All Discussions (556)

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Trouble With Auto Mode

Hi guys, so I am having some difficulty with auto mode with my iris. When I try to add a ROI waypoint to a mission it doesn't work when I go to fly that mission. It will either do nothing when I switch to auto and just act like it is still in loiter,

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4 Replies

IRIS looses altitude during Loiter

This happens a lot with my IRIS, especially on windy days!

Just upgraded today to the latest beta FW, calibrated compass and acc, result the same.

Remote mid point etc are also good.

I looked at the logs myself, saw the EKF errors, not sure related but

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Motor Speeds of Iris?

I was wondering if anyone knew the maximum rotor speeds for the IRIS quad copter? I wanted to find out the individual angular motor speeds based off of different PWM inputs. Any help getting to this point would be appreciated.

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Iris v1 for mapping

Hey everyone this is a short intro on a project
I've been working on for the past month or so.


Canon S100 - 3D Printed Mount 
Based on a craigslist ad, I found a reliable, 
honest, and skilled individual with experience in
auto cad and a 3D printer. 


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36 Replies

Flipping on take off


Just had fail day. Drove 2 hours to location, and my iris decided to behave different this time.

For some reason is reacting the opposite to what it should to stabilise

After flipping on launch a few times (and going thru a set of CF props) I manua

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6 Replies

Wing problem with IRIS

Hello all,

I have had one accident with IRIS where I did not properly screw the nuts down, a wing flew off mid flight, and IRIS crashed. I since replaced the broken wing and had a few successful flights. However after a few short flights directly afte

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4 Replies

Iris Crash and Titicaca

I had a crash last month and I attached my tlogs.  Could someone help me figure out what went wrong? Attached is a tlog: 

I had a downward facing mobius taking time lapse photos of a sewage stream running into Lake Titicaca of Peru. 

I usually never ha

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8 Replies

IRIS Maintenance

Hi everyone,

I have IRIS for 2 months and so far I have finished about 40 flights. It's approximately 7 flight hours, so I begin to wonder, when and what to check to keep IRIS in shape.

I am tightening props before flight, checking screws and cleaning

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