All Discussions (33325)

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model control of a robot

Hi,everyone.I major in automation. And now I have a problem, now I can just apply the PID controller to solve a problem, but I want to know how to apply my knowledge such as robust and H∞ controller. Now I want to design the model controller of quadr

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2 Replies · Reply by kyledoodle Feb 18, 2021

sbus in pwm out ??

I have a holybro Px 4 that I am connecting a radiolink sbus signal in.  I have not ever done this before and was wanting to know if the signal out has to be sbus or does the pixhawk convert protocols so that the PMW out can be connected to the 4 in 1

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Drone spraying system

I'm building a drone with a small spraying system for a school project. It will used for spraying disinfectants. I know I'm gonna need a tank (500ml), a water pump and some tubes and nozzles. What other components do I need to build the sprayer and h

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4 Replies · Reply by JM Feb 1, 2021

Autonomous Flying Nano Drones

Hi all,
I am new in the forum and in the topic. I would like to program one or more nano drones in order to perform repeatable trajectories indoor. For example: 
- Take off from the center of a sport arena (indoor)
- Each drone goes to one of the corner

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4 Replies · Reply by JamesConnaly Jan 28, 2021

Binding Transmitters/Receivers

I have been offered a RadioLink R12DS receiver as a gift.  In any write up I have read, the statement "This receiver can only be used with a RadioLink transmitter" (or words to that general effect) appears.

I am operating an FlySky-i6x at the present

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New Drone! Any comments are welcome!

Hi everyone!

We're new to this board but not new in drones. Our team is building a drone with completely autonomous navigation - INDOOR! Using beyond state of the art sensors that just a few years ago were deployed only by the military combined with M

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Building a drone for beginner

Hi Everyone,

I am thinking of building a drone. I needed some advise before starting. Since I am completely new to drones.

Here are few queries / question I need help with:

  • Where should I look first ? I mean theories, documentation, tutorials.
  • What platf

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