I'm trying to count how many waypoints has my drone visited and if the mission has been sucessfully finished, and for that I'm planning on writing my code on the UserCode.cpp file, but I don't know if I can define some library to extr
Will seniors ask, If I want to use gyroscopes to control a car. There are two motors around. How do you use Arduino to write programs? I do not know what will gyroscope signal.
Inspired on Burkards Sonar Boat project i want to build my own Sonar Boat. We have some discussion to implement the MAVLink functionality and use a APM or Pixhawk with ardurover firmware.
Burkard has developed a little remote with a OLED to ge
I have some question about the APM servo program.The question is that I can debug it correctly,but it can not make a difference.Meanwhile it run very well when I debug it in my arduino. So I want to know where I do wrong.
I am a fresher to the APM code.I have difficult to understand those codes.Is anybody can help me with this code .Such as the programe experience,the way to understand the codes,flowchart or how to search things what can help to understand tho
I have tried to write code for my quadrotor by using library of quadcopter. But I have a problem of IMU sensors. When I tried to use AHRS test file, the angles (roll, pitch, yaw) were always 0 degrees in initial position although the rea
I can not communicatewith my APM2, I had it working for years! but now it does not work. I have tried install and uninstall the latest mission planner with no luck
I have even tried to install the Arduino mega 2560 development kit from arduino.cc als
I would like to add an additional sensor (that doesn't suppose to be used by autopilot) to my Pixhawk and add it to MAVLink protocol, so I need to study out the code and principles first.
So my question regarding THIS instruction Step #3.
This is an open call to any one who has been able to get code working using the user code hooks. HELP!i am trying to get a simple script running that sets pin8 high when its hits a waypoint. i know where i need to call the script and i know where it
Hello I have V3.1.4 firmware in my quad copter which i downloaded via mission planner. it is a hex file. I want to understand the code, from where i can get the code written in C? as different forums suggest that if you convert hex file into readable
Hello, for a startup, i just want to control the speed of 4 BLDC motors using APM 2.0. which i previously controlled using arduino uno, can anyone help?
Hello all.I want to add a sensor that takes readings from the environment.The sensor is arduino compatible and would input to the apm on an analog input pin.I have used apm for quite some time but have never played with the code. I can code the inter
I'm working on a project where we are using drones to take survey photos of large areas of open land, then using a raspberry pi to edit the Exf data of the photo to add in the GPS that it was taken at, or at least that what we want it t
I hope you are fine. i am a student and i want to know that does APM autopilot support the return to home capability for a helicopter as well ? or some one can suggest me a cheap autopilot for this purpose. i shall be highl
In the discussion "In Flight mission Plan" (http://diydrones.ning.com/forum/topics/in-flight-mission-plan), Andrew Tridgell was saying how adding new waypoints in MAVProxy was possible for ArduPlane, but not ArduCopter. I was curious if that has sinc
I'm looking for information on the Waypoint protocol format...I found this website: http://www.qgroundcontrol.org/mavlink/waypoint_protocol where down towards the bottom it has the format. But I'm looking for what each tag does. For example...I want
I tried to explain the control process in Arducopter.pde. The reference is http://ghowen.me/build-your-own-quadcopter-autopilot/. To tell the truth I still have some issues with understanding AP_InertialNav library, so if anyone has better understandi