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Dji is the best multirotor system out there for the price it lives up to the hype. I bought a f330 pre built arf kit used save about a 100.00. I bought a 20c 3s 4000 Economyrc lipo battery flying time about 20 mins. I gotta say I was amazed how stable ,responsive and fast I was able to fly. I took it up about a 100 feet just to hover. it's simple to build the most difficult thing to do is using the software and transmitter setting for first time users but one accomplish that buyer will very happy with the end result. I just order the f450 and the x468 landing and gimble at 129.00 ship made for naza quads here is the link

These things are hard to come by used because so many people are very please with them and when they are so sold used it not at a big saving that why I just bought the f450 with naza fc new. Man I gotta say I love what the folks at Dji have done I hope they keep up the good work because they made a believer out of me

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3DR Radio, First Impressions


I'm thrilled to report that my radio kit arrived and it works well.  Andreas is likewise happy with his kit.

Writeup here:

Fixing the air unit network id:

Thanks 3DR, Tridge, and everybody else that worked in producing this unit!

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RC CAR+ARDUINO: The second prototype is ready


Today I went to a mega store and I found this "broken" car for just 9.99 pounds, so I decided to buy it and replace the crappy car that I mounted all the stuffs.


The next week I will buy 1 ultrasound sensor, extension IO and a compass, them should help the car to drive in a specific direction ( i.e. to the north ) and I am going to avoid the obstacles that the sensor will find on the road.



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On this week's episode of MyGeekShow we repaired the Nova after it's horrific crash last week, tested our airspeed sensor to see how accurate it is, raced the Raptor around the field trying to measure it's speed, and finally installed a camera on both the Nova and the Raptor. And I may have crashed the Nova again. Yeah. Not good.

This is a new format, and obviously longer. Let us know what you think!


-Trent & Nick


Main Camera: Panasonic HDC-TM900K


Battery: 20C 2.2Ah Sky
Servos: T-Pro 9G
Motor: Optima 450 2220-1800KV
ESC: Exceed RC Proton 30A



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Flying Band Concept

I've just found an interesting & impressive concept of an flying object from Festo (those guys who also made the flying bird one year ago). 

It's a quite interesting concept to get an object flying at low speed. I'd love to see such an object moving outside - but I guess this aircraft is hard to handle when it comes to windy or turbulent conditions. Especially when every part of the object is moving and you have no stable part of the platform where you measure anything against it.

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iPhone/Android RC Controller

21430.jpg?width=300If you're like me, you've been asked plenty of times if your RC unit can be controlled by an iPhone.  Now you may be able to answer yes!

Hobbyking IOS & Android 4CH WiFi Receiver

Four channel, talks over wifi, app works by pseudo-stick or tilt control, mysterious reference to "video function", failsafe... seems pretty nifty!

It looks like the unit joins a hard-coded network name, and the password is printed on the receiver.
Reference manual here. The Internet believes this to be the app.


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First! i'm bad in english but i try to explain everything i done and i have many question to help me if you can.

Last year thailand flood, This is my head video camera 9 km. from take off point.

And i have another camera under the plane for aerial photos

3689453608?profile=originalWhen already have raw material aerial photos then i used photosphop Command to make 1 peice situation map like this (20 photos)


after that i used photoshop (Automate->Photomerge) to processed a lot of pieces (1 piece create from 20 original aerial photos) again for only 1 map photo.

and i used global mapper software to make ground control point for geo reference in this map photo.


make .png and export to .kml to display in google earth


it's not perfect but i can use this for my job.

my job is volunteer in disaster in thailand.

when situation come i use this map for meeting with local people and another volunteer or doctor to plan how to help before real help from gov come.

i learn from many people from internet and rc group in thailand

this is my plane

Hand made air frame form stein aircraft (Thailand)

433 MHz Dradon link

Dradon lab autopilot

2 x 5800 mah


Next i want to learn about ardu mega and imu to merge pitch roll yaw to each aerial photo.

i have questions

If i buy APM V2 and IMU V3

- i must to buy OSD?

