All Discussions (1584)

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3DR DIY Quad into FPV racer

I have a 3DR DIY 2014 quad and I want to make it into a FPV racer.. any suggestions

880kV Motors
Pixhawk + GPS
X8R Taranis Transceiver
20amp ESCs
3300 mAh battery 35C
10x45 Props

I have FPV Fatshark Predator V2 goggles and transmitter

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4 Replies

Micro HKPilot MinimOsd

Hey all, 

I stuck one of the micro boards from HK on my 250 and it flies great and the OSD by default has a TON of info on the screen. 

I have been able to make changes to my standard MinimOsd that I fly on my 450 quad but I cannot get the Tool to talk

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1 Reply

DJI S900 alternative???

I am confused with a few things. I am wanting to purchase a copter capable of carrying a GH4 camera but using a Pixhawk. Here are the things my googling has failed to answer for me:

1. Is there a Pixhawk-based platform equivellant to the DJI S900? I h

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33 Replies

quadcopter flight time

Hello All. I have a quadcopter and am not sure if my batteries are no good or that maybe I am expecting too much. I have been sorting through my batteries, categorising them by run time to when an auto land occurs. I have the battery failsafe set low

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2 Replies

X8+ configuration questions

I'm waiting for delivery of my new X8+ and have a few configuration questions (parts mostly)

1- I haven't seen a camera caddy/mount available the same as the one  that's part of the X8-M package

2- Which is the interface cable from the Canon sx260 that

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how to add a new flight mode

Has anyone tried to add a flight mode into the ArduCopter souce code?

I want to create my own flight mode into APM, so first I learn how to add a new flight mode,

I follow the instruction below step by step, just skip the step #6, I don't know how to d

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1 Reply

Underpowered Quadcopter

I have just setup a new quadcopter using the Tarot Iron Man 650 Carbon Fiber Quadcopter Frame. I have also added a gimbal.

The quadcopter howers at a PWM of about 750. This is the max recommended per the arducopter instructions. I set the THR_Mid opti

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5 Replies

Automatic and robotic quadricopter

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, but I'm sorry for my English with the translator.

I apologize if I'm wrong section in the forum, I do not know about that topic, section or group post, please moderator if he can move in the due section.

I have a

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11 Replies

Quadcopter Randomly Lands


     I am the pilot for a video production company, and they just had an F450 custom built.  The first time I flew it, an arm broke off at the motor mount and it crashed to the ground breaking the GPS mount and 2 of the 12" props that came wi

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7 Replies

A warning to eCalc users

eCalc estimates for throttle @hover have grossly changed in recent versions at least for my KDE 2814XF-515 motors.

According to eCalc throttle @hover should be 65%. In reality it averages ~45% with the exact same configuration as shown below. When fir

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19 Replies