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Custom Wireless tracking system

I've came up with a customized development of a battery tracking system.

it is a kind of telemetry that will report voltages, temperatures and more data in the future.



my goals were:

  • to be able to set the alarm at different voltages (sometimes 3.0v/cell, sometimes 3.3v)
  • to be able to use a variety of batteries - different voltages.
  • to be able to report that the signal is lost, - extremely important
  • long range and high reliability -still to be improved:
    the "smart" modem modules are on the way - should do ~1km




Ground tracking unit (RX)




Air tracking TX (on vehicle):






welcome to comment !




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New Australian Distributor

Hi All,


My company Bask Aerospace has just recently become a DIY Drones Distributor in Australia. We have a brand spanking new website ( which we think is pretty cool.

Along with all the usual DIY Drones products, we have created a range of RTF (Ready-to-Fly) solutions (AeroPilot) that we hope will meet the needs of a broad range of people.




We would love you to head on over to our site, check it out (buy some stuff if you need it :) ) and post a comment below letting us know what you think. Any and all feedback is welcome.


My company (and myself) has a strong background in software development and engineering. We have some big things planned for the future of UAVs and I personally think DIY Drones is a fantastic community (who have helped me a lot... and I mean a lot)

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Propeller DCM

This is a Parallax Propeller chip running a partial implementation of Premerlani and Bizard's work on Direction Cosine Matrix computation for orientation sensing. I'm hoping to use this in a quad-rotor without a GPS or magnetometer - I wanted to see how good the algorithm was at stabilizing pitch and roll.  So far it looks very promising.

All the work is done on the Propeller itself. It reads the gyro and accelerometer values on one core, and computes the DCM from those readings on another core. At this point the code is still written in the high-level language, Spin. Since all the math is fixed point, there's a strong chance I won't actually have to write an assembly version - I haven't timed it yet, but my update loop is running at 200Hz, so it's at least that fast.

This post over at the Parallax Forums contains source:
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Software GPS notes

3689400118?profile=originalThe main reason for software GPS is a cheap base station, generating RTCM messages to correct altitude measurements.  The aircraft would use a standard hardware module.

#1 the MAX2769 front end is just an analog to digital converter.  It outputs a 1 - 3 bits per sample, digitized form of whatever is on the carrier frequency.

There's no schematic or source code for the MAX2769.  1 datasheet has I0 used as a clock.  Another datasheet has I0 as a differential output.  Fortunately, it has some preset configurations.

You can gather from the presets & reference designs, that only the I1 pin in 1 bit CMOS logic mode & the CLKOUT pin are needed to make a receiver.

#2 the minimum output rate is 1 bit at 16 Mhz.

#3 that requires a high speed USB microcontroller, which mercifully started appearing in 2010, for $9.

#4 the GPS front end doesn't capture WAAS information, so you wouldn't get far with absolute waypoints.

There are many GPS libraries, but fastgps is the only one we've found, which inputs baseband data.

Fastgps is part of a book you probably need to buy to get very far with it.

Sample baseband data files & some changelogs are on

The book's $139 tag undoubtedly covers bandwidth & quantitative easing.  It would be only $20 if the data files were compressed & houses were free.

The data format is 1 byte per sample.  Dividing the file size by 16367574 gives the total seconds recorded.  The example files use 2 bits per byte.  Bit 0 is always 1.  The 2 bits are left shifted 1.

Converting the file to 1 bit made no difference.  Here we have altitude from a sample file.



Here we have position.



We supplied the .sp3 file, which should have made more accurate readings, but this was an urban environment with only 6 satellites.  It gave the same result without the .sp3 file, so it's probably only speeding up initialization.


Fuggedabout downsampling it to 4 megabits.

Tracking just 8 satellites, our 3.6Ghz computer runs fastgps at 2/3 realtime.  Tracking 6 satellites, it's almost realtime.

That's without acquisition.  It would take a 4 core 3.6Ghz laptop to make a roving station.  Fortunately, the base station's job is a bit easier.  If the goal is just refining altitude, there may be a way to skip samples to make just enough readings for refining altitude.  The processing requirement has still put us off from software GPS.




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Someone asked about the magneto (or lack of it) in my previous post, so here's the reason it was absent…


I could've just soldered the cable on, but figured i might want to use it for other Arduino projects occasionally. This makes it a much simpler task:


Word of advice: don't push the pins all the way down when soldering, or they'll stick out too much from the bottom of the magneto PCB (it's pretty thin) and you won't be able to mount it flat on the carrier plate. Oh, and G on the plug stands for GND.