- between Full ArduPilot Mega kit (soldered, code loaded and ready to fly) from Udrones! or APM V2 and IMU V3 i need?

- IMU V2 can trigger camera , IMU V3 can do that?

- after flight what software to merge pitch & Heading log file with photos?

Somebody can help me or teach me to do this?

Thank you

My name is OB

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Fun with Naza

I know that this is the place of diyers but I am trying to compare Ardu-based copter with other solutions. And by taking into account the conterless hours I spent with Arducopter I can say I am quite satisfied .

This is a video of a friend of mine.



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ArduCopter on an Antarctic volcano

Hi all,

It occurs to me that I never got around to posting my videos flying my ArduCopter, Cindi Lou, on Mt Erebus last December (2011). I'm at around 10700 ft, but the pressure altitude is around 0.65 bar -- the equivalent of closer to 13,000 ft at the equator. This was on a nice, warm (-15C) nearly windless day. I was pleasantly surprised how well the quad performed in stabilize and simple mode (no sonar, and loiter was unreliable).

I got my APM / Oilpan when they first came out, and that's what's flying in this video. Unfortunately I upgraded to 2.0.49 before going to Antarctica and didn't realize that flight log collection was disabled since I had the atmega 1280 version, so no logs.

This is vaguely related to my PhD research in volcanology. My job on Erebus is to map and study some ice caves that form when volcanic gases melt tunnels into the bottom of the snowpack. The BBC came out and filmed us at work and you can see it in the "Life in the freezer" episode of the BBC / Discovery series Frozen Planet if you're interested.

I'm going back to Erebus for the fourth time this November, and this time I intend to do some serious science using multirotors with APM2 onboard. Some of the caves cannot be entered due to dangerous gasses and / or unique microbiology. I'm planning to fly an autonomous quadcopter down into them, doing SLAM or at least wall avoidance, and measuring gas concentrations. Eventually I'd also like to fly a multirotor down into Erebus' crater to sample gas from the bubbling lava lake. NASA's New Mexico Space Grant Consortium has kindly awarded me a graduate research fellowship for this work, and I am considering an application to NASA NIACS.

Please let me know if you have any advice or are interested in collaborating. Major issues I need to overcome:

  • Radio transmission through the snowpack: can it be done?
  • Cave wall avoidance. I will probably do this with IR distance sensors, although the MIT RANGE quadcopter-mounted lidar or Kinect approach would be better if I can pull it off. RANGE said they are interested in collaborating wants me to email them again in June...
  • Propeller / motor design for high altitudes. Should I be changing the blade pitch for lower pressure?
  • Keeping a quadrotor running in a cold environment with acidic and corrosive condensing vapor.

Oh, by the way, I'm now flying a 3DR frame with an APM2, and an Xaircraft X650V8 also with an APM2. Thanks to all the developers, the technology has improving by leaps and bounds! As has my own flying ability...

One more question. Does anyone know of other people flying multirotors in Antarctica? Am I the first on the continent? I hope not, because it would be great to start the McMurdo RC flying club!



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APM 2.0 Arming and LED Information


This is information on what the LED's mean on the APM 2.0


Alternating RED & BLUE LED: APM Booting

Flashing BLUE LED: Acquiring GPS Fix

Steady BLUE LED: 3D GPS Fix Aquired


Flashing RED LED: APM Disarmed

Steady RED LED: APM Armed




Steady GREEN LED: APM Power

Flashing ORANGE LED's: Data Transfer


How to arm the APM: Hold your throttle stick down and to the left for 5 seconds the red led should stop flashing and go steady. This important because every time you arm the APM it causes the barometer to be reinitialized (i.e. resets the current altitude to the home altitude).

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3689453548?profile=originalThis is how you set up your receiver to APM and APM to servos using (Spectrum Receivers)


Receiver out to APM2:

Aileron -> APM Ch.1

Elevator -> APM Ch.2

AUX1 (Pitch) -> APM Ch.3

Rudder -> APM Ch.4

Gear (Gyro) -> APM Ch.5 for flight mode switching.

