I have a question, can the pixhawk be used as a stand alone geotagging/ camera trigger if we are using an aircraft with another flight control? I know some will think why bother if the pixhawk is a flight control. We using a freefly A
I'm trying to see what my plane's estimated airspeed was on a recent flight, but I'm unable to locate it. I do not have an airspeed sensor on this plane, so I'm interested in the value that's inferred, which is displayed on the mission planner screen
I’m looking for a smaller/lighter alternative to the Pixhawk.
I need to use ardupilot’s relay-type camera shutter, with a fixed-wing craft, for automated flights with shutter triggered automatically (on the Pixhawk, I’d use the AUX/RC ports
Hello! I'm new to the DIYDrones community. I can't get my Pixhawk to arm unless it is connected to USB. From what I've read, this is usually a power related problem. The battery's voltage is 12.6 V (3300 mAh). from the power module it sends 5.27 V to
I saw this has popped up in another post, but didn't want to hijack the conversation as it may be related to a fence breach. Started the autotune and everything seemed normal. Starting with roll axis. Twitch left, twitch right and on it goes. Unt
Hi, I have a problem that when i switch to Stabilize mode, my glider is ok for a few seconds, then goes out of control. I.e. it starts to bank heavily, flaps about and dives for the ground. I have avoided a crash by flicking back to manual to gain con
I've recently upgraded my taranis to 2.1.9 and upgraded my receivers with the help of your very informative youtube videos. But I have ran into a major problem. Once I have rebound my receiver and plug it into my amp 2.6 via the sbus encoder, happy da
Soon I will start to fly my Skyrunner 300+ mounted with Wren 44+ turbine . I have been flying pixhawk for a while on Drone , FPV plane (skywalker, FX 61 long range) but never at hight speed.
Any tips would be great....the first challenge will be to
There is some weird behavior of horizont on my Pixhawk. From some time, it started loose his horizont. Some times restarting of pix helped, some times after restarting it stay in position around 45 to real horizont. Just to clarify, I have done
Was flying perfectly well on stock PID settings but wanted to see if autotune could improve things.
About 3 minutes into the tuning whilst still on the first axis it suddenly flipped over and crashed without any warning. It looked like an overly aggre
I have bought a Sky Hero Anakin and fitted it out with a Pixhawk 2.4.8. After a couple of minor technical connection problems, i have now got it in the air, but somewhat very precariously. I have replaced the "one shot"
I've just finished independently autotuning pitch and roll for my little quadcopter (Emax 2204-2300, 6030, 310mm, 702g) however, the quadcopter is unstable using these values while in Autotune mode for yaw. The P for roll is 10.18, and the P for pitc
I would like to modify the source code of Kalman Filter to reduce the states from 22 to my own states needed to drive a rover. Can anyone explain me how difficult it is and which steps need to be done to modify it?
Hi guys. I'm down with an ongoing project a 3.2m Gemini V2 fitted with a lot of gear, including a Pixhawk. During the last days we have been working on the Autotune to get the Pixhawk ready for FBW mode.
I've got a Turnigy 9X (TGY9x) transmitter that I have been using for basic control for about 6 months. I am still using a stock ROM in the transmitter. I would like to add multiple Flight Mode switching ability. This would ideally take advantage of t