRS:185.80,BER:94,WPN:0,DST:25853,BTV:11.84,***+++ASP:0,THH:85,RLL:26,PCH:-31,STT:2,***+++ASP:6,THH:85,RLL:27,PCH:-30,STT:2,***+++ASP:11,THH:85,RLL:27,PCH:-29,STT:2,***+++ASP:14,THH:77,RLL:28,PCH:-29,STT:2,***+++ASP:15,THH:72,RLL:28,PCH:-28,STT:2,***!!!LAT:33952596,LON:-117409072,SPD:0.24,CRT:0.00,ALT:0,ALH:0,CRS:185.57,BER:94,WPN:0,DST:25853,BTV:11.88,***+++ASP:16,THH:68,RLL:29,PCH:-23,STT:2,***+++ASP:18,THH:60,RLL:30,PCH:-20,STT:2,***+++ASP:17,THH:61,RLL:31,PCH:-21,STT:2,***+++ASP:14,THH:69,RLL:30,PCH:-27,STT:2,***+++ASP:13,THH:71,RLL:29,PCH:-31,STT:2,***There's a low rate string at 1hz that start with !!! and the second string is 4hz and starts with +++, both finish with ***.You need to be able to search for the head of every string like "LAT:", without care of the order, then you read the value after and stop until you reach the comma. In C/C++ are functions that do that for you, if you need an example please read the ardustation source code.Definitions low rate:LAT: LatitudeLON: LongitudeSPD: Speed over ground from GPSCRT: Climb Rate in M/SALT: Altitude in metersALH: The altitude is trying to holdCRS: Course over ground in degrees.BER: Bearing is the heading you want to goWPN: Waypoint number, where WP0 is home.DST: Distance from WaypointBTV: Battery Voltage.RSP: Roll setpoint used to debug, (not displayed here).Definitions high rate:ASP: Airspeed, right now is the raw data.TTH: Throttle in 100% the autopilot is applying.RLL: Roll in degrees + is right - is leftPCH: Pitch in degreesSST: Switch Status, used for debugging, but is disabled in the current version.I know the protocol sucks but is very flexible and i can add and remove new strings when ever i want without damaging the parsing of every groundstation. In ArduPilot Mega i will use ONLY binary protocol with Message ID's, Payload Bytes and CheckSums, better/faster/efficient/flexible..Enjoy!
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GCS is used for telemetry and data logs visualization, autopilot setup, waypoint settings and also for simulation and extensive testing after introducing changes to the autopilot code (GCS sends simulated GPS and attitude data to the autopilot and reacts to received servo signals) . It is still a bit rough yet functional.
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UBWuav close-ups

I was asked to post some close-up pictures of the modifications I made to my easy star uav. So here they are - nose cover with hinges and additional compartment for second battery. I also decided to call it UBWuav since it is based on UBW PIC32 board.
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Which Ublox GPS?

Came across this post on the Mikrokopter forum and wondered how this might affect the Ardupilot fitted with the Ublox LEA5-H: " we did our tests with the LEA5H to use it with the NaviCtrl. We couldn't find a solution to get it work. The data rate of the LEA5 is not constant. (depends on how many satelites are received). Statement from ublox: this is a typical behavior, if you use refresh rates below 1 Hz.This is the reason, why we use the LEA4H for our MKGPS.So - LEA5H is not recommended to use together with the NaviCtrl."The NaviCtrl is an ARM based navigation/data logging board with GPS.regards Peter
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Revisions to the Config Tool

Config%20Tool.gifMy first "attempt" at modifying Jordi's Config Tool is getting close to a release.The key benefits are:1) Click to add waypoints2) Drag & drop ability once added3) Search by address (home and waypoints)If anyone knows how to address GMarkers from Google Map's API V2 directly (ie getElementById) in C#.NET, please let me know! Right now, I'm polling a hidden control on the html form for index, lat & long info. It's not the best way, but it's working....The screenshot above was created by clicking the "Home" radio button and entering "grand canyon" on the address field...then hit search. The waypoints were added by clicking around the home point on the map. No typing in lat & long coordinates or looking them up in Google Earth....
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