's Discussions (39356)

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Why odd tails ?

Hello folks,I have some queries about these drones :1) Why do they have these unusual tail configurations ( as compared to model planes ).2) Is there any advantage to using the pusher prop. configuration ?ThomasAny guys from Mumbai,India around here

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Need A UAV Built

I am new to the industry. I am looking for someone to build a UAV for my company. I am willing to pay for all costs associated with design, manufacturing, and testing of the platform. If you are interested please email me at skk.enterprises@gmail.com

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FAA Information

There is no shortage of folks saying the FAA has sold out and is out out get us. From my perspective, having worked WITH the FAA for the past three years to help them resolve this difficult issue, They are not against anyone or any group. I have prov

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+2 axis SPI output gyro

Hello,Does anyone know of any gyro that has output on 2 or more axis - and has SPI output? I dediced to design a sensor board that will work with gumstix verdex, but I dont want to make analog measurements, so I like all sensors to talk over SPI or I

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Android Droid

Hey Guys,Anyone considered using Google's open-source phone Android for a DIY drone?I've been trolling the Android dev. boards lately trying to find someone to team up with, but after seeing the piece on Boing I've realized this is the place to talk.

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sensor package

Hello,I am looking at building or buying a sensor package. Mainly I need 3 axis accelerotometers, 3 axis gyros, magnetic sensors (3 axis would be best) and an altimeter. I want to read all the data into a gumstix or similar board and then downlink th

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Gyro stabilized camera platform

I have a GY401 gyro and want to make a camera mount that is stabilized on the roll axis only, such as the one on Chris' Predator.What I would like to do is to make this a 'stand-alone' system (with its own battery) that has no connection to the airpl

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UAV convertable model aircraft

Hello,I like to get into hobby UAVs and I wanted to buy an electric park flyer or something bigger that I can convert into an UAV.What are the considerations when selecting an aircraft. Obviously lift capacity is important, but I also want something

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Start up Problem?

When I power up the quadcopter I notice one of the motors will turn very slowly in reverse until I flick it in the right direction when it seems to work OK. I have found the quadcopter very difficult to control. The motors do not seem to spin all fre

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The Hyperblimp

I do not know if any of you have seen this UAV yet. It is called the hyper blimp. It is an outdoor blimp that is being marketed as a camera platform. There is also footage on the site that shows one that stopped responding to controls, drifted into d

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Data modems

Im trying to decide on a cheap, relaible data modem that has atleast 10 miles of range. i would like to adapt it to work with my standard tx and fly my fpv plane, and later with the paparazzi im going to build.

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Arduino programming

Hi I have no idea of how to program in open source code I have some html web programming experience that is very basic is there a website or book that I could buy that could help this?

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Receiver channel doesn't work?

Not surprisingly, something goes horribly wrong when I haven't changed anything.After finally getting R/C integration with my basic stamp to work, four days later when I haven't touched anything, both my continuous rotation servo and one of my receiv

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