Anyways, let's move on. Ever noticed how the ArduCopter frame's GPS carrier plate and dome center come with two M3 screws, but *four* M3 nuts? Ever wondered why?


Mmmm. Bendy. Here it is with four nuts:


Much better.

As i was about to put the dome and legs on my ArduCopter, i found another thing off. Can anyone spot what's wrong with this picture?


That's right, i can't plug the USB in the IMU. The standoff is in the way. I'm an idiot and have to unscrew everything again. Yay… Here's the wrong way to mount the APM/IMU sandwich (smack dab in the middle of the carrier plate on both axes):


… and here's the right way (moved one hole towards the front):


Oh, by the by, do not tighten the nuts on the upper carrier board. Leave them slightly loose. Why? So you can do this:


… when you want to take the upper board off (to access the APM/IMU). Unscrewing the standoffs is much easier than unscrewing the nuts, plus, it doesn't require any tools.

Speaking of tightening, careful with those plastic screws. They crack like eggshell. The moment it goes "crick" the first time, it's tight enough. Here's how, where and why they crack:



As you'd have probably guessed by now, i'm a heat-shrink tubing junkie. As far as i'm concerned, it's the best and most convenient thing since sliced bread. It makes mess not look like mess, it protects and isolates, it marks and identifies… I can never have too much of it.

Or can i?

Turns out i can. Because it also makes cables rigid. Which leads me to the first no-no of arducopter frame-building. This:


… seemed like a good idea at the time (bright yellow makes the battery cable easy to spot when i'm plugging/unplugging it in a hurry), but makes my life miserable every time i try to plug the battery in, because the heat-shrink tubing keeps trying to straighten the cable out when i want it to curve underneath the ArduCopter main plate. Re-heating it while keeping the cable curved helped somewhat, but in retrospect, it could've done without it.

On the other hand, here:


… the rigidness turned out to be useful, because it keeps the PDB<->RX connectors neatly grouped and packed together so i can unplug/plug them into the receiver all at once.

Finally, motor mount LED covers. I didn't get any with my ArduCopter frame kit. Because, apparently, they don't come with version 1.0 (despite there being a hole in the motormounts for the LED, which is kinda daft, but oh well).

So i've decided to make my own, with stuff i had lying around. Sawing isn't my thing, plus, i didn't have any scrap PCBs to saw. Plus, white and red LEDs shining through a green or yellow PCB? Yish.

I did, however, have this:


It's a plastic pad meant for furniture. Obviously, the two plugs are a nuisance and the whole thing is much wider than the motor mount, but otherwise, it looks like precisely the thing i need. So:


… from one came many. Well, two. The color makes for a somewhat jarring contrast on black arms, but hey - it does its job:


Coming up next: first flight (hopefully).

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Path to an Aerial Photography Drone



I have been doing aerial photography with a variety of RC Helicopters for a few years. The biggest problem is short flight duration and pilot work load.


I have decided to design and build my own fixed wing aerial photography platform.


Here is my project goal; A fixed wing aerial photography platform with the ability to fly semi-autonomously (take off and landing pilot controlled). The camera will be mounted on a self-leveling mount to allow for photogrammetry and 3d point cloud generation, with a 10 minute minimum mission time.


A secondary goal is remotely operated camera mount that allows 360 degree pan and 90 degree tilt with a video downlink for camera aiming. FPV operation is also an option.


An ArduPilot Mega will be used as the autopilot. The ArduPilot does allow for self takeoffs and landings.


I have built, flown, crashed, and re-built RC Aircraft for many years and enjoy the hobby. This time I am designing my own airframe from the ground up. I will be honest I will borrow from other designs during the progression to my goal, in the end the airframe will be mine.


For the moment my my primary building materials will be Foam Core, Blue Core (Fan Fold) and Depron.


Comments and critisim are appreciated.

I hope you enjoy the trip

p.s. I am behind in posts here, and have flown airframe #1

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Cheap GPS modules at DealExtreme

DealExtreme threw some gps modules on their site today. Most of them are GlobaSat SIRF Star III modules (at least, that is what DX claims them to be, check your facts by checking the datasheets) and there is one EM-411.sku_80045_1_small.jpg

Prices are in the range of US$ 14.30 - 14.90 for the GlobalSat modules and US$ 28.30 for the GlobalSat EM-411. Shipping is free (or included in the price).