Throttle -> Directly connect to the ESC


APM2 to Servos

Ch1 -> Front Left Servo

Ch2 -> Front Right Servo

Ch3 -> Rear Servo

Ch4 -> Rudder


DX8 Settings.  Just the default will do, which has the "Normal" for swashplate setting

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Baro issues to consider

Barometer Issues!?

Ok, here is another problem I've spotted in the mind field of hardware issues and for people who continually bang their heads trying to fix them through PID tuning. .

If you have a housing that is covering over all of your electronics such as a plastic container,.. then when you descend or ascend quickly the pressure inside the container changes and gives your barometer an false reading.

For example if you descend quickly the pressure increases inside the container making the barometer think that you are descending faster than you actually are. So the APM will try to compensate this out and try to increase the throttle and this probably cause a bouncing behavior some people are finding happens .

Some may argue that the barometer cant be this sensitive, but I beg to differ because the pressure variation it can sense for the pressure variances in altitude that it works off is very fine. The pressure change inside the container even for horizontal flight will be enough to for it to sense the changes of pressure in the container.

This also includes pressure zones around the incoming and out going air stream around the props if they are to close to the container or even if you have an open center frame the pressure zone around the props can possibly still affect the barometer

I'm considering some fixes for this such as a tube that has a H tube branch at its end and that sits above or below the center board.

I would be interested to know what others view and ideas are on this. .

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3689453532?profile=originalIm in two minds about mounting on rubber rings and particularly if it allows the board to wobble even ever so slightly . Any movement at all of the board relative to the crafts frame I suspect will cause oscillation and probably jitters during quick maneuvers. . I'm more in favor of adding vibration dampening pads to the arms and frame rather than suspending the AMP board. Take for example if the motors are causing a horizontal circular vibration from the motors and this circular rotation is say clockwise, then this is without doubt is going to affect the yaw if the board is moving differently to the frames yaw. So if anything I feel the oring idea is in some cases more counter productive than what its trying to achieve. The APM board in my view must be rock solid fixed to the frame to be able to quickly and accurately read what the aircraft is doing. Any compromise even if only very minute will without doubt affect the stability of the aircraft. We have to realise that if the board can be so easily affected from such small amounts of vibration and it is so sensitive, then the idea of APM board suspension mounts possibly is not a good idea

I feel some of the people having trouble with the PID tuning could be because their boards are moving and are not firmly fixed the the frames.

One method I have used to dampen vibration is to wrap a metal rod in some soft rubber and then slid this into the arm tube just under the motor. The rod floating in the rubber wrap takes quite a bit of the high frequency vibration out of the arms.

Just my thought on this.

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3.pngIs your favourite flying area only covered by fuzzy satellite imagery when reviewing your flight logs? Want to do something about it? The Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science has done the hard part to provide the tools, and the fruits of that labour are starting to pop up in Google Earth.

Take a look and see if you have imagery you might want to submit too!

Balloon and kite imagery in Google Earth at Google Lat Long Blog.

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3D Robotics


John Villasenor, senior fellow at the Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings Institution, was on NPR's Talk of the nation today talking about civilian drones. 3D Robotics gets a mention. 

As usual, there is some confusion over terms and definitions:

VILLASENOR: Well, first of all, I think it's very important to emphasize that model aircrafts are not drones. Model aircraft are flown within the line of sight of, and under the control of a pilot at all times. And so whatever definition someone might adopt of drones, that definition should not include model aircraft.

I think the other thing that's important to emphasize is that many of our military pilots, unmanned aircraft pilots, they justifiably aren't particularly thrilled with the term drone because it implies - it can imply sort of a hands-off approach, where in fact these folks are extremely skilled aviators who are no less skilled just because they happen not to be in the cockpit. And so they often prefer designations such as UAV, which is unmanned aerial vehicle, or RPA, which is remotely piloted aircraft.

CONAN: But for good or ill, the word drone has become associated with these, and that's the word that's in common usage. So we're going to continue with it.

You can listen to it or read a transcript here

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