's Discussions (39363)

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Thermopile sensors in England

Is there a way to get the thermopile sensors in England. Farnell sells a ZTP-135S — GE SENSING / THERMOMETRICS, but this a different sensor, I could by a board fine but the sensors are the problem. any clues, could I use a different gain in the amp?

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Arduino ADC supplement

Hi all, Kinda new to the whole blog thing, but I have been wondering about the IMU5DOF and Arduino's lack of substantial ADC bits for resolution for a heli. Anyway, Could we supplement the ADC up to 2048 bits by combining two ADC channels like this?Y

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Budget Camera Stabilization

Ok, so my UAV project is well on its way and ideally i'd like to use it as a camera platform using my Nokia N95 which takes fantastic quality video and pictures.However, one thing really annoys me about pics from models, they always look like they we

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Strobe Light for UAVs

Hello All!Trying to comply with FAA regulations for UAVs, I am trying to find a cheap, light-weight strobe light (anti-collision light) to use on my UAV that doesn't draw more than 12V. My airframe is an Alpha 60...so it can carry a good-sized load,

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Throttle Channel Question

I'm in the process of building my spec sheet for my first UAV. But I've run into a snag. I need to control my ESC (Phoenix-35) from my Basic Stamp 2 chip. Does anyone have sample code or know what the output specification is so I can control it?

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LOw speed UAV

Hi..Wanna ask something.. What kind of airfoil that is good for low speed UAV. I wanna design light UAV (not exceed than 150 gr) that bring a micro camera.THank you previously

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What UAV is this?

Attached to this post is picture of an UAV used byBirdseyepix.no, a photo-company in Oslo, Norway. From the pictures they are posting, it seems to work well.

Does anyone know anything about it, and how much it costs?I'm looking for a UAV-project to be

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Legal in Norway/Europe?

I'm interested in trying out this, but I'm unsure whether it's legal to do this in my home country, Norway.I suspect that our legal rules are the same as for the EU, but I'm not sure. Does anyone here know what the rules are?What authority should I c

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Solar UAV

Hi Everyone,I am planning to begin making a solar powered UAV and have spent some time researching Solar Panels , MPPT’s, Airframes and Autopilots. I think the best way to go is to run the Motor / speed controller directly from the Solar panels / MMP

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silly question

ok, so i got one of the memsic dual-axis accelerometers. the picture that comes with it shows the chip with the x and y axes, as well as tilt about those axes. there is a pin for Xout and Yout. what exactly are the values that it is outputting? does

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Trackir head tracking on a UAV

HowdyI used to play a combat flight simulater a lot and have this Trackir head tracking unit laying around unused.Now I have no experiance with uavs but would love to fly my rc heli with it.Where would I even start?The manufacturer makes available a

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Starting off

Entering UAV's was never a preference of mine, since i'm more of a land lover. In fact, as a personal project I have an autonomous robot based on an RC Kyosho. Took everything off but the chassis, servo and the wheels. Recently, this guy that dedicat

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Lipoly batteries (problem)

recently my chargers that i charge lipolys off of, are telling me that the battery volts are low. ive been using a brushless esc with a lipoly low voltage cutoff (electrifly 25 Amp)and thunder power lipolys. ive been using all the proper equipment (i

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