Here is a list of what is available:

ET-318 GPS Engine Board Module with SiRF Star III Chipset  PDF

EB-3531 GPS Engine Board Module with SiRF Star III Chipset  PDF

EB-365 GPS Engine Board Module with SiRF Star III Chipset  no PDF found

ET-314 GPS Engine Board Module with SiRF Star III Chipset  PDF

EB-3631 GPS Engine Board Module with SiRF Star III Chipset  PDF

ET-662 GPS Engine Board Module with SiRF Star III Chipset no PDF found

EM-411 GPS Engine Board Module with SiRF Star III Chipset  PDF


If you are in need of a GPS module in your product, it maybe worth your while to check these out.


Edit: Links to PDF manual added

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All of this is open source and freely available for download. You can find the core autopilot here. We developed it using eclipse, but the environment is fully arduino compatible as well thanks to the hardwork of Mike!
This repository is for rover specific configuration files and a wiki site for ardupilotone based rovers.
To run the hardware in the loop you will need the mavsim scicoslab toolbox here.
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there was a discussion on how battery capacity should be chosen in another posting today. I therefore sat down and gave the problem some thoughts. After some time I had a solution and wrote the results down in a short report (see attachment battery_capacity.pdf ).


For those of you, not interested in reading the whole report, I found a very short and simple way to choose the battery capacity to optimize flight time. The calculations show that the battery should be twice as heavy as the airframe without batteries (but all other things installed).

I guess this rule gets as simple as it can :D






p.d. I added a new version of the report (just use link above)

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Some of my videos showing my MAV system...

Shrediquette MM6 FPV in Cameroon


Shrediquette DLX autonomous indoor flight (no budget and not so aggressive autonomous tricopter maneuvers...):

GPS position hold:



Small tricopter: (Shrediquette DLXm):

3689399909?profile=originalVery small Y6 hexacopter (Shrediquette BOLT):



More info can be found at

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A semi-autonomous civilian UAV system designed for hunters and fisherman. The current
project is called The VULTURE System (Versatile Unmanned Lingering
Terrain Utilization and REcon ). It will be used to help hunters and fisherman find
game and schools of fish as well as to find the best areas to hunt in and paths to take.

The user will be able to unpack the system take off vertically and look at the view from the air and then circling areas of interest until the hunter, fisherman or team of eithar can reach the location. The system is not designed to be ultra portable from the ground, but more with someone dedicated to ground support at camp or on a boat to guide the team.


VTOL Capabilities

Long range communications

Long flight duration (<30 minutes)

Autonomous loitering abilities

Waypoint navigation and return to user in the event of not receiving transmissions

Infrared camera for finding game, schools of fish and night time recon

Initial testing of certain functions will be done on a SkyHawk powered glider

Final testing and platform will be a modified Predator pictured above

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Telemetry App


I went to the first Bay Area FPV fly-in, met some people with really nice setups.  One person was using the iTelemetry app, from Immersion RC.  You can see he didn't quite make it back to the field (ran out of power), which could have been a pretty serious thing since we were flying in a hayfield and the plane was totally hidden in the grass.


He was able to take his iphone out to the field, and follow on google maps directly to the pin that was documenting the plane's location.  He also produced this nifty flight image, but I'm not sure if this was in the app or on his computer.


Does anyone know of a similar telemetry app in the APM world?


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3D Robotics
In this demo, Pat Hickey from Invensense does a demo on a turntable showing how much error you can expect from an IMU (in this case the MPU 3000 using the onboard Kalman filter) in a turn if you don't have a GPS or magnetometer to correct it. The answer is less than 10 degrees at .2G (12 inch turntable turning at 33rpm), which is a reasonable guess of what a plane would experience in a prolonged turn. 
This is relevant because the forthcoming Invensense MPU 6000 sensor with 3-axis gyros and 3-axis acclerometers on a single chip has a great onboard sensor fusion processor, which is attractive to use. But it doesn't have an on-board magnetometer or a good way to input GPS data into the sensor fusion processing, which could correct the inertial errors from centrifugal forces.
So what if you go without that correction? This demo suggests that the consequences might not be too bad. 

