"Here are a few things to try: Can you try to connect to Tower app? In MP does a com port show up in the list when you try to connect? Does the com port change when you try a different USB port on your computer? It should, if not, troubleshoot…"
"Just to be clear, it is the radio that wont connect or the vehicle? Does MP recognize the radio, on the SiK radio tab? Or are you just having trouble connecting the vehicle with MP? Also, I have had no issues after Win10."
"I would recommend using the Tower app on a device attached to your transmitter. (similar to dji app) Using telemetry connection and Tower, you can use on screen buttons to arm and takeoff to a set altitude. Switching the mode on transmitter will…"
"The wobble can be reduced by forward movement. In auto mode, I would create a descending spline circle. However, to increase your speed coming down, you will need a different mode. Before thinking of turning off motors, I would try descending in…"
"What mode were you flying in? You mentioned that you wanted to go straight up and straight down, if you were in Loiter or Alt Hold, you are limited by your max vertical speed parameter. When I'm in stabilize mode, I descend like a rock at minium…"
"Manny, there are several parameters that you should be familiar with and adjust when you embark on auto missions. The most important is the failsafe parameters. Check this link for…"
"I think this is what you are looking for: Note #3: set SERIAL2_PROTOCOL to "3" and reboot the board to enable FrSky telemetry like in previous versions."
"Anyone else have any issues with ROI? Or downloading dataflash logs? I just updated from rc12 to the official 3.3 release. Made several flights documenting local flooding due to "blood moon". One flight had issues... When I roi'ed the end of a pier,…"
"RC11 flies very well. I had frequent EKF issues, all resolved now. Thank you!
I have not seen any info regarding DO_MOUNT_CONTROL other than mentioning it in the wiki. I have wanted to use this for some time now, so I thought I would post a video…"
"Has anyone else had trouble geotagging gopro pics via mission planner with 3.3rc8? Works well with 3.2 for me. When I tried with 3.3, using time offset, est offset always shows -1, then pre processing finds no matches. 3.3rc8 log below. 2015-07-30…"
"Once I get my Iris+ returned from 3DR, I will be changing the GPS. How do you like your set up? Did it make big changes to hdop? What unit did you have before and what did you upgrade to? Also, did you try or consider just upgrading the GPS in place…"
"They seem pretty bogged down with returns now, can't imagine it will be any better after launching their "smart" drone. I've been down about 45 days now after first receiving a defective Pixhawk to replace mine that died, now waiting on a full…"