estoy trabajando en un proyecto fabricando un drone elo cual consta de 8 motores t-motor u10 100kv, esc simonk 80A, px4, helices 27x8,8. y bateria de 6s de 21000mah. me gustaria que me ayudarais para saber como puedo conector la baterias tan
Hoping someone can help me out here - my Pixhawk (plane) won't arm and I have not idea what the alarm sound means as it's not in the list of sounds in the Wiki. I also get the message "Bad or no terrain data" and it won't go away like it usually does
I have a motion capture system and want to send the position of the quad to the pixhawk. I've been reading a lot about this, but haven't found how I can actually achieve this. I know that, I have to connect the UART port from the odroid (5V) to the s
In a week time I more or less ruined my pixhawk by unpluggin some plugs from it (see photo). First I tried to unplug the buzzer because it really makes a deafening noise. I ended up with two loose wires. Well, the result is the same (no noise) but I
Hi all,Just a simple question:Which side of the module shall be connected to battery? (Ref Image attached).A. Right connectorC. Left connectorD. Either one ( right or left)Thank you for your help.
I'm running a DFI-550 Flamewheel style hexacopter with a Pixhawk controller. I have just started running missions by arming the unit, flippimg to Auto on the TX, then raising the throttle stilck to take off. Works great!
I have tried for a few times to calibrate the compass and have got the message that it captures enough point for me to click ok. But as I checked in the HUD of MP, the quad is in another location in the map and not where it should be.
My Pixhawk telemetry shows a lot of things, but not voltage, current and % of battery used as it does in my Ardupilot piloted quad. I did the following to check this:
- it happens in mission planner, APM planner 2, tower and droidplanner (both version
Hi, I have a quad with 4008 Tiger Motors. Have tried both 14.8 and now 22.2 v batteries. It flies really good, except I noticed in some Auto Missions it losses a lot of alttitude ( in one occasion in lost all altitude, bounced in the ground, and reco
I am using ArduCopter v3.2.1. As I looked at the Flight Plan HUD screen on MP, I see the picture of the quad not in the location it should be. It might be a few feet away from where it should be, and the orientation of the quad, that i
I am using Pixhawk on a quadcopter. I had gone over all the wiki's about how to set up RTL. Flying in stabilize mode the other day to test RTL, I toggled the switch to RTL, and the quad just started to descend as if all motors had sto