"In the video you can clearly see 4 purple Jetcat turbines hidden inside the mesh. I'm in the believer category. Most guys would screw up the special effects if they tried to fake it, but the physics looks completely correct, even down to the radius…"
"It doesn't compile for pixhawk today. It would need to be ported to the latest branch to work on Pixhawk. I have wanted to do that for some time but I just can't slot it in."
"I remember my dad telling me stories about working on these tests. One engine exploded on the stand and the compressor stage ended up on the roof of someone's house in Peebles, OH."
"If there was no drone involved, and this was just a bunch of bro's on a frozen lake having fun with legal fireworks, would anyone care? I fail to see how the drone made it any more dangerous."