's Discussions (39360)

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Has anyone looked at the Dragon On Screen Display from Intelligent Flight? I ran across this while looking at the Hobby Lobby site for the pilot view FPV 2400.It looks like an easily integrated system for a newbie like myself.Thanks, Roger

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Barometric Altimeter

Hi everybody!Is there any barometric altimeter based on sensor like MPX4115A available, which can give the altitude data via serial comm. I tried searching but did not came across any.What do you guys think about designing one as an open source proje

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Manual Control Problems

As some of you may know, I've been building a UAV based on an Arduino Diecimila and a Multiplex EasyStar. The autopilot is pretty much done (though I'm sure it'll need to be tweaked once I do flight tests), but now I'm having a little bit of trouble

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FMA Copilot on a coaxial heli ?

Hi Guys,Just wondering what you guys think of putting a copilot on a coax heli. I want it to stabilise the heli during waypoint navigation so all I need to worry about is direction, airspeed and altitude.I'm just wondering if there would be much bene

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n00b questions

is a piezo gyro made with accelerometers or is it somehow different?accelerometers measure translation and not rotation, correct?which is more commonly used, a two-axis or three-axis accelerometer?also, which is a good one to use (for testing / learn

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low cost radio systems

I dug out an old VEX radio system I got a couple of years ago from RadioShack.This is a 6 channel FM transmitter with a small receiver.The receiver provides a direct PWM output.But it gets even better. You can still buy the TX/RX combination fromhttp

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New UAV airframe (ARF)

after designing/building and testing multiple electric airframes I have decided to try something pre-built and with lots of room. I am now using my trusty Hangar 9 Alpha 60 gas trainer. I have integrated the UNAV Pico-pilot, 900mHz wireless data TX,

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Camera Resolution?

I have two sony SuperHASS CCD that basically does 640x480 out of an NTSC. This was to be used for FPV and panoramic views with realtime live video feeds and recording (the panoramic view has a huge lens attached to it. I have been reading and i wante

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GPS Help

I received my EM-408 GPS module in the mail the other day, and just now had a chance to check it out. However, so far it hasn't been working for me. Basically, the setup I have is the GPS module connected to my Arduino board, which is connected to my

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DIY Autopilot/IMU

I have decided that I am going to build my own Autopilot/IMU for my UAV. I know there are plenty of units that I can buy off the shelf but that would take the fun out of it for me. I want to build my own and really understand how everything works. I

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Heli UAV

What an awesome UAV resource, you guys have done some really fantastic stuff.I am planning to build a Heli UAV and for now doing my research. Obviously the most complex thing is the autopilot. I am planning to use Windows Mobile-based smartphone as t

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Radio control range

The project i'm working on right now is still in the drafting stage, but i'm looking into radio control systems for it. I'm wanting the most range i can get without getting too heavy. Does anyone know any sites or systems that can help?

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SCP1000 pressure and temp sensor

HI!New to the group, so thought I'd say Hi, and I also have a problem....I'm trying to get my Arduino to talk to a VTI SCP1000 sensor using SPI. I've got the SPI down OK, but the data I'm getting from the sensor for the temp reading is weird. Below 2

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Hi Everybody!Iam working out a design for servo controller which receives signal from R/C receiver in manual mode & a microcontroller generates signal in auto mode. One channel of receiver to be used for switching between modes.Following idea came in

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