(demo filmed by me at the Wired offices)

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Ran across this today:


It's a dedicated video (PAL or NTSC) Arduino shield with passthrough capabilities. Nothing fancy, just a sync separator and some passive electronics. Obviously, it needs to be mated with an Arduino (additional one, alongside APM, of course), but it's plug and play and comes with a neatly put together library. Question is, can this + Arduino physically fit an average ArduCopter?

If so, it might be the ticket to beginner's quad computer vision experimentation (plus, you get an OSD generator extra ;) on the cheap ($50ish + camera).
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More AMA "disinformation"







In an announcemnet today Rich Hanson, AMA Government Relations and Regulatory Affairs Representative said:


"an agreement on the proposed language was a little more difficult to achieve in the House than in the Senate, and we were unable to settle on the exact verbiage before the Bill was sent to the floor for a vote."


Either he is extrememly lost or can't read the Congressional record. Perhaps he meant to say that because the Nugent amendment only protected recreational sUAS and did not give the AMA a monopoly, we had to get him to withdraw it. 


Congressman Richard Nugent (R,FL) had submitted an ammendment to make all aircraft flying within AC 91-57 and under 55 pounds exempt from regulation. Note that his amendment had no mention of any CBOs (IE: AMA) being exempt.


The Nugent amendment was a great amendment exempting 90% of hobbyists (including FPV and autonomous use). I guess we know who was behind stopping it. What I don't understand is why they can't even tell their membership the truth, I am an AMA member and tired of being lied to.

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Dear Friends,

today i upload last revision of ArducopterNG32 , I upload the code after my fly test doing tomorrow.

This is the video.

With this revision of code is possible to fly in acro e stable mode.

Today i'm doing my first outdoor test of ArmFox V4 firmware in basic configuration , I'm happy of the result , the quad is flying fine and seems reliable, even if a revision is alpha code.

In this test i use standard component , don't professional part.

MP32 and Oilpan work fine togheter.

I use 4 Chineese standard 18 A PWM ESC buy on Giancod store at 6$

Standard Motor 900 kv

10 inch propeller.

Standard 6 channel analog reciver on 35 Mhz.

So this is an entry level configuration.

Yesterday I spoke with Diego L. that are using only analog gyro and accelerometer connected directly to MP32 , That sensor normally is used on Aeroquad , but is the same that mount Oilpan , the only difference is that is connected by spi adc to MP32 instead on Diego configuration It is directly connected to analog input.

The MP32 analog input is better of avr analog because are at 12 bit . We notice that the configuration of analog is the same of oilpan. The resolution is the same.

The video , is only a raw fly with some test for check relability.

I need to setup the PID on gyro , today during flying there was much raffic of wind .


This is the link to the code.


This is the tutorial for pre flight check :

You can use all your standard Diydrones accessories with MP32 for assemble your drone.

MultipilotP32 ( ) is available in the stock if you need more information send a mail to


MP32 is next revision of CPU for Arducopter project based on 32 Bit arm microprocessor with 72 mhz of clock and a lot of innovative hardware feature as 2 i2c one for sensor , can bus , 512 kbyte flash and 64 kbyte ram. 12 bit analog input for more info visit discussion forum on

Next step is testing advanced functionality on air : Gps hold ,altitude hold ecc


Some suggestions about my PID these is the standard available on Arducopter NG

P 4.0

I 0.150

D 1.20


I change also Stick_to_angle factor conversion for have more command available.

What do you think about ? In the next test i would put our VR ESC that use i2c bus and have 256 step of resolution this esc only 127 :( That's could be a problem for good fly ... :)





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Build new Quad + frame

After the crash on yesterday I again rebuild the frame using new 12mm aluminium square pipe with same length of 14inch or 355mm with 10x4.7 props. Built the frame and mounted the motors and electronics. Reloaded the software with 4.5 + reboard firmware.


During the test it seems to be good. Trying to achieve a hover vehicle by adjusting the EPA and trims. Most of the the part did work well. But as soon as I finished testing I switched off the Tx thinking that I unarmed the Quad. The moment I switched off the Tx the motors started to full rpm and the quad flipped and two props were broken. BAD DAY for me.


I replaced one broken prop with the new one I have and I don't have anymore of them. Trying to get them locally from Chennai or Hyderabad. But I couldn't get any pusher props anywhere in Hyd.


What to do. Its in final stage and needs to be demonstrate on Monday.





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