I am worried that the pwm values of each mode on channel 5 may be too close together. This may be the cause of my hexa getting its knickers in a twist when changing modes.
The six values are 1081 - 1265 - 1490 - 1580 - 1690 - 1780
I have noticed from 2.0.30 onwards (could be earlier) when I switch to Loiter or RTL and then back to simple mode, the front of the Hexa is no longer the front. - Anyone else have this problem?
For the last couple of weeks my Hexa has been flying like a dog ....Just run planner to install 2.0.29 and my world is back in order. A massive improvement with sonar altitude hold working the best ever....
I have no control over the yaw in 2.0.25. When I check in CLI and move the left YAW stick left - centre - right i get 0 - 2200 - 4200 in radio test mode.
I have run radio setup again and it stays the same. How can I change my radio settings????
I have soldered my filter pads ..... but wondered if I also need to add a felt pad to the baro as I have the IMU inside a plastic case mounted on the top of my Hexa.. It isn't sealed as a small part of the base is cut away for the wires to
I'm keen to use camera stabilization. I have downloaded the latest code and have checked that camera stabilization in enabled but when I try and compile or upload the code I get an error.
I am Soooooo pleased with my latest flights on the latest code (just disabled sonar and all height hold now works :)) that I am going to re-mount my camera.
Does the code work for stabilization??? In Ardupirates I would use dip switch 2 etc
Can anyone tell me how to use Tx channel 7 to calibrate my throttle?
I have seen a couple of references to this but have not seen any instructions on how to do it. Do I need to connect channel 7 output from the receiver or is it a mix on the
Took a bad tumble with my home brew Hexa yesterday. I was flying 2.023 and I let the Hexa have its head when testing RTL - big mistake. 5 props and a couple of broken bolts.
All now fixed and upgraded from M3 to M4 bolts much beefier....
I'm not sure if this issue is limited to the hexa install but when I try and adjust the yaw in flight, some of the motors accelerate making my hexa pitch to the side and out of level flight.
I understand that the guys will be improving the hexa code
I have installed the new Arducopter 2.x code but as expected I'm having problems and can't fly with confidence. I'm not complaining as I fully understand that this is an early Beta release.