my friend would like to build mobile weather station (made of copter, plane, rover or boat) and a lite version integrating MAVLink protocol into arduino board + GroundStation (Tower ..) for drawing saved/ updated data charts.
You guys have been incredibly helpful so far and I greatly appreciate it. After flying about 15 or so light missions and 1 decent crash, I've rebuilt and made some adjustments and have a couple of questions that I just can't seem to find expert answe
Hi, how can we calculate the capacitor and resistor values for PWM low pass filter for converting HY-SRF05 SONAR+Arduino Leonardo Board's digital output to APM 2.6's A0 analog input?
I am having trouble diagnosing my problem after updating firmware. For AC3.3, AC3.3.1, and AC3.3.2, when I attempt calibrate the accelerometer the GUI skips steps in the calibration procedure without my keyboard input. The following occurs
"The FAA responded that it would have the Chief Counsel’s Office again review my request. It seems the third time was a charm and I got an answer that may not make many hobbyists very happy. F
Using APM 2.8 on mission planner. Keep getting voice message. How can I get this sorted please.battery voltage is showing ok on flight data screen no current shown ,cannot arm quadcopter. blue and red lights flashing.yellow continuously and orange fa
I wonder if anyone can explain why my quad should exhibit serious frame oscillations before take off revs with a 4S battery, but flies perfectly with a 3S.
The Minin flickers with the 4S too, but is steady on the 3S (only powered from the 5V anologue
Oh goodie. The FAA has announced its ultra-rushed plan for a drone registry -- they desperately wanted to get this on the books before Christmas. It's worse than even the most vocal critics had anticipated:
Can the Minim OSD be connected to the Arducopter 2.6 simultaneously with a telecom MavLink transceiver? I am using a HKpilot mega 2.7 controller. It looks like the ports are the same as the Arducopter 2.6.
Reading this just breaks your heart and really makes me wonder if I shouldn't look into some kind of protection. Maybe the solo should come with them as well. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I started this project wanting to learn more about the ArduCopter software that was powering my APM board and 3DR Quad-C frame. I found Dr. Owenson's tutorial extremely useful and the perfect starting point. However, I wanted to understand the theory
Ciao a tutti, vorrei chiedere un aiutino nel settaggio del Pixhawk che per me è nuovo e ovviamente un po' ostico. Mi riferisco soprattutto ai valori PID da inserire o al famigerato auto tuning.
Ho un Tarot x6 (960 mm) con DJI 1200 pro tuned system (el