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Project Nelson

Finally the project has a name, Project Nelson :) From the Seagull song fame" The Seagulls name was Nelson"Finished the build today, did the first un powered launch today, went ok.Regards
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Recent modifications to the EasyGlider

There has been some recent interest in using the EasyGlider as a flying platform so I've included some updated pictures. Space was increased beneath the canopy by removing the rudder servo since it's not being used and grinding/cutting into the right fuselage wall. This area was reinforced with fiberglass and the increased space allowed addition of the EagleTree datalogger and extra GPS. The rudder is now locked in place by the horn and a piece of balsa glued to the vertical fin.

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Ok i have the Easy Star , i have gotten the Ardupilot board (dang it is so small ) i wonder if my shaky hands can solder it togather .i have ordered my 2.4 Ghz radio a Fubata 7C with the digital servos pack (these are for working another project it is evil MUW HA HA HA HA) i ordered my video link TX 900Mhz and from Range Video i got my camera and the Easy Star canopy replacment pan /tilt mount (very cool) .i still lack an FMA ,and GPS and a few other parts but things are procceding . the more i look at the OSD the more i like it but i wonder if i can run it in base station with video feed to an Aspire One 8.9" 8 Gig memory solid state drive XP based computer ?as far as the coding for the Ardupilot i am in over my head and i know it (sitting here with eyes bugged out in amazement and more than a bit glazzed over )i am going to have to learn to fly the Easy Star so i got a cheap battery for my Crash practice .i just hope this old dog isn`t too old
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Anyone know of low-cost option to geo-reference a panoramic (stitched) image? I'm familiar with AutoPano Pro for example to do the actual stitching (there are multiple freeware options also) – now need a low-cost way to geo-reference the panorama image. Familiar with Pict'Earth solution, but, I fear that it will out of budget range. Anyone have any experience with open source GRASS for both stitching and geo-reference image processing? Any other solutions?
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The Humble Beginnings of a UAV: The Parts List

I have started to assemble my parts list for my Globalhawk[1] UAV.

Google Docs: Teque5 UAV BuildI am having trouble deciding on a lot of specifics, but i hope to have something conclusive before the weekend is over. I am very open to comments on my first foray into the DIY Drones world. I am specifically looking for recommendations on a battery. Is is possible to get 2+ Hours long duration w/some kind of LiPo pack?ps. Have you guys checked out Wolfram Alpha? It launched today and is sweet as hell.[1] I haven't settled on the RQ-4 Global Hawk airframe yet, but this one looks pretty nice.
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Diablo EDF Jet Trainer

This looks like a nice plane and there are upgrades available to make it even nicer:Amazon: [cheaper][More info and upgrades] on Youtube: [cool] with motor on top: [cooler]
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3D Robotics
Folks, As you know the FAA is midway in a long rulemaking process to figure out how to integrate UAVs in the national airspace, but the bottom line from the inititial recommendations are as follows: For us (non-commerical hobbyists), you must stay within these limitations: --fly within line of sight --under 400' alt --under 30 knots --under 4.4lb --Fly at least 3 miles from any airport As you're designing your airframes, keep these limits in mind!
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Hard at work

Team OSAM has been working hard to get ready for the 2009 Student UAS Competition. Eventhough we are having issues with the new airframe (see ) all is going to plan. The backup airframe is flying great and is still has that new plane smell.Our in house IMU (AggieNav) is also nearing completion... We are currently working on the kalman filter and ironing out the bugs. In other news we have started pushing harder for multiple UAV formation flights. One 48" plane has been made autonomous and another will follow soon. Unfortunately for this project the competition preparing takes up a lot of this projects time.For the competition we also have a few tricks up our sleeve that everyone will have to wait till after the competition.
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UAV Outback Challenge 2009

Hey everyone!I will be heading a team of first year students of the University of Technology in competing in this years UAV Outback Challenge. I am sure everyone here knows all about the challenge but if not you can find out more about it @ I will be starting a build log and sharing our progress as soon as I get our website up and running. :)I wish everyone else entering the best of luck (especially the Telemasters :P)
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My first post, Watch this space!

I couldn't believe it when I found this site!If you have a look at my photographs you will see my under construction aircraft.It is 1200 mm long, 90 mm wide, 220 mm high.Made from cardboard, balsa, 12 mm square aluminium extrusion tail boom.It will be powered by an OS 28, with a pusher prop.Weight at the moment is under 1kg, with no engine, canopy "glass", or radio gear.The whole point of this aircraft design right from the start was1) stability2) lots of room for avionics3) a camera platform4) a test bed for AUV systemsThe fuselage sides are made from cardboard, I used polyester resin to fuel proof it and give it a bit of extra strength.It has a full flying elevator, the rudder at the moment is full flying, but that has proved to be impractical.When I ran up the OS 28 for the first time the rudder shook like hell and I am going to put a more conventional vertical stabiliser/rudder combination on it.Wing span will be around 2000mm.I want to flight test it just under normal radio control first with a simple wing and minimal electronics.After that I plan to put 12 2V, 500mA photovoltaic cells in between the wing ribs, 6 in each wing.The idea being to keep the plane aloft as long as possible, I was going to fit a clunk tank pick up to a 250mL PET fruit juice bottle.I gotta find a name for it!
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