's Discussions (39364)

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Interference to Radio transmission

This is my first post, im new to model planes and uavs'. I have been reading a lot of the ideas here and its going well, keep it up guysi would like to know if anyone has delt with possible interferences to RF data link between UAVs operating in the

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I would like to team up with someone to build some quadrotors. I don't have much programming experience and would like to help someone build their quadrotor in exchange for programming help. I love the draganflyer but can't afford something like that

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EasyStar AutoPilot

This message is initially addressed towards Chris, since he has commented about this before, but I welcome any other feedback.Chris, you said that the ArduPilot requires 4 channels, which is why you are using an EasyGlider now. I think the reason is

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Lockheed's Thrust based UAV

I didn't want to hijack the main page with a UAV that none of us would be building soon, but I did want it to be seen... this in an amazing demo of "Lockheed's Multiple Kill Vehicle System". Its a thruster based UAV and this was a test performed last

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Auto Pilot

So I want to build this auto pilot that is the point of this group and so is there a list of parts to buy and the layout? I found the boards for sale but I dont know wich ones to buy. And it seems that someone has some of the parts needed but how do

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Overlapping pulses from a Futaba receiver...

Hi guys,this afternoon, left my busyness, I focused my mind in writing a simple code (for PICs), a 16F887 micro, to "capture" the raising and falling ramp of a pulses out of my Futaba receiver FP-R129DP in order to be captured by the micro.Not a big

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I don't know where to begin

In college our chapter of the ACM talked about doing a UAV but it never went anywhere, so I think I'll try it myself. lolI think I've come to the right place but after going through the site theres plenty of options, and well I don't know where to st

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Greetings + Question

Hi All,Just signed up here. I'm currently working on a high-altitude ballon project based on a Propeller chip. The revised board is off to be fab'ed, and most of the equipment is procured. Conservatively, it should be ready for flight in 2-3 months.D

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autostabalized gimbal mount.

I want to make a Gimbal mount for my boat that will stay leveled wherever I put it. The Boat pitches and rolls but I dont want the camera to. Does anyone have some designs or know how to connect a gyro to servos to make this happen? I could really us

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I have been using the GWS gyros for sometime but would like to be able to modify my own. The GWS is a plug and play device that goes in serial with the servo and helps stabilize your flight. I am making lighter ones for use on a small ornothopter. Th

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Open Source Projects from US?

I wanted to do a bit of a survey and see how many people are using open source autopilots in the U.S....If you are the U.S. and are working on an open source project shoot back a response....Please include what ap you are using as well

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kalman filter for idiots

x_angle += dt * (gyro_angle - x_bias);P_00 += - dt * (P_10 + P_01) + Q_angle * dt;P_01 += - dt * P_11;P_10 += - dt * P_11;P_11 += + Q_gyro * dt;y = acc_angle - x_angle;S =P_00 + R_angle;K_0 = P_00 / S;K_1 = P_10 / S;x_angle += K_0 * y;x_bias += K_1 *

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Long distance Drone

Hello everyone. I am a new member to your group and I love what you have done here. I am hoping to build a Drone that can go out and provide some fishing assistance to my fishing charter buddies. They want a birds eye view of the waters to look for t

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Medium sized UAV

I am looking for information on a turnkey medium sized UAV system. I need to carry about 30 pounds for about 14 hours on a single load of fuel. Payload size is somewhat awkward, about 20"x14"x8" with separate batteries. Ideally the system would have

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Co-Pilot 4 Odd Performace

Hi AllI am having a bit of trouble with an FAM Co-pilot. When I switch on the Co-Pilot the plane remains level but has the "jitters" I have tried dialing back the sensitivity and re-calibrating but this does not help. I was wondering if the fact that

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Need help with making a jet

I am an amateur with building planes. But i want to make a jet that can fly at a fair speed and doesnt have to be quite extreme in aerodynamics. I just want to know what kind of motors to get or whatever it is inside an Rc. because i have outlaid a d

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long flight times

I'm new to the UAV community but I have an interest in meeting the power needs of lightweight UAV tools, hobby items, toys etc.Would some of you mind exposing me to what you like and dislike about your options currently available? Or, perhaps your th

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