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SmartPlanes unmanned survey and mapping


Some of you may have heard about SmartPlanes in Sweden. We have been quietly working with survey and mapping from UAV's for about 5 years now and keeping a bit of a low profile. I have just been putting a bit more information on our homepage about the kind of work we do and wanted to share it with you guys here at DiYDrones. I know a lot of you have ambitions of doing something commercial with UAV's in civilian applications and I'd be glad to share our experience.

Our plane was designed to be a portable system for aerial photography that can handle professional use in the field. We use a flying wing made out of covered EPP with vacuum formed polycarbonate fuselage that can be disassembled into 3 pieces for transport. It has an aft mounted electric motor and weighs about 1.1kg with camera and flys for about 35min on a 2500mAH flight pack. Our first version of this plane used a MicroPilot 2028g, now we use paparazzi autopilot. ask me why. It is hand-launch and manual landing. Flight planning is done by defining a single rotated rectangular block with dimensions and one waypoint. The actual navigation path is calculated in the autopilot code.


I think that aerial photography over small areas and single objects is a very good first civilian application for UAV's. We have seen a lot of interest in the technology, but the market is really undeveloped. For most mapping applications though, it is not enough to just take pictures from the air- you have to be able to generate a georeferenced photomosaic that you can use in a geographic information system. This is an area we have put a lot of effort into, within smartplanes and through some partners. We now have some software that allows you to create a good georeferenced mosaic already in the field on a laptop. For the more demanding applications that require true orthophotos and surface height models, we send the data in for processing.

We have found a lot of interest especially in making surface height measurements over small areas, because you can then measure volumes of things like gravel piles, sawdust, peat, rock aggregate, garbage, compost. Whatever people scoop up into big piles, they usually need to measure it and it is expensive to do it with conventional ground survey or aerial photography.

We normally cover an area of about 500x500m in a single flight because aviation regulations in most places require flying within line-of-sight. We can however join several flights into a large block for mapping larger areas. I think the largest block we have done to date had 30 blocks and almost 8000 photos. Very interesting to know it can be done, but at this size, laser scanning becomes more competetive.

Anyway I just want to tell you a little about our work and invite you to have a look at our homepage. Leave a comment here if you have any questions.

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Caution: Robot Driver in Training


Good short opinion piece on the increasingly complex regulations surrounding UAVs occupying civilian airspace.

"If, for some unknown reason, the Air Force desperately needs to surveil northern tier wheat patches, let’s have a new class of airspace called MOA/DRONE. Put it on the chart, just like that, MOA/DRONE. Then, place the UAVs under positive control and equip them with VHF comm so the operator can talk directly to any aircraft sharing the MOA on a common advisory frequency. That’s how MOAs work now. Pilots who want to enter them can do so on an own-risk basis, or they can circumnavigate the area. There’s always risk in entering MOAs and if you don’t like that, don’t fly there.

The reality is that UAVs are becoming an ever larger part of the U.S. airspace picture. This is likely to grow exponentially over the next decade. Sooner or later, they are going to have to be integrated into the way the civil world does business. The services have to get over the knee-jerk reaction to carve out restricted airspace every time a robot wants to go flying and we in the civil world have to get over the irrational fear of sharing airspace with these things. If we don’t, there won’t be any airspace left for civil use.

Yes, there will be accidents. Drones will occasionally get away—as one did near Washington recently—and they’ll probably crash in spectacular ways. But it has always been and will always be thus with flying machines. We can nanny ourselves to a froth over this stuff to the point that the only response will be to cower in a dark closet with your butt bumped against the wall charger for the robotic vacuum cleaner."

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Rent a Drone @ 190 EUR


German company providing drone rentals @ 190 EUR [private use] or @ 420 EUR [commercial use]. Interesting to note, units supposedly easy to control for the novice via video goggles and Tablet PC, remote control or using GPS waypoint navigation. English translation of website via google available here.

For the record, not associated with firm(s) in any way -- posted for informational purposes only.

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Aerial video.
Made in Italy by Foxteam applications of aerial photogrammetry and promotion of tourist destinations. The shootings have made some resorts in the Italian territory. For now, Google has not yet copied! , As it did with Google Earth and StreetView: (
For more info about service and tecnology used contact us at:
we would test Arduhely on this beautfull machine .
Roberto Navoni FoxTeam
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Natural gas leaked out of a PG&E pipeline in San Bruno, CA, killing an unknown number. Clearly the Buried Natural Gas infrastructure is beginning to age. Only UAV's can reasonably fly low enough in neighborhoods to create a map of NG concentration. I heard on NPR that PG&E flies airplanes to inspect gaslines, but clearly not low or often enough.

Given that Methane sensors are light, cheap and readily available:


It's conceivable that Amateur UAV's could fly a pattern and log Methane levels against a GPS coordinate.

(Does anyone else think this could be a viable task for UAVs? and Why not propose a T3 contest in which mapping methane is the objective?)

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DIY Solar Airplane


I have been tinkering with solar powered RC planes this summer. The photos above shows the latest incarnation.

This model uses the Parkzone Vapor's radio gear and motor ( ), plus five Powerfilm solar cells ( ). The motor/prop are quite well matched to the cells, delivering about 2.5 watts in direct sunlight. Here are some test data:

All up weight is 38g, 18g in solar cells. It has a tiny 20mAh battery (1g) in parallel with the solar cells that acts to smooth out the voltage. Before I flew, I ran the motor using battery power until the voltage dropped too low to run the motor, then I plugged in the solar cells. That way, when I flew, I knew I was really running on solar power alone. I flew it for about 5 minutes or so, but it was a pain to fly because the wings were too torsionally floppy. I am planning the next revision that should address some of this design's shortcomings.

Related Work

There have been many successful solar airplanes. I found the following efforts particularly interesting because they are not military or NASA scale projects, and they are well documented.

Andre Noth's (ETH Zurich) 3.2m span Sky-Sailor, which flew 27 hrs in 2008

Carl Engel and Adam Woodworth's (MIT) 3.1m Aphelion, which has flown over 7 hrs

Solar Cell Selection

In many applications, solar cell performance is measured by efficiency. In my experiments with the Powerfilm cells, I got about 70 watts per square meter. Using a fairly standard irradiance value of 1000 watts per square meter puts the cell efficiency at something like 7%. This is not particularly good compared to the state of the art (see e.g.

The Aphelion uses an array of 18 A-300 Sunpower Solar Cells. The total encapsulated array weighs about 350 grams and can deliver 55 watts of power. These cells are reported to be upwards of 20% efficient. BTW, if you dig deep enough into the Aphelion thread referenced above, Carl reveals his secret supplier of these cells:


Also, here is the contact info for our solar array supplier, now that he has given permission for it to be posted. One note that he wants to be made clear: he is very busy, and it's a small operation, so there can be a serveral month lead-time on ordering an array. With that, here is his info:

SunCat Solar is the name of the comany, and our contact in Alain Chuzel(pronounced "Allen"). His email address is
ahmchuzel<at>aol<dot>com. (replace the <at> with @and <dot> with . )

He can fabricate pretty much any size or confguration of array, given a good drawing (and enough money )


The weight of solar cells accounted for 47% of the total weight of my airplane. Therefore, I would argue that for a solar powered airplanes, an important performance measure of performance is watts per gram. I measured about 0.27 watts per gram for the Powerfilm cells. This compares favorably to the Sunpower cells at 0.16 watts per gram.

Some other attractive things about the Powerfilm cells is that they are reasonably priced, and readily available in small quantities. I have not contacted Suncat Solar to determine the cost/availability of the Sunpower cells.

Scaling Arguments

I think it would be very cool to build a solar powered drone that could stay up all day, and possibly all night. My little airplane has essentially no payload capacity. Presumably, a larger airplane would be required to carry up a GPS, IMU, two way radio, etc.

As the airplane gets bigger, we have more area for solar cells, but the weight gets larger too. So how does the power budget work out with a bigger airplane? Here are some scaling arguments to help answer that question objectively.


Preq: required power

Pavail: available power

Rp: the ratio of available power (Pavail) to required power (Preq)

D: drag

V: flight speed

W: weight

g: acceleration due to gravity

rho: air density

S: wing area

CL: lift coefficient

Kcell: power output of solar cell per area

LOD: lift/drag (or glide ratio)

WOS: wing loading, weight per area


(1) Pavail = K * S (assuming the entire wing is covered with cells)

(2) Preq = D * V

(3) V = sqrt( 2 * W * g/ (rho*S*CL) )

(4) D = W * g / LOD

Combining (2), (3), and (4) gives

(4) Preq = W * g/ LOD * sqrt( 2*W *g/ (rho*S*CL) )

Combining (1) and (4) gives

(5) Rp = K * S ^ (3/2) * LOD * sqrt(rho * CL) / ( (W*g) ^ 3/2 * sqrt(2*g) )

Finally, simplifying (5) gives

(6) Rp = K * (1/WOS) ^ (3/2) * LOD * ( sqrt(rho*CL/ 2) * g^(-3/2) )

There are four terms in (6). The first term depends only on the solar cell. The second term depends only on the wing loading. The third term depends on the aerodynamic efficiency of the airplane, and the fourth term we can treat as a constant. Thus, starting from my little airplane, as we increase the size of the airplane, if we use the same solar cells, maintain the same wing loading, and maintain the same LOD, then we should still have enough power to fly.

The bad news is that as airplanes are scaled up, their weight usually goes up faster than their area, thus their wing loading goes up. Stated another way, bigger airplanes usually have higher wing loading than smaller airplanes given similar structural technologies.

The good news is that as we increase the size of the airplane, we can expect the LOD to improve. The LOD of my airplane is around 7. Doubling or even tripling this value should be possible ( see e.g. ). The wing loading of my airplane is 540g/m^2. If we double the LOD, we can increase the wing loading (WOS) to 850g/m^2 (i.e a factor of 1.58) and maintain the same power ratio.

Also, as we make the motor and propeller larger, we might expect an improvement in propulsive efficiency, meaning that we fly with a reduced power ratio.

Considering these factors, building a bigger solar airplane is probably harder than building a small solar airplane. Based on the successes referenced above, I must conclude that it is possible, but not easy (or cheap).

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3D Robotics

Jose Juilo from the ArduCopter team has been doing great work adding the GPS position hold and autopan features to the code. Yesterday you saw the video of the flight; here's the picture that the quad took, a stitch of 8 photos taken with a programmed slow yaw movement linked to shutter triggers.

Full GPS navigation is the next feature ArduCopter will inherit from the ArduPilot Mega code. Expect a public beta within the month....

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camera GPS targeting, assisted targeting and stabilisation


I have been meaning to write up about this for a while, I have been working on my own project to produce a GPS targeting device aimed at being able to point and target GPS positions on the ground from the air and track them.

I am now at the stage where i have had a (semi) successful test of both hardware and software.

I have also added the ability to change GPS targets on the fly through a windows GUI and using the same code have assisted targeting i.e. you point the camera at something and all pitch, roll and yaw movements are cancelled out. The stabilisation mode just maintains pointing the camera at the ground.

Camera images are streamed live from the aircraft.

The scope for its application is large. for example placement of gain antennas on the aircraft for coms that can keep pointing at a ground station.

The hardware set up I am using is:

*arduimu v2 + magnetometer(to correct for yaw drift and get actual heading and not Course Over Ground)
*ATMega development board
*ATMega development shield
*locosys 10hz GPS
*APC220 for wireless coms
*a wireless camera

The solution I have produced uses two servos configured to move in pitch and roll as opposed to the usual pitch and yaw. this allows the use of a cheap pan and tilt kit, it also has the benefit of not having the problem with the yaw servo not being able to do 360 degrees and cable wrap whilst being able to cover a complete hemisphere of targets.

What i would like to do in the future is integrate my code with the current ardupilot code and also the front end C# mission planner GUI to allow for points of interest way points as well as the current mission way points. First I have to test my current set up a bit more thoroughly, you can see from the video that pointing is not a 100%. I will obviously need to speak to the current guys writing these applications and check that this is ok.

My current top things to investigate are.

*hardware alignment (is the imu aligned with the actual servos)
*actual GPS update rate I have configure 10Hz but it does not seem to be a true 10Hz more like once every 3 seconds)

planned future enhancements to name a few are:

*video overlay of camera target data e.g. range.
*I would love to integrate with eagle tree FPV so that pilot can select targets in flight and secondry camera tracks point of interest.

I will keep you posted and any questions are welcome.

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Vision Based Collision Detection System


So I think we can all agree that a reliable detect-and-avoid system would indeed be the holy grail of the UAV world. The current debacle of UAV regulation hinges on the fact that UAVs indeed would not be able to avoid collisions as they would not be able to sense the presence of other traffic.

With the current technology at hand, it seems to me that vision based systems present the only option for small UAVs due to both cost and weight constraints of radar systems. There are already some research centers that are doing work on this such as these guys:

I am also compelled to start research in this area both due to personal interest and necessity. Having Project Andromeda puts me in a good position where we can develop and test the system on a reliable platform.

I am thinking whether or not an Open-Source version of the same system would be possible. I would set-up the project and provide hosting (most likely as part of the PA website). The target demographic would be people who are interested in digital image processing, SLAM systems and vision based spacial tracking and general robotics.

A great deal of work has already been done as part of the Project Andromeda effort and I will ensure separation of PA code and work done on this project to ensure license integrity (as PA is not under an Open Source license).

Here's a short description of the proposed system:

The picture above is the main camera of the Project Andromeda platform, the Sony FCB-EX20DP.

The PA platform also includes a 1.4Ghz embedded PC with an on-board frame grabber that captures the frames from the FCB-EX20DP in compressed and raw form for transmission to the ground and for processing. The camera is attached to a PT gimbal which allows it to be stabilized. I'm currently using openCV to research different methods.

The proposed system would use a modification of the current Project Andromeda PTZ camera to scan the skies for traffic. It would used dense optical flow fields coupled with feature detection to spot objects moving against the background. It would then use Kalman Filters to track them in 3D space and using mono-SLAM to obtain range values if possible. An alternate version could use a lightweight laser range-finder coupled with the main camera to obtain accurate ranging for objects that are close.

The end result is a system that maintains a repository of objects by tracking them in the surrounding 3D space. The zoom ability allows the system to quickly obtain close-up images of each object. This could either be used to notify a ground-based controller or to match up against an onboard database of objects.

So, this is obviously something I've been thinking about for a while. It could go two ways, I would either develop it closed-source as part of PA, or it would be an open source project that would rely in PA and other similar projects for air-time and reliability testing. The end result would be a Open Source system comprising of the mechanical, electronic and software blueprints necessary for operation.

Is anyone interested in something like this? If you are, or any other thoughts please shout-out below. I'll be following this carefully to see if it's at all feasible as an Open Source project.

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3D Robotics

Amateur UAVs in the New York Post


Classic New York Post: (via Gawker)

"Attack of the Drones

Airborne Eyes Peer at the City

In New York City, someone's always looking down on you.

Low-tech, miniature versions of battlefield drones have come to the boroughs. Only here, they are controlled mostly by hobbyists and photographers, not soldiers shooting insurgents from the sky.

There are only 282 official permits to fly drones nationwide, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. They range from $4.5 million jets that can fly for two days without landing, to hand-launched helicopters that fit in a book bag.

The FAA would not say if any of these permits have been issued in New York City.

But the number of drones patrolling the nation's skies is expected to "explode" if the agency, as expected in December, relaxes restrictions on law enforcement for aircraft weighing 4.4 pounds or less.

Until then, hobbyists are the only people who can launch unmanned aircraft without a permit, as long as devices aren't being used to make money, said an FAA spokesman. They're supposed to fly below 400 feet."

more here....

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Ardu Gaui Copter

Waiting for my new copter legs I decided to see how the Jani copter could be adapted. The frame fits very well on the Gaui. I still have parts to add to the top but it works. I tried larger motors and 10" props but I need to raise two of the motors for this to work. So the picture shows the standard 10a esc and Gaui motors

Sonar and IR to follow. I liked the esc calibration of the Gaui so I have implemented this in my ardu copter code. This means the copter will not start if you have never calibrated the esc's and after that will not start if throttle is not in the lowest position.

Next job automatic PID adjustment!

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I have been following this site for a while now, I guess it is time to post something myself.
Above is a picture of my latest scratch-built quadcopter running an STM32 ARM processor board with home-brew software. This is my second quad, on the first one (you can sort of see it in my profile picture) I used a home-mode, dual Atmega 328 board.
So far, the quad features the following setup:

  • Aluminium frame "Home-Depot" style
  • Alpha 370 size motors (HobbyPartz)
  • Salvaged 6dof sensor board from a Walkera XUFO 5 (4?)
  • 2-axis magnetometer (I know, 3 axes would make my life a little easier)
  • Maxbotix sonar range finder for low-altitude hold
  • Mediatek LS20031 GPS
  • Modified ADNS2610 optical mouse sensor for low-altitude position-hold
  • Custom software, using ChibiOS RT OS (
  • 72Mhz RC gear (Futaba TX, generic RX)
  • XBee telemetry downlink
  • Onboard data logging to SD/MMC card
  • Oh, yes: taped on keychain-camera for onboard video ;-)

Here is picture of the (rather untidy) electronics setup (the Xbee is normally mounted on the inside of the canopy, the mouse sensor and ultrasound sensor are underneath the copter for obvious reasons):

The software features working so far are:
  • Quaternion based attitude representation - tried Kalman filters at first, switched to a more DCM-like approach later
  • Attitude-hold and aerobatic flight modes (can be switched in flight)
  • GPS position hold (activated by channel 6 switch on TX)
  • OR alternatively at the moment: Optical flow position hold via a downward-facing, modified optical mouse sensor with custom optics (NOTE: both GPS position hold and mouse sensor position hold work, but only on a good day - definitely requires more tweaking/PID tuning)
  • Data logging to SD card (not very reliable atm - I do not really use this much since I have telemetry via Xbee)
  • "Ground station software" for data logging and displaying the state of the quad in various graphical ways

The software is written pretty much in straight C, making use of ChibiOS' multithreading. The ground software is a collection of Perl/Tk scripts - all my development happens on Linux.
Below is a video of the quad in "mouse sensor" position hold mode in my driveway - apologies for the terrible video, I will try and shoot a better one soon...

If somebody finds any of this useful or interesting, I am glad to share some more details...

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Indoor Flying Robot (Quadrotor) update


Thought I would share the progress on our quadrotor, we have done the PID tuning but have noticed in the test rig that it tends to 'rock' to the same side in both pitching and rolling from a straight and level position. We think we can put this down to the way the quad sits in the test rig. Next we look at doing a flight test once we receive our new engine mounts.

For those interested ther engine mounts and baseplate were constructed using a rapid prototyper and are made out of ABS plastic which is quite strong.


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Tried APC propellers again. Propeller struck ground but didn't bend. Motor broke off mount & propeller struck ESC, damaging something. ESC started smoking. Fortunately we test fly on the golf course instead of a dry field. It's been a long time of occupied storage, but now it's time to trash the APC's.

Finally got operational with the fulltime orientation hold. Next, the helical antenna finally got its show.

It certainly doesn't get as many satellites as the patch. It hasn't had any sudden glitches yet, either. It has a lot more of a random walk & seems to lag more.

The main difference with fulltime orientation hold is the lower D gains possible. That reduces the amount of oscillating. The human controlled cyclic needed such high D gains it always oscillated. The only option for full cyclic was different gains when in full autopilot.

We're not entirely crazy about fulltime orientation hold any more than basic cyclic. Now there's a very narrow limit to angle of attack because our accelerometer only does right side up. It needs a bit of margin to keep from going over 90' & flipping